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View Full Version : Display inventory levels in crop planting screen

10-10-14, 08:35 AM
It would be nice if the screen that popped up when you select which crop to plant provided your current inventory level as well. For example, in the box for wheat it could list (99) as your current stockpile level.

This would allow you to skip searching through your entire unsortable inventory to determine how much wheat you currently have.

10-10-14, 01:05 PM
Or just extend that to everywhere you craft/create/trade something, show the current level so you can make smarter choices.

10-10-14, 02:52 PM
This has been suggested about a billion times over the last two years, including renovating the inventory interface to make the tabs actually work. I do wish the developers would push this higher up on their priority list. I'd gladly go without an update for a few weeks if fixing this was the result.

10-14-14, 07:53 AM
Adding to the story is easy. Fixing code is hard. Maybe we aren't complaining enough. LOL

10-27-14, 07:16 PM
This has been suggested about a billion times over the last two years, including renovating the inventory interface to make the tabs actually work. I do wish the developers would push this higher up on their priority list. I'd gladly go without an update for a few weeks if fixing this was the result.

Hear hear!

11-04-14, 10:25 PM
I couldn't agree more with this suggestion! An alternative is to have a search bar in the inventory so that if we are trying to find how much we have of something we don't have to just aimlessly scroll through everything!

We need to get everyone talking about this thread so that the developers see how much this is wanted!!

11-09-14, 05:35 AM
Good idea

11-09-14, 10:56 AM
Or just extend that to everywhere you craft/create/trade something, show the current level so you can make smarter choices.
It already does give you how much inventory you have - for example, if you go to workshop (or any place where you are going to use items you make or collect) and want to make a fancy block it tells you in the first section your total stone blocks/number of blocks required. If you have enough inventory there is a green checkmark in the box. This format is the same in all your production areas no matter if you need flower petals to make a potion or dye or materials to make bread in the kitchen. Also players could always keep track of garden/plant inventory by making a spreadsheet or (heaven forbid) use pen and paper to write current levels of the crops they have and then just adjust if you use or add to your crops.

11-25-14, 02:12 AM
I think what jimboser meant was to display how much you have of the item you are trying to create. For example if you are trying to create a longsword, you can see that you have 5 iron ores and 1 jewel but you can't see how many longswords you already have. If not, thats definitely a solution to the original problem haha

11-25-14, 10:23 AM
I think what jimboser meant was to display how much you have of the item you are trying to create. For example if you are trying to create a longsword, you can see that you have 5 iron ores and 1 jewel but you can't see how many longswords you already have. If not, thats definitely a solution to the original problem haha

Exactly. Similarly, when I harvest some crops, and want to decide what to plant next, if my kitchens are currently cooking something, I have to go through many, many, MANY pages in my inventory to see how many I have of each crop and determine which I'm low enough/have enough need for on that I should plant. If the planting screen simply had the current inventory number next to each crop, it would be SO much easier and faster... and less of a drag to play.

I actually do have a google spreadsheet with inventory totals on it among other things. It's just that updating the spreadsheet requires that I be sitting at a computer with the game in hand and spend a while updating it to then assess my needs. It doesn't save me any time at all. And if I want to plant or make something that is not an ingredient in something else that is craftable in the same building, and I'm not in front of a computer, I have to switch between the spreadsheet and game on the same device and that REALLY doesn't save any time.

12-11-14, 06:57 PM
My sentiments exactly! Why don't the tabs actually work in the inventory screen? This is the forgotten child in the game. But even if they did work, having the totals in stock display on the crop planting screen would greatly enhance the game.

01-01-15, 02:50 PM
I think they should change our inventory to be like in Fairytale Wonderland. I don't like anything else about that game, but the inventory is all on display with one click. It's very helpful. And I don't know much about code, but maybe they can borrow from it to make it easier? (If not I apologize, like I said, I don't know much about code.) But it would be great. If not a search bar would be an awesome improvement!

02-11-15, 12:25 PM
I think vednir has it in it's simplest most effective way. just a number next to the item you wish to plant. this would make planting crops easier.