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09-15-14, 05:01 PM
What level do you have to evolve a dragon to to get a large gem in the trading portal? Specifically, what level does a Night dragon have to be to be traded for a large black gem? Thanks!

09-15-14, 06:54 PM
To trade your dragons you need to have him/her at least at lvl 4.

Some dragons cannot be trade, those are: Fire, Forest, Water, Light, Tropic, Dino, Leo, Royal, Lotus, Rainbow, Ninja, Metal, Olympus, Gemstone Dragons, Gold Dragons and the dragons from the Article Isle.

Common dragons give one random small gem.
For example:
- 1 type dragon - Magic dragon is purple, when we trade, he gives one small amethyst.
- 2 type dragon - Life dragon is red and green, when we trade he can gives or a small ruby a small emerald it's random, that's why when we choose trade, the box info shows an question mark (?);

Rare dragons gives: 2 small gems if the dragon is a two type dragon and a mystery box OR 3 small gems if the dragon is a three type dragon.
For example:
- 2 type dragon - Mindvolt dragon is yellow and blue, when we trade he gives two small gems, one topaz and one sapphire along with a mystery box;
- 3 type dragon - Aurora dragon is green, purple and blue, she gives 3 small gems, one emerald, one amethyst and one sapphire.

Super rare dragons gives: 2 large gems if the dragon is a two type dragon and a mystery box OR 1 small gem and 2 large gems if the dragon is a three type dragon.
For example:
- 2 large gems - Scorpion dragon, he is yellow and red, he gives one large topaz and one large ruby along with a mystery box;
- 1 small gem and 2 large gems - Venetian dragon, she is purple, yellow and blue, she gives one topaz small gem, one amethyst large gem and one sapphire large gem.

Ultra rare dragons gives 2 nether dust and 1 mystery box.

The mystery box can give nether dust, spell scroll, lotus blossom and small random gem.

So if you want a large black (onyx) gem you need to trade dragons that give you large black (onyx) gems, those are (one gem only):
Champion type: Dynasty, Immortal, Black Night, Amazon and Razorback;
Black type: Night Elf and Raven;
Zodiac type: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces;
Fairytale type: Big Bad;
Black type hybrids: Amber, Black Swan, Darksteel, Goblin, Hades and Troll. About Cerberus I don't know 'cause he is a 3 type dragon.