View Full Version : Help me I've lost everything

01-29-11, 06:03 PM
My 3 year old son recently got a hold of my farm. Not only did he sell things that I've bought with both gems and coins.. I have barely anything left. Any suggestions on how I might be able to get it all back..

01-30-11, 11:13 AM
Maybe not letting your 3 yr old play with yr phone would be the easiest option! Would u like everyone to have a whip round for u?

01-30-11, 11:20 AM
thats rude. OP my little boy, gawd bless him, dropped my pad down the toilet & i lost all my beutiful clip art to, so i feel yr pain.

01-30-11, 11:22 AM
If my kid messed with my farm he'd be on the streets! He's 7 now though so I reckon he would cope ok

01-30-11, 11:25 AM
I have a suggestion! Make him pay of course!! Send him up a few chimneys he'll soon be bringing the dosh in lololz

01-30-11, 04:55 PM
My 3 year old son recently got a hold of my farm. Not only did he sell things that I've bought with both gems and coins.. I have barely anything left. Any suggestions on how I might be able to get it all back..

Maybe email Team Lava & explain the situation?

01-30-11, 06:11 PM
I have a suggestion! Make him pay of course!! Send him up a few chimneys he'll soon be bringing the dosh in lololz

Nah, can't do that ... as of 200 years ago, chimney sweeps had to be at least 8 years old.

01-31-11, 01:19 AM
Sorry u lost everything, my kid also plays with me th fs, i lost a lot of gems, too (free gems downl)

He messes the farm, but what to do. He is happy, and that makes me haopy, god bless him too. Though now he understand that he shouldnt pluck the roses. He is just 3 too

01-31-11, 04:01 PM
My 9 month old grand daughter likes to put her little fat finger on my farm and move it all around.
She liked it when I had the proper farm with the animals etc, but now it's a plot of dirt she prefers to play Tesla Toy instead on my iPod.

As for getting your stuff back, I don't like your chances, even with emailing support :S
My advice is just kinda start again. Plant crops, accept dog bowl gifts and re-buy everything.

If it were possible to transfer gems/coins to others I'd so do it for people in this situation like you.

The last thing the world needs is another chimney sweep :P