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09-19-14, 11:59 PM
Are we due goals with the next update or is it the week after? I'm pretty sure it's been a month since the Italian goals but not 100% sure

09-20-14, 01:57 AM
Goals are usually released on the first Wednesday of the month here on RS (2nd Wednesday for BS). We'll probably have a regular update next week. Not sure if the goals will come on October 1 or October 8 though. :)

09-22-14, 05:04 PM
Restaurant Story October Goals are scheduled for the 8th. :)

09-23-14, 04:37 AM
Restaurant Story October Goals are scheduled for the 8th. :) how come they will be a week later?

09-23-14, 07:36 AM
Probably since October has 5 Wednesdays and it gives TL 1 more week to prepare a goal for release.

09-23-14, 08:49 AM
how come they will be a week later?

Goals are usually released in the first full week of the month, I believe. The 8th falls within the first full week of October.

09-23-14, 11:22 AM
Oh that's kinda good because I can master the 2 day recipes in time for Halloween goals (which I'm hoping the goals will be)

09-24-14, 06:10 PM
Does anyone know how you can place as many stoves as you want in your restaurant. I have spent 49 gems to unlock, and it only let me buy 1 stove. I know my neighbor who has 50 stoves at once in their restaurant. Please help someone.

09-24-14, 06:18 PM
Each new stove costs 49 gems. You can get as many as you like but they each cost 49 gems.

09-24-14, 06:26 PM
Thank you. That's crazy. :-) my neighbor said they didn't spend 49 gems for each. But I know it hasn't let me, unless I spend 49 gems per stove. Thanks again Lorraine

09-24-14, 06:42 PM
I read somewhere, back then it wasn't 49 gems for each stove, it was like 22 or something? And then they decided to increase their appliance price...

09-24-14, 06:43 PM
I have a question tho, if I unlocked a stove before level 73 (the last stove slot), will in the end I have 19 stoves ? Or it will just stay 18, unless if I unlocked it after level 73?

09-24-14, 07:19 PM
You will still get the next stove unlocked. And still have your extra. It doesn't count toward your allotted stoves.

09-29-14, 04:52 PM
I bought salad bar but the kit box did not appear how do I continue to build it?

09-29-14, 04:55 PM
How do in know the parts I still need to complete building the salad bar?

09-29-14, 06:22 PM
Restaurant Story October Goals are scheduled for the 8th. :)

So this means no new recipes for the third week in a row??? I'm all maxed on mine I need new recipes! I remember they had at least one new recipe per week in between goals...seems they have stopped doing that! Not happy about this!!!