View Full Version : Mining tools drop rate has been lowered

09-17-14, 02:21 AM
A copy of a post which I put posted in the event thread about the significance of deliveries dropping mining tools.

Hey everyone, you should now be receiving more parts and tools from order deliveries! Please email support@teamlava.com if you have any questions.

Drops have been turned back on but mining tools (axes/shovels) used to be a fairly frequent drop. My records show on average they had a 25% drop rate. Since you posted this I have done 64 deliveries and have received 4 tools. That's less than a 7% drop rate.

Now this may be a continuation of the same bug or you have actually changed drop rates from the norm.

The previous frequent drop rate of 25% was about right because so much in the game depends on mining tools. They are needed to supply the two studios, jewelry maker, toy maker and the forge. Items made in the studios, toy maker and the jewelry maker are frequent requirements for plane and train orders and so are the raw materials of iron, silver, gold and rubies. Without the tools we are used to the game is not going to run as it has been doing and may even grind to a halt for some.

09-17-14, 02:26 AM
Further to the 4 tools that I received in 64 deliveries, I had to make another 42 deliveries to get another one. A total of 5 tools in 106 deliveries. That's a drop rate of 5% compared to what it used to be at about 25%.

It's gone from a frequent drop of 1 in 4 deliveries down to a rare drop of 1 in 20 deliveries.

I've used those 5 tools in the mine and got 5 iron and 1 gold. That's all I have got from making 106 deliveries and not one piece of silver. The mine itself seems to have less yellow spots so I am getting less for my tools.

If people are not getting mining tools they are not making things to be sold in the shops. The plane/train orders still require these items and the raw mine materials. This means that people will just have to discard their orders and wait for new ones. While they are waiting, they are not buying in the shops so the whole game just slows down.

This is significant change to the game.

09-17-14, 09:20 AM
I would say the drop rate of getting anything has been lowered way too low for me.
Yesterday I only got a few things but this morning I haven't received anything but coins!!

Is this the new norm?
If it is, I will be done with the game and I love this game!!!!
But it is pointless to play if I can't progress in it.

I'm on an android & I just updated to the latest version.

Can we please get a response on this?

09-17-14, 07:53 PM
Okay, things are much better now.
I am getting tools & expansion papers.

Whatever was wrong, is hopefully now fixed.

09-17-14, 09:47 PM
I finally got a tool. So far 3 (including expansion) in 10 or so trips

09-18-14, 01:01 AM
72 deliveries and not one mining tool.

09-18-14, 01:30 AM
Okay, things are much better now.
I am getting tools & expansion papers.

Whatever was wrong, is hopefully now fixed.

The bug did get fixed but the the point I am making here is that the drop rate on mining tools has been lowered by TL. I got some tools yesterday, even 2 axes within 3 deliveries but since then I have gone 58 deliveries and no tools.

09-18-14, 03:45 AM
hi all!
its not only the mining tools, do u get paint???? do u get wood plank????
im sending a lot of deliveries, especially to get the parts that we need to upgrade the fall tree now or other things the past months and there is no paint or wood plank at all!!! and thats is going on for MONTHS now...
so its very hard to upgrade the barn and the silo.
Also we have a lot of maps and expansion permits that we keep, waiting some more expansions week by week but still nothing!

09-18-14, 04:27 AM
hi all!
its not only the mining tools, do u get paint???? do u get wood plank????
im sending a lot of deliveries, especially to get the parts that we need to upgrade the fall tree now or other things the past months and there is no paint or wood plank at all!!! and thats is going on for MONTHS now...
so its very hard to upgrade the barn and the silo.
Also we have a lot of maps and expansion permits that we keep, waiting some more expansions week by week but still nothing!

Paint, planks, screws, nails, hammers and bricks always were rare drops from plane deliveries so I don't think they have changed.

Mining tools and saws were always frequent drops from plane deliveries because they are an integral part of the supply chain in the game (unlike those items listed above). You need them to produce raw materials for plane/train deliveries and to craft items in the buildings to also supply plane/train deliveries. Without them orders have to be discarded which means that people stop buying in the shops while they wait for new orders, so it affects the whole game.

For some reason TL have stopped mining tools being frequent drops of 1 in 4 deliveries and they have now become rare drops. I'm 58 deliveries without one at the moment.

(edit : on the 60th delivery I got a shovel)

Saws remain frequent drops as they have always been.

So...TL, why the change with mining tools drop rate?

09-18-14, 02:08 PM
I wish they would respond to this. I have also noticed a significant drop in mining tools. On previous events requiring multiple plane deliveries I have ended up selling a few tools. This time I find myself scouring the newspaper for tools, although there are very few for sale because no one is getting them!

09-22-14, 01:50 AM
I haven't had a spade or pick axe drop for days, yet my train deliveries always seem to ask for an ore item and a jewellery item. No way to fill them, its getting frustrating and boring quite frankly!

09-29-14, 05:03 PM
I have not gotten any tools/expansion papers from deliveries for today.
nothing at all. so I won't be playing until I hear something official.

I am on android & my game is up to date.

09-30-14, 05:09 AM
TL may not be answering this, but I think Stormie has realised there is a problem!! All but one of his slots were filled with mining tools last night!!!!

09-30-14, 08:20 AM
I don't think we will be getting an official response on this and the fact that we have not, tells that they have lowered the drop rate. Which I knew anyway because I kept detailed logs of what was dropped on a very large number of plane deliveries over the last three events.

09-30-14, 08:22 AM
I haven't had a spade or pick axe drop for days, yet my train deliveries always seem to ask for an ore item and a jewellery item. No way to fill them, its getting frustrating and boring quite frankly!

And this is the problem with lowering the drop rate on the mining tools, in that it affects the whole supply chain. Of course deliveries will still ask for these items but if you have to discard them because you cannot fulfill them, then you stop making deliveries and buying in the newspaper. That affects everyone's game. I think it is a very short sighted move on their part.

10-29-14, 03:26 AM
This has gone from bad to worse. I have done about 40 to 50 deliveries in the last few days and have not got one single mining tool (axe/shovel).

Why ?

Some response now on this from TL would be appreciated.

10-30-14, 10:10 PM
I'd like to add that I, too, went through many deliveries yesterday without getting a single mining tool. I thought it was merely my poor luck, but I see I'm not alone. :/ I do believe my pets dropped a couple shovels, but absolutely zip from deliveries. Considering the candy cane is only obtainable in the mine, and that the candy collection can't be completed without it - not to mention the regular requests from the deliveries themselves, for goods made with ores/jewels or for the ores and jewels themselves... well, you might see why I'm a smidgen on the concerned side.

Here's hoping it's a glitch (and not just supremely foul luck!), and that the good gremlins at TeamLava will fix this Hallowe'en trick to treat us right. :D

10-31-14, 12:14 PM
I'm also not getting mining tools, but also Ash / tree cutting tools. I'm playing on Android.

11-05-14, 12:19 PM
This single issue may be the reason I won't be able to play any more......

11-05-14, 12:53 PM
This single issue may be the reason I won't be able to play any more......

Some communication from them on this issue would be nice. It is such a big drop in the drop rate; a significant change in the game. But why :confused:

11-14-14, 03:07 AM
PLEASE increase the drop rate for mining tools. It is a fundamental part of the game and I am seriously struggling with train orders simply because I am not able to mine for silver or iron!!!! If it weren't for my pets I don't think I would ever have mining tools, so I really feel for those players who don't have any. It is getting tiresome trawling the newspaper and neighbours for silver/iron related items, especially as there are so few about because NOBODY can mine!!!!!!

Does no one from TL read this thread? Is it invisible to those that can do something about it?

11-14-14, 08:20 AM
Can a mod unsticky this thread - http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?73056-Parts-from-deliveries

There is obviously still a problem with deliveries, but having the above stickied and showing as fixed is probably not helping in getting this sorted out.

11-14-14, 09:40 AM
Pets do give some tools occassionally and there is an incentive there to buy pets with gems or use gems in events to get pets to get tools (you can see why they have done this) BUT, and it is a very big BUT, this is a fundamental change to the game which affects the whole supply chain.

The game is a supply chain. Change one link in the chain and you affect it all.

People collect/harvest resources.

People use them to make items for deliveries.

People sell them in their shop. The buyer and seller makes progress in the game.

Then they collect resources again to replace what they have sold and the cycle continues.

What has happened now is that there is no incentive to make deliveries. You lose coins on what you send, expansions parts are very rare drops and the one thing which did make the deliveries viable, the drops in mining tools, has significantly been lowered. So what is the point in making deliveries?

People don't make deliveries.

People don't need to buy from shops.

People can't sell what they have made.

When they can't empty the barn, they can't collect more resources to make more.

Everything grinds to a halt and this is what has happened to my farm lately. I was selling most things well below the market rate and where as I have always been able to sell even when things were slow, I stopped being able to sell. So I switched my strategy and stopped making things in resource buildings and just sold basic ingredients. These have been selling ok and that suggests to me that buyers aren't buying to make deliveries. They are buying to make items themselves to sell.

We have an event starting later and it is likely to have a drop that we need from deliveries, so sales in the shops will pick up again. But what about during non event times. What is the point of making deliveries. And with no point, what does that have on the supply chain of the game.

01-04-15, 02:17 AM
The drop rate for tools mentioned in this thread is truly abysmal and causes the game to be more frustrating than fun. It's a shame because it's a great and addictive game but the lack of tools (& wood planks I might add) really grinds things to a halt...if this continues I am going to uninstall...smhs

01-05-15, 03:12 PM
Pets do give some tools occassionally and there is an incentive there to buy pets with gems or use gems in events to get pets to get tools (you can see why they have done this) BUT, and it is a very big BUT, this is a fundamental change to the game which affects the whole supply chain.

The game is a supply chain. Change one link in the chain and you affect it all.

People collect/harvest resources.

People use them to make items for deliveries.

People sell them in their shop. The buyer and seller makes progress in the game.

Then they collect resources again to replace what they have sold and the cycle continues.

What has happened now is that there is no incentive to make deliveries. You lose coins on what you send, expansions parts are very rare drops and the one thing which did make the deliveries viable, the drops in mining tools, has significantly been lowered. So what is the point in making deliveries?

People don't make deliveries.

People don't need to buy from shops.

People can't sell what they have made.

When they can't empty the barn, they can't collect more resources to make more.

Everything grinds to a halt and this is what has happened to my farm lately. I was selling most things well below the market rate and where as I have always been able to sell even when things were slow, I stopped being able to sell. So I switched my strategy and stopped making things in resource buildings and just sold basic ingredients. These have been selling ok and that suggests to me that buyers aren't buying to make deliveries. They are buying to make items themselves to sell.

We have an event starting later and it is likely to have a drop that we need from deliveries, so sales in the shops will pick up again. But what about during non event times. What is the point of making deliveries. And with no point, what does that have on the supply chain of the game.

Great post, and you nailed it ! In my game, everything is logjammed, and the game is becoming much less enjoyable. Pity, as it has the potential to be a great game.

My suggestions :

1. Increase all amounts on deliveries. Make it worthwhile to fill the order.

2. Increase tools with deliveries - again, adds incentives to fill the order.

3. Increase ways to obtain paint. Lately, they are very rare, and makes expansion very difficult.

4. For Android users, add the same features that ios users have. I'm using the Android version.

I hope the powers that be, make the necessary adjustments. Thank you !