View Full Version : Difference of 'keep the food' and 'clear this counter'

10-02-14, 09:50 PM
Hi! I was just wondering if anyone can explain to me the difference of 'keep the food' and 'clear this counter'? I hope someone can explain this to me straight. Thanks!

10-02-14, 09:59 PM
"Keep the food" means leave it on the counter, and "clear this counter" means discard the food.

04-27-15, 08:38 AM
Be sure before you choose "clear this counter" because there is no way to get the food back and it does NOT get moved to another counter that has the same dish.

04-27-15, 10:31 AM
keep the food = food will be sold = u get back yr investments plus get yr profit.

clear the counter = food goes to nowhere = u don't get back yr investments (and no profit of course)

04-27-15, 11:13 AM
also, "keep this food" is the same as just hitting the close button on that popup, so you can do either to get yourself out of that window. (unless you did actually want to throw away your food)