View Full Version : Farm Story 2- New Poll/ Holiday Suggestion Thread

kooky panda
09-09-14, 12:00 PM
Please vote for the items you would like to see added to the game.
You can only vote once, but you can pick more than one item.

Since it takes a few months for new designs to hit the games, please start suggestions what type of Holiday items, pets, animals, crops, etc you would like to see added to the game.

09-09-14, 12:16 PM
Gingerbread Village theme would be cool.

09-09-14, 12:29 PM
Some dogs with some longer legs would be nice.....ones that are more graceful than the corgis. :DA daschhund seems very much like a corgi to me.

09-09-14, 12:41 PM
we should keep the coconut trees. Gooses would be nice. to make pillows with the fedders. more expansions. Nobody has enough place to put all the new stuff.

09-09-14, 01:45 PM
Assuming that there will be a holiday event similar to the Luau event, perhaps the following are options: Holly and Dwarf Pines (to be sheared) to create things like Xmas wreaths, a recipe for special candles for a menorah or to be combined in a special Xmas display, and some other suitable holiday items, like Fruit Cake? BUT...if so, please be more generous with the requisite equipment (e.g., shears).

Perhaps a new rabbit, available for purchase with coins rather than gems? Maybe a snowshoe hare? Perhaps a St. Bernard?

As I've suggested before, geese for their feathers, to make pillows or a new kind of comforter or blanket.

For the Holiday season, perhaps some flying reindeer could randomly appear on our farms to graze, and we'd have to tap them before they fly away again. Maybe for another limited time collection?

Or, since we have llamas, perhaps we could also have reindeer as livestock. Perhaps we could collect their antlers every 8-12 hours.

Goats? For special milk and/or cheese.

Pumpkins? Though I think these may be coming up with the Fall Harvest World Event.

If I can think of anything else, I'll post again.

09-09-14, 03:54 PM
Assuming that there will be a holiday event similar to the Luau event, perhaps the following are options: Holly and Dwarf Pines (to be sheared) to create things like Xmas wreaths, a recipe for special candles for a menorah or to be combined in a special Xmas display, and some other suitable holiday items, like Fruit Cake? BUT...if so, please be more generous with the requisite equipment (e.g., shears).

Perhaps a new rabbit, available for purchase with coins rather than gems? Maybe a snowshoe hare? Perhaps a St. Bernard?

As I've suggested before, geese for their feathers, to make pillows or a new kind of comforter or blanket.

For the Holiday season, perhaps some flying reindeer could randomly appear on our farms to graze, and we'd have to tap them before they fly away again. Maybe for another limited time collection?

Or, since we have llamas, perhaps we could also have reindeer as livestock. Perhaps we could collect their antlers every 8-12 hours.

Goats? For special milk and/or cheese.

Pumpkins? Though I think these may be coming up with the Fall Harvest World Event.

If I can think of anything else, I'll post again.

Love the Christmas , menorah, flying reindeer, trees for making wreaths and things....lots of great ideas you have , love them all. Snowy things would be great, such as snow paths, snowy trees that make snowflakes to make something out of. Thanks PookieBear.

09-09-14, 04:45 PM
No surprises that a third page on the newspaper was most the most voter for item! Lol!

As for christmas I love the ideas that pookiebear suggested! I would also like to see the Xmas cat and dog that we had last year! I never got them was to low level then!

09-09-14, 04:47 PM
Love the Christmas , menorah, flying reindeer, trees for making wreaths and things....lots of great ideas you have , love them all. Snowy things would be great, such as snow paths, snowy trees that make snowflakes to make something out of. Thanks PookieBear.

In that case, since you brought up snowy things, perhaps one of the Holiday events (or perhaps one that runs concurrently among other Holiday things) could include building a snowman or decorating an Xmas tree, perhaps something along the lines of the Birthday Cake event. Perhaps an Xmas display that gradually grows as we acquire more of the items needed to expand and build it?

However, since the Holiday season isn't fun in the snow for everyone, perhaps two types of paths could be offered (or earned), snowy and a decorative path (like a tile with a snowflake or holly sprig or Xmas tree imprinted on it).

09-09-14, 05:00 PM
Well since the previous suggestion thread was closed right after I posted in it, here I go again! Also I created a new thread about trading and I would like to hear from people so if you go int the FS2 forum page and you see it please comment! I suggest that we are able to gift specific instead of random items. I always wish we could gift an unlimited amount of neighbors like we can in BS and RS but oh well. Also I really want to stress this. Can we please have a permanent trading thread on this forum?!!! Pleeeeeeease. It would make all of our lives so much easier if we could trade for what we need. It;s too hard finding people through the game only that want to trade for things. I had a lot of success sort of doing trading through here during the birthday event and that worked wonders. It makes people who want to trade easier to find and then we can finally clear our barns since we all have too many of a few items and not enough of all the others that allow us to upgrade or expand and clear space. Thats all!! Thanks!

09-09-14, 05:02 PM
Also I hope that all of the holiday items from last year come back. And snow would be nice again. Hot cocoa or peppermint drink, peppermint crop, etc. Oh and reindeer, like actual ones not dogs or cats with antlers!

09-09-14, 06:32 PM
I would like to decorate my farm with lights! that would be very cool. love the game i am a new player.

09-09-14, 07:34 PM
More expansions, please.

09-10-14, 03:08 AM
Pets are so expensive(both money and gems) To buy them! And the buy - for - coin pets not so great:(

09-10-14, 03:09 AM
Can we have more land? Or some new buildings ?

09-10-14, 08:08 AM
I suggest the time required to finish items like truffle polenta and leather hats to be shortened. Having some goals to earn gems would also be great :) gems are so hard to earn,,, I really need some for a truffle hog

09-10-14, 09:41 AM
There really isn't any item in the poll that appeals to me I'm sorry.
The only things I'm hoping for is more land expansions and more levels please.
I'm landlocked and have been for a long time.
Also I have been on level 60 for a long time and I'm finding the game very boring as there are no goals left to strive for.

09-10-14, 10:25 AM
More land expansions and more levels beyond 60. It's very boring now with no goals to strive for. New crops are good but need more planting plots and land for that. The events are fun but they are only now and then. The parts and gems drop rates for pets have dropped heaps, so no point getting more pets unless for decorative purposes.

09-10-14, 12:45 PM
Yes please, more plots.

We get a cafe which needs 8 tea every 3 hours to craft. As tea takes 3.5 hours to grow you need 10 plots permanently growing tea just to supply the cafe.

I am level 50 and have 57 plots, so I need to use 18% of my plots just for the new building ! It's just not working. If I grow tea, all the other buildings suffer lack of crops and it is rarely in the market to buy and if you do, there is only a 21 coin profit on making a cup of tea..........so please if you add new crops/buildings, give us the plots to be able to supply them.

Thank you.

09-11-14, 11:51 PM
Considering FS2 was launched in Australia first, I don't understand why all themes are based around Northern Hemisphere holidays (ie US), etc. It'd be great to see a theme based on another part of the world. It wouldn't even have to be Australia (although I'd love that!). Santa flying with kangaroos, prawns that could be caught in the pond, pelicans, etc.

More expansions are a definite. Pet home storage. More levels (at lvl 50 I'm still striving for the things to come, but with lvl 60 looming I hope there will be more to come).

09-12-14, 02:51 PM
I do not know what dates are in mind for any holiday events, but if the timing is appropriate, perhaps one prize could be a clock of some sort that marks the hours up until midnight, possibly for January 1st--maybe based upon the times on our devices--or Xmas instead. If January 1st, fireworks could go off. If Xmas, perhaps it could be brightly lit up with Xmas lights.

Perhaps, just for the Holiday events, the background sky could be changed from day to night? To let any decorations show up more brightly?

This may be problematic, but perhaps the Fishing Pond could be frozen over, and something else be done to celebrate the holiday? Or, if the pond remains thawed, perhaps THAT would be an occasion for flocks of geese or ducks to land as they fly south for the winter. Then, if we tap on them to chase them away, they leave behind feathers...or if we leave them alone, they leave behind small things like expansion parts or coins or gems? To decide which one we do, there could be a goal, like collecting enough feathers to craft a pillow or something.

09-14-14, 03:40 AM
Maybe I am the only one, but I hate the side shop layout. At least 6 over 6 items would be better than the 8 over 4. Ideally I would like to see all 12 items at once but do realise this may not work on smaller screens (I am on an ipad).

09-15-14, 12:52 AM
Frequent pop-up notification:mad:

09-20-14, 04:55 PM
1. A Black Lab, preferably without it's tongue sticking out to one side all the time. :P
2. Blue merle Australian Shepherd dog.
3. Puppies!
4. Goats
5. Rooster
6. Turkeys
7. Geese
8. Bring back the gnomes. I'm a newer player and never got a chance to buy/win one. New styles of garden gnomes would be nice too.
9. I like everybody's ideas for Christmas that were already given... snow covered trees, reindeer, lights, peppermint crop, hot cocoa. A gingerbread house skin for the blue farm house would be great, but don't make it cost 100 gems or only winnable with obsessive gaming. Also, there was a cute fence with lights on it that I missed out on last year.

09-28-14, 09:43 AM
I do not know what dates are in mind for any holiday events, but if the timing is appropriate, perhaps one prize could be a clock of some sort that marks the hours up until midnight, possibly for January 1st--maybe based upon the times on our devices--or Xmas instead. If January 1st, fireworks could go off. If Xmas, perhaps it could be brightly lit up with Xmas lights.

Perhaps, just for the Holiday events, the background sky could be changed from day to night? To let any decorations show up more brightly?

This may be problematic, but perhaps the Fishing Pond could be frozen over, and something else be done to celebrate the holiday? Or, if the pond remains thawed, perhaps THAT would be an occasion for flocks of geese or ducks to land as they fly south for the winter. Then, if we tap on them to chase them away, they leave behind feathers...or if we leave them alone, they leave behind small things like expansion parts or coins or gems? To decide which one we do, there could be a goal, like collecting enough feathers to craft a pillow or something.

Great suggestions.

09-29-14, 06:18 AM
please please please can we have a second beehive, or the ability to upgrade the existing one to drastically reduce the collection time and significantly increase the amount of honey dropped? Four out of the five items in the jelly maker require honey in varying amounts, yet I can only get 1 honey every 3 hours from my beehive, and it doesn't appear in the newspaper very often either.

09-29-14, 02:39 PM
please please please can we have a second beehive, or the ability to upgrade the existing one to drastically reduce the collection time and significantly increase the amount of honey dropped? Four out of the five items in the jelly maker require honey in varying amounts, yet I can only get 1 honey every 3 hours from my beehive, and it doesn't appear in the newspaper very often either.

To piggyback on that suggestion, can we also then get another or upgrade our current herb garden? The jelly maker only needs it for 2 items (or so I'm guessing, right now at level 44 I can only make 4 items), the apple butter and the orange marmalade, but it takes even longer than the beehive to produce two herbs (8 hours, I think).

09-29-14, 02:55 PM
Agree. Need more honey and more herbs. Please please ! :)

09-29-14, 03:34 PM
I can't remember what else I've suggested, but how about Onions as a crop? Blooming onions becomes a possibility (onions in the deep fryer), as do onion rings (onions and flour in the deep fryer) and French onion soup (onions, cheese, bread, and bacon--I guess--in the kitchen).

Since Truffle Butter can be made, how about chocolate and/or strawberry and/or banana milk, also in the Dairy?

I think (but I'm not sure) that Banana Cream Pies are made somewhere, but if not, that could be a possibility. Also, Blackberry Pie, maybe same as the Apple Pie recipe, only maybe with one brown and one white sugar? Macaroons, as an alternative to Chocolate Chip Cookies?

For those patient enough to save up, say, 70 tickets from the Hot Air Balloon, perhaps there could be a 4th level prize box, a Platinum ? box that might give someone a gem-purchased or an event pet? And maybe if they are willing to save up to 100 tickets, there could be a Diamond ? box that might give someone a building that they don't yet have, like another Feed Mill, or the second Bait Shop, just as long as they have not already maxed out on that particular building type.

09-30-14, 06:56 AM
I love all the holiday ideas, sounds very fun and inviting. I wonder if there is a way for the community to work together more. Bring in the spirit of giving for the holidays. Maybe trade with your neighbors with a seperate pop up screen icon. Where there is a list of items needed then you can reply next to each item with the option to give, trade, or sale. When we have these events, the prizes could also go up. I have excess carnival prizes that I would love to give to someone that wasn't lucky enough to get, but I don't have it in me to just sale for 10 coins and it disappears. To me the holidays, Thanksgiving and christmas is a time of togetherness, a time of peace, a time for family. A time to show just how wonderful, kind, and giving you can be. I would love for it to snow on the farm and maybe collect snow for snow cream.
Maybe a town square where team larva can randomly pick players and put them together to fill orders for a train delivery leaving from the town square and they work together. The prizes could be something cool like those in the air balloon or a list of past decor not available to just buy from the market. I see things from past events I would love to have, maybe a large variety of flowers( those choices are slim).
More expansions is a must.
Holiday ideas- snowing ( collect snow cream)
Town square- huge christmas tree and goals to complete for the community to add decorations, lights, ornaments, etc.
Santa can visit with his reindeer and bring gifts, expantion pieces, bait, mining tools and items collected from the mine and higher level players may have ideas that I'm not aware of yet.

Halloween is a time for children. Maybe have goals and random trick or treaters show up on your farm to collect certain trick or treat items, give a basic prize for random trick or treat items you give them when they show up and a little better prize if you give the one they request.

I'm sure I will think of more, if I do I will post again.

09-30-14, 07:01 AM
Love this idea

09-30-14, 07:03 AM
Love this idea too

10-03-14, 02:39 PM
Since Pumpkin DIDN'T turn up as a part of the Harvest event, perhaps that would be a good crop for October thru December, or at least November and December. Then the possibilities expand to include pumpkin pies, pumpkin shakes (American players may recognize this from one of the fast-food restaurants), and pumpkin juice (Harry Potter reference).

Has a Berry Tart been made available yet? If not, that could be a possibility, since we have blackberries, strawberries, and cranberries in the game.

I know I suggested a snowman or some kind of Xmas scene, but how about a sleigh that gradually fills with presents (like the Fall Tree, only with wrapping paper, ribbon, and maybe a name tag)? But please, be MUCH more generous with the expansion parts for it?

10-06-14, 08:29 AM
Mostly looking forward to the Android version getting the ios updates!

10-09-14, 07:35 PM
Hmm...not sure what is available in the different buildings which I can't use yet...but for the holidays, perhaps hot apple cider? Peppermint (or mint chocolate-chip) ice cream? How about making the Bat in the Tree available again, only making it into a pet of some sort instead of just a decoration?

10-12-14, 10:40 AM
For Christmas it would be nice to have a Gingerbread house, like the ticket booth that gives different looking gingerbread man cookies. Then you trade them in for holiday items like a snowy lamppost with a wreath on it, snowy carriage with riders, ****ens village style houses and stores, ice skating rink with skaters, snowman, reindeer, snowy tiles or path, a holiday cat, dog and horse.

10-16-14, 09:33 AM
Would like to donate more gifts to neighbors; in farm shop items that aren't selling instead of discard button change button to neighbor gift. This way you could give more that three gifts a day. Especially when you have 200+ neighbors and can't give back to them. But receiving way more that the three gifts a day. I would like to return gifts to everyone that gifts me a day.

ID: NYM9CX Farm Name: Bebe

10-17-14, 02:52 PM
maybe some Christmas flowers or Christmas trees that donate some kind of Gifts. Or something like "pipers Christmas quest" where You have to Cook festive Things and for every quest You finished You get One of Santas reindeers and last but not least santas sleigh. Just like the bakery story quest last year. And an extra Download like last year halloween would be cool.

10-17-14, 03:30 PM
Instead of Sendung Gifts to your neighbour you send them Christmas Presents which are Collected and opened on december 24. including Dekoration, Special crops and Expansion Parts :)

10-25-14, 07:58 AM
I would love to see a nativity set as a decor item for Christmas. Some bushes as decor would be nice as well. Maybe holiday ones like the Halloween blinky bush but with Christmas lights instead. Snowmen would be cute. A pumpkin crop would be nice. The peppermint crop from last year was nice, it would be good to see it back!

11-05-14, 04:29 PM
Now that the Halloween event is over, a new idea has percolated.

We have cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, and llamas to collect from. We have truffle hogs we can direct to root for truffles. We can collect randomly from butterflies, moles, and otters. Dogs, cats, rabbits, ponies, and now chinchillas wander around the farm and collect stuff. The wading bird idea (e.g., heron) might have been a bit farfetched. In that case, how about homing pigeons? We feed them, they fly off, they return in a few hours, and we get something random. And just as the truffle hogs have their own unique feed, we could perhaps craft a new type of feed, maybe with corn and flax.

kooky panda
11-07-14, 09:20 AM
Thanks for the votes! Results have been submitted. New poll will be up shortly!