View Full Version : Team Lava burrying all android IOS parity discussions

10-01-14, 09:08 PM
It seems that Team Lava/Storm 8 has decided to immediately terminate all discussion about problems and parity issues related to Android.

My first post on the issue, was closed and I was referred to this post:

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your continued feedback. We are happy to have such passionate players enjoying our games. We have received a lot of feedback regarding our efforts towards multi-platform development and we look forward to continue bringing our games to the Android platform.

Unfortunately, due to continued behavior issues, we are closing the thread on this topic and will not be permitting any additional or similar threads. We will be sure to share any news about updates to the Android version of Dragon Story when we have them to share. Be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter, blogs and forums for the latest news and updates!

If you have a question regarding this action, please create a new post in Forum Disputes, where a Community Manager will happily assist you.

Thank you.

In other words "We don't want this type of discussion in a open forum because be don't want to do anything about it".

"...we are closing the thread on this topic and will not be permitting any additional or similar threads...".

This sounds like censorship to me. Team Lava/Storm 8 doesn't like the discussion so they are banning the topic.

Rather than address the issues, it appears that Team Lava/Storm 8 believe that if they ignore the problem long enough it will go away.

How about it Team Lava/Storm 8. How about an official statement and time line for bug fixes and IOS feature parity? Is that too much to ask for? Some of us have been playing for more than a year and are dedicated users who spend money and are becoming more and more frustrated with the game and the company.

kooky panda
10-02-14, 07:35 AM
Please do not start up new threads on the same topic after a thread has been closed.

As stated on your closed thread, please start a forum dispute thread for more information.
