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View Full Version : How much $ you spend on Farm Story?

08-21-14, 05:11 PM
It would be fun to know how much money (real money) players spend on Farm story! :rolleyes:
If you're not sure just give an approximate number. :o

08-22-14, 06:52 PM
I spend WAY TOO MUCH! This is my 5th day?, and I have already spent at least $100. At least 3 times a day I am prompted to enlarge my silo or barn. It costs so many gems to do so. I get stuck between having crops/animals that need tending, and not being able to do so. ALSO, I work very hard to have a variety of items to send on Delivery, only to have the requirements so different from what I have. Is it too much to ask to have deliveries with items I really have, and not need to spend gems to have other items finished?
I really like this game, but I can't afford to just play. I must purchase every day! :(

09-07-14, 10:14 PM
In a year I have spent about $50

09-08-14, 04:29 AM
I can't afford to spend real money on this game, so I decided to quit playing at level 17 since it seems to require real money to play. Too many things cost gems, and there aren't enough ways to get them for free unfortunately.

09-08-14, 06:51 AM
I'm at level 45 and haven't spent any real money on this game (Dragon Story is my main game, spent under $100 there) I find it totally enjoyable even without cash. Finding the balance between demand and what you make is the challenge, but I agree that sometimes I discard more orders than I fill :)