View Full Version : My foods are gone

01-27-11, 11:17 PM
My foods on serve table are gone after i lost my internet connection

01-30-11, 11:15 PM
This has happened to me several times. Serve the food, the program says there's an internet connection problem, and when you dismiss the error message, all of the served food is gone. F that!

02-02-11, 10:19 AM
This happens to me all the time! Whenever I try to accept gifts or use them it looses connection and then all my food is gone! I dealt with it before but this time I had all my counters full of thousands of servings of food and they all just disappeared!! Thats so messed up! I'm emailing the support about this!

02-02-11, 11:05 AM
I have had many disappearing food problems! More than once I have had thousands of plates on my counters, and then the game glitches and all my food is gone! I managed to deal with it the first time, but I find it's becoming an issue. I would like to know why this is happening, and if it can possibly be fixed. My storm8 is: bball5 . If you can not reach me on bakery story, please email me at kenzmtn@verizon.net .