View Full Version : Restaurant Update 10/8/14

10-07-14, 04:56 AM
I was curious to know what kind of update are we getting tommorrow . Some pictures would be nice.
Goal Thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?73884-Restaurant-Halloween-Goals-10-9-14&p=978331&viewfull=1#post978331)


The cobwebs may be fake, but the food is to die for! Do you enjoy going all-out in creating your yearly haunted house? Then don’t miss out on your chance to redecorate for Halloween with the Haunted Oven in Restaurant Story (https://www.facebook.com/restaurantstory)!
Transform your Restaurant with these new items:

Cemetery Archway
Witch’s Cauldron
Spiderweb Table

10-07-14, 06:41 AM
Should be out late this afternoon or early evening

10-07-14, 02:55 PM
I was curious to know what kind of update are we getting tommorrow . Some pictures would be nice.
Someone almost always posts the pic from the tumblr blog. Look for this post this evening. I'm anxious to c also bcuz I'm fairly certain it'll b a Halloween based challenge.

10-07-14, 03:13 PM

We're getting halloween goals! For some reason I like the goal prize in RS better than in BS. xD

10-07-14, 03:28 PM
Love, love, love! ��

10-07-14, 03:35 PM
I love Halloween stuff I'm excited and it's good to see the goals in RS and BS running the same day.

10-07-14, 03:37 PM
<3 Love these!

10-07-14, 03:43 PM
Garbage, garbage, garbage.....yuck!!!!!! :mad: Time for me and other players to take a few weeks off from the games! Nasty holiday!

10-07-14, 03:46 PM
I'll be passing on goals this month.

10-07-14, 03:51 PM
How do you get to the tumbler blog?

kooky panda
10-07-14, 04:02 PM
How do you get to the tumbler blog?


10-07-14, 04:12 PM
Like the display, finally goals for BS & RS.

10-07-14, 04:18 PM
anyone wanna take a guess at parts lol...i say fuse, black kettle or magical wood :p

10-07-14, 04:38 PM
Way too cute!! Can't wait till tomorrow!!!

10-07-14, 04:58 PM
I like just about everything for the most part. The wallpaper is pretty much the Arabian Nights wallpaper from BS with the graves instead of the buildings, but I really liked that wallpaper, so that's fine. I'm not sure if I wish to invest too much cash into holiday things since I will only get to really use them once a year (practically), so I may just do the requirements to unlock everything just in case I change my mind about going all out with it.

My guess on the parts would also be Black Kettle, for the cauldron one. Since they kept the Magical items, I'd guess Magical Wood could be for the cauldron and the Magical Brick for the oven? Possibly the blue paint brush or purple knob? Not quite sure what color to classify those appliances as really. :confused:

10-07-14, 05:14 PM
Yaay! So ready for a Holloween Challenge! 😃😃😃

10-07-14, 05:16 PM
Purple knobs! Lol!

10-07-14, 05:17 PM
Purple knobs/Nozzles! Lol

10-07-14, 05:20 PM
I am still expecting for android players the announcement "new for android: Restaurant story outdoors".........and now this goal.....maybe we don't deserve the free gems????

10-07-14, 05:42 PM
Yippie. I'm so glad to c a good Halloween themed challenge. I can't wait to add more items to my already decked out restaurant. Thank u TL.

10-07-14, 06:03 PM
not hugely fond of the wallpaper (don't really want large crosses in my place), but otherwise i like it! especially the food, which looks really cute. and the vampire waiter.

10-07-14, 06:40 PM
I love it...i hope it's part of the new goal, i'd hate to have to wait for it to come to my android, or have to search the google store for the update to download

10-07-14, 06:41 PM
Yuck at the wallpaper. If we have to buy it for the goals, I plan to sell those immediately afterwards.

10-07-14, 08:12 PM
Love these and BS goals love the the new food and decor! It is after all almost Halloween!

10-07-14, 10:33 PM

OMG... a TREE! With falling red leaves! :D I wish it were standalone, but I'm really happy it's there! Although, the mailbox to the side confuses me a bit. :confused: I think the piece would go well next to the haunted house LTO, so it would look like it's the mailbox for that house... Hmm... does this mean TL is planning on re-releasing it for Halloween? :eek:

The house in question:

Love that some of the recipes look like they could transition into autumn, too - especially the little stuffed pumpkins! And do my eyes deceive me or is that new dishware? Can it be?? The end of the infamous classic blue plates??? :eek::eek::eek:

The only thing I don't like very much is the wallpaper (I would have preferred a plain starry night, with nothing in the foreground), but it's a small drop of discontent in an ocean of amazement. This new goal set looks fantastic! Thank you TL :)

I am still expecting for android players the announcement "new for android: Restaurant story outdoors".........and now this goal.....maybe we don't deserve the free gems????

I think we had to wait almost two weeks for the last one. We should hopefully still get the goals without needing to update, though.

not hugely fond of the wallpaper (don't really want large crosses in my place), but otherwise i like it! especially the food, which looks really cute. and the vampire waiter.

Me too about the wallpaper, for the same reasons. The vampire looks great! Now if only he had a fellow vampire in the restaurant and a bar from which to serve drinks to the customers. How convenient that the Vampire Bartender from the Spooky Chest happens to meet both criteria ;) The drink he's pouring even looks like the drink being served!


Seriously TL, please bring this back! Bonus points if it's opened at the time of reintroduction so players can choose what they want :) So many cute spooky things...

Yuck at the wallpaper. If we have to buy it for the goals, I plan to sell those immediately afterwards.

I think most goals allow players to buy different wallpapers. Might test this with these upcoming goals...

10-07-14, 10:36 PM
Wow, this is beyond bad. So dark and gloomy and depressing. I really don't like anything in here at all. Also what's with all the crosses on the walls? Don't they know there that not everyone believes in crosses and that this is highly offensive to all the other religions in the world that not only don't celebrate Halloween, but also get offended by crosses? If they took down Fashion Story's airport updates for being offensive (which wasn't half as bad as this), then this should never even hit the game. I am for one am very very disappointed with this update and I know I'm speaking for many other people who can't access the forums. Please take it down.

10-07-14, 10:45 PM
Garbage, garbage, garbage.....yuck!!!!!! :mad: Time for me and other players to take a few weeks off from the games! Nasty holiday!

I'll be passing on goals this month.

not hugely fond of the wallpaper (don't really want large crosses in my place)

Yuck at the wallpaper.

The only thing I don't like very much is the wallpaper (I would have preferred a plain starry night, with nothing in the foreground).

Me too about the wallpaper, for the same reasons.

The wallpaper needs to go. It's majorly offensive.

10-07-14, 11:58 PM
very nice update! those trick or treat kids are so cute!!
The majority of updates have nothing to do at all with any type of holiday.... if you don't like it, just don't do it, or buy anything from it. Like I did with most of last weeks stuff. We have to ALL respect everyones holiday's and likes and dislikes. It's not as if you are being forced to participate. Cemetaries are full of crosses.... I certainly do not find them offensive any more than I would anything anyone chose to put in there to honour their loved ones life. Long and short...if you don't like it, don't do it. No one is forcing anyone to do anything here.

10-08-14, 01:17 AM
Gotta agree

10-08-14, 02:29 AM
I absolutely love this update, it is exactly what most players have been asking for. It's a shame that the wallpaper has created some controversy, I have recently found out that Halloween is a tradition with Celtic origins which was forced into change by Christian missionaries (hence the Christian influence). On All Hallows' Eve (Halloween), Christians in some parts of the world visit graveyards to pray and place flowers and candles on the graves of their loved ones.

To my knowledge other religions don't recognise Halloween, so having crosses on the wallpaper seems a rather accurate representation of this day.

Restaurant Story is designed and created in the U.S. so it is reasonable to assume that themes in the game will be designed around U.S. recognised holidays, such as Valentines Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Some of which have religious origins. The games content has had updates this year including Chinese New Year, Italian themed items, French update, Ancient Egypt goals (with Pyramids and Sarcophagus having some religious origins).

This update is just the same, aiming for accuracy for the theme. I feel that team lava are on the right track at least by introducing skin colour by way of the Chef in the Pizza Toss - this is a step forward in my opinion.

Well done TeamLava! Great new update.

10-08-14, 03:56 AM
Any screen shots of the goals yet? I am still waiting for the update

10-08-14, 04:09 AM
It starts around 2:00 something eastern time zone

10-08-14, 06:00 AM
Great job tl
My daughter love Halloween. They love to dress up and trick or treat.
Already started decorating for Halloween

As to those who don't celebrate it. Just don't do the goals and don't buy the decor. It's easy you have a choice.

10-08-14, 09:02 AM
Love the Goal prize this year! I really wish the tree were a stand alone! It would be nice for fall scenery. Why Are RS goals so much prettier then BS goals, lately? I'm lovin' this whole set up! Hope ThanksGiving and Xmas are as nice. Last years Big Ugly Turkey? A total FAIL! And the Santa Sled...Iffy at best. :-/ Hope this year is more colorful and thoughtful.

10-08-14, 09:16 AM
Yes! I love the Halloween stuff!!!! Can't wait.

10-08-14, 09:49 AM
Please add recipes to the oven too and grill and stove please? It's been boring not having any

10-08-14, 10:19 AM
Yeah, halloween stuff at last. Hope i can buy previous halloween stuff as well. Played previous one with my son. Now i've got my own resto but i haven't got anything of that in my storage because i started late november 2013. And new recipes on the regular ovens would be great. Let's see what we get. Enjoy. :-)

10-08-14, 10:30 AM
Me too the kids in costume are cuter than s bunch of pumpkins in BS!

10-08-14, 10:47 AM
Are these available yet? I don't see them.

10-08-14, 11:09 AM
Are these available yet? I don't see them.

Yes, they are available. Maybe you need to force close and restart the game? If you do that and still cannot see the goals or items, report it in the bug forum.

10-08-14, 01:01 PM
Wow! What a fantastic update! This is exactly what so many people asked for. Agree with Pixiegamer that the letterbox seems a touch out of place without a house, but also as they said if the Haunted House was re-released it would be ideal!

The dishes are so beautiful, colourful and with purple plates, it's perfect! Thank you TeamLava!!

Please give us something to use as graves to go with the Cemetery Archway, here's to hoping for another Spooky update or two this month!

10-08-14, 01:16 PM
Not to worry...next week will be box week. So you can spend all your gems on the same item several times over.

10-08-14, 03:54 PM
Buying any wallpaper works for the goals! Thank you TL! (Buying any tile does not, but I don't mind the look of the tile so much).

10-08-14, 04:23 PM
Thanks TL. All really cute & creative!
Fun, fun. :-)

10-08-14, 04:33 PM
I love this challenge. However, 1 of my NBRS heared a rumor that the second appliance will take 8 black kettles and sturdy wood... Anyone else heard anything?

10-08-14, 04:39 PM
Love the Goal prize this year! I really wish the tree were a stand alone! It would be nice for fall scenery. Why Are RS goals so much prettier then BS goals, lately? I'm lovin' this whole set up! Hope ThanksGiving and Xmas are as nice. Last years Big Ugly Turkey? A total FAIL! And the Santa Sled...Iffy at best. :-/ Hope this year is more colorful and thoughtful.

aww, i thought that turkey was hilarious! i don't remember the santa sled off-hand, so i guess i couldn't have liked it that much.

Not to worry...next week will be box week. So you can spend all your gems on the same item several times over.

sad, but funny!

Buying any wallpaper works for the goals! Thank you TL! (Buying any tile does not, but I don't mind the look of the tile so much).

appreciate your letting us know :-)

10-08-14, 04:56 PM
I love this challenge. However, 1 of my NBRS heared a rumor that the second appliance will take 8 black kettles and sturdy wood... Anyone else heard anything?

Yeah, one of mine is saying 8 black Kettle, 6 Sturdy Wood, 4 Paint and 2 Paintbrush. Usually right about these so....I need some black kettles ASAP. :/

And by ASAP, I mean a couple of days, because I probably won't be done with the first recipes until then. ;)

10-09-14, 01:29 AM
I've been gifting myself black kettles for the last 2 weeks. (I have 3 restaurants.) Just wish I had more sturdy wood.

10-09-14, 06:52 AM
My haunted oven is missing, place it in storage overnight as the pumpkin peppers are only 2 hours cooking overtime. Now it's missing? !

kooky panda
10-09-14, 07:57 AM
My haunted oven is missing, place it in storage overnight as the pumpkin peppers are only 2 hours cooking overtime. Now it's missing? !
Try restarting your device, then look for it again.

10-09-14, 09:26 AM
My haunted oven is missing, place it in storage overnight as the pumpkin peppers are only 2 hours cooking overtime. Now it's missing? !

The new ovens are not at the end of the list. Should be next to Wood burning pizza oven & Action Ice Cream Maker.

10-09-14, 10:37 AM
Is the arch just a decoration or can the people walk under it?

kooky panda
10-09-14, 10:53 AM
Hey guys, I have moved the initial goal posts to their own thread


10-09-14, 11:06 AM
Nice, I love the final goal prize! It's so much nicer than the one in bs.

10-09-14, 03:57 PM
Is the arch just a decoration or can the people walk under it?

It's just a decoration. I've yet to c TL make any arches or archways capable of having ppl walk under them. It's just like benches or couches- for decor only which is too bad.

10-09-14, 07:06 PM
Thanks Team Lava! I love the appliances and recipes. The goal prizes look like great decorations for Halloween!:cool:

10-10-14, 08:25 AM
I like this update and the goals. Cute. Wish we had some black wallpaper.

10-11-14, 06:24 PM
I am at the goals where you make monster peppers and pay 10,000 coins for Hallowen candy. I paid for candy and was hoping I'd get something like a bowl of candy decor or candy to serve to the customers, but nothing. That 's a trick and not a treat if paying those coins gives you nothing but advancing to next goal. I am still making the peppers so maybe after
that there will be something. Does anyone know?

10-11-14, 06:54 PM
I am at the goals where you make monster peppers and pay 10,000 coins for Hallowen candy. I paid for candy and was hoping I'd get something like a bowl of candy decor or candy to serve to the customers, but nothing. That 's a trick and not a treat if paying those coins gives you nothing but advancing to next goal. I am still making the peppers so maybe after
that there will be something. Does anyone know?

After you finish the 3rd recipe on the 1st oven, it unlocks the second oven (witch's cauldron).

Check the Halloween goals sticky for more information on completing the goals.

10-12-14, 05:41 AM
I am at the goals where you make monster peppers and pay 10,000 coins for Halloween candy. I paid for candy and was hoping I'd get something like a bowl of candy decor or candy to serve to the customers, but nothing. That 's a trick and not a treat if paying those coins gives you nothing but advancing to next goal. I am still making the peppers so maybe after that there will be something. Does anyone know?

paying random cash that doesn't get you anything beyond moving to the next goal is not unheard of in the goal pattern. it seems like a lot when you're a new player and coin-poor, but after you've played for a while, 10,000 coins becomes pocket change.

10-12-14, 01:26 PM
Garbage, garbage, garbage.....yuck!!!!!! :mad: Time for me and other players to take a few weeks off from the games! Nasty holiday!

how is it nasty halloween and christmas are one of the most popular holidays in the year

10-12-14, 04:58 PM
how is it nasty halloween and christmas are one of the most popular holidays in the year

Ull always find naysayers when it comes to certain challenges that R holiday themed. That's ok bcuz ull never find anyone to agree w post.

10-13-14, 07:14 AM
Thanks for replies. I'm not so coin poor that 10000 for nothing but moving on is a big deal (though I overspent on Halloween things), but it would be more fun if you got a table with candy or a spider wall decoration or something, just a suggestion.

10-13-14, 11:28 AM
Stormie has a bewitched oven. Does anyone know where I can buy that. Or is it from an older version of the game ?

10-13-14, 06:25 PM
Yep..it's from last Halloween

10-13-14, 10:57 PM
how is it nasty halloween and christmas are one of the most popular holidays in the year

that's actually two holidays.

10-14-14, 06:33 AM
Is it bad that I moved my completed witch's cauldrons away from the uncompleted ones so as not to catch the cardboard boxes on fire?

10-14-14, 07:14 AM
Is it bad that I moved my completed witch's cauldrons away from the uncompleted ones so as not to catch the cardboard boxes on fire?

dwl... makes perfect sense.

10-14-14, 04:50 PM
Is it bad that I moved my completed witch's cauldrons away from the uncompleted ones so as not to catch the cardboard boxes on fire?

nope. hilarious though.

10-14-14, 05:34 PM
Safety first, right? Though in retrospect, I should have raked the leaves away from the cauldron before I lit the fire.


10-14-14, 07:12 PM
I am really enjoying this update. Everything looks really nice. I just noticed that the new Holiday food is placed on Halloween themed plates for the customers! Really cute!! Great job to the TL designers!