View Full Version : Help I need tips/pointers my gems are dwindling fast.....on accident

09-28-14, 06:53 PM
I tried to rearrange my bakery to decrease spending gems on accident due to collecting tips from tables too close to my counters. Now I am having a problem when I try to serve my items that I get the "clear counter" or "finish this dish now for.....gems" and somehow this keeps happening:eek: Aside from just slowing down when I serve things what have others found to be helpful to avoid the unintended gem spending curse? TIA for any and all suggestions.

09-28-14, 08:08 PM
The only thing I can say and uve already said it is SLOW DOWN,!!! There's noyhing to gain by going fast, UR not in a race and gems r a precious commodity. I've lost tons of gems by going too fast and I had to slow down also. It's hard to do but do it.

09-29-14, 03:32 AM
also, try to keep the area you'll be tapping in on the lower half of your screen--when the pop-up for finishing a dish early/canceling it and starting a new dish comes, the gem option is on top, so if you're only tapping on the bottom of your screen, you're more likely to hit cancel and start a new dish, which you can then just back out of. but, yeah, slowing down is your best bet. we've all been there!

09-29-14, 10:59 AM
Thank you both good advice and the idea about tapping towards the bottom is a good one!