View Full Version : Still get Fall items in Stormy's shop

10-05-14, 05:46 AM
Afther almost the fall event is finished, I still get tire, robe etc to collect in Stormy's shop.

Please stop with this TL

When the event was still going on, I did not receive these in Stoorm Shop. But now, after this event is finished, this is the 3th day I find this items in Storm's shop..

There also still many of these items in the newspaper too...

Please TL, stop with put these in the Storm Shop...


kooky panda
10-05-14, 07:35 AM
I will report this over.

10-05-14, 07:39 AM
Afther almost the fall event is finished, I still get tire, robe etc to collect in Stormy's shop.

Please stop with this TL

When the event was still going on, I did not receive these in Stoorm Shop. But now, after this event is finished, this is the 3th day I find this items in Storm's shop..

There also still many of these items in the newspaper too...

Please TL, stop with put these in the Storm Shop...


At least six slots in the newspaper stand was filled with old items. I couldn't be bothered with buying it and then visiting everyone to tell them to discard the foolishness. I can't imagine how players don't realized they can do this. I've told no less than ten neighbors about this option. I sold about 40 of each item and immediately got rid of it. Stormie doing it too is driving me nuts!

10-05-14, 08:36 AM
Stormie was selling me rope today as well.

The newspaper has been full of these items for a week now .

10-05-14, 10:36 AM
I can understand neigbors have these items because the had not enough of these for level up on the tree and now they want them out of there barn...
But, who will sell this now??? No one need this anymore.

People who still have these items and put them in there shop..they better discard it from there. Them it will delete these items..

10-06-14, 06:19 PM
Thanks for the reports! Stormie should not be selling anymore of these items in his shop. You will need to wait for one refresh for the items to be gone for good. :)