View Full Version : Restaurant Update: 08/13/2014

08-12-14, 06:19 PM
This week's update is on the blog...

The most famous slipper of all time belonged to the fairytale princess, Cinderella. The glass slipper has since come to represent beauty, elegance, and whimsy. Your Restaurant will certainly look ready for a classy ball with the Glass Table and Glass Chair in Restaurant Story!

No one will be throwing stones in your shop when they see these additions:
?Glass Clock
?Glass Chef
?Glass Floor

08-12-14, 06:34 PM
Looks like it'll b gem heavy and if that's the case I'll pass on it. I doubt there'll b any new recipes since we just got 6 w the challenge.

08-12-14, 06:37 PM
is that display case part of the update too??

08-12-14, 07:01 PM
is that display case part of the update too??

That looks like the Glass Display that I see in my design menu, for 22 gems. They probably just thought it fit well with the glass stuff and threw it in.

It's just OK for me, since I like certain things individually like the glass floor tiles and fountain, but everything is just too "matchy matchy" like with the cloud theme. Everything kind of blends together and the chairs especially just get swallowed up in the floor tiles, same with the fountain and statue I'm sure. The items do need to go together well, but they don't need to wash each other out. I may try to make it work with different things and see how it goes, but certainly don't like it enough to use up any gems on it.

08-12-14, 07:26 PM

I'm in love with the display case. I'm not that sure about the glass tiles though. I need to focus just to see the tables & chairs.

08-12-14, 11:28 PM
The glass display case has been available for ages, I have it in my restaurant. I like the glassy blue of the new items, they could go well with some of the ocean/river/water themes. Not sure what to think about the hamburger fountain, it's kind of cute but also weird. I might get it depending on how many gems it costs.

08-13-14, 12:47 AM
Ugh. The best parts of that pic are the stuff that already existed. I too generally like that color, but it's kind of a weird color for glass. I agree it would go with some of the water stuff, but I think water-related themes need to be retired for a while after crab shacks and river boats. And how exactly is the giant hamburger fountain representing elegance or preparing your restaurant for a classy ball?

I'll just group this one with BS's last week peridot disaster and wait for next week's i'm sure gorgeous update.

08-13-14, 01:45 AM
The glass tile just look like another water tile. Though I do like the fountain because of that giant burger on top of it. Lol Shouldn't it be a glass slipper instead? Hopefully it won't be gems heavy. *finger crossed*

08-13-14, 03:53 AM
Will there be any new appliances with this update?

08-13-14, 06:48 AM
Will there be any new appliances with this update?

Appliances are usually only for goals, which we just received recently with the Egyptian theme. There are sometimes new recipes, but I don't notice anything new in the teaser for one, so maybe not this time.

08-13-14, 08:00 AM
I would have hoped the Egyptian theme was carried over for 1 more week but, alas, TLs skipping all over the place again.

08-13-14, 08:40 AM

I'm in love with the display case. I'm not that sure about the glass tiles though. I need to focus just to see the tables & chairs.

The display case is not new, already in the store to buy for gems.

08-13-14, 08:41 AM
I would have hoped the Egyptian theme was carried over for 1 more week but, alas, TLs skipping all over the place again.

TL doesn't carry on themes anymore, they release new themes every update now. Except for the holiday seasons....then they cram that down your throat for weeks on end. Ugh.....

08-13-14, 08:42 AM
I was hoping for a continuation of the Eygptian theme. I don't know how much of this update I will get. It does appear to be a gem heavy update like everyone else has says.

08-13-14, 11:28 AM
Got the glass clock for coins, passed on everything else since too many gems. Maybe will try out the glass chairs some time when I figure out what non-gem table I can use with it.

08-13-14, 01:19 PM
I would have hoped the Egyptian theme was carried over for 1 more week but, alas, TLs skipping all over the place again.

I was hoping for a continuation of the Eygptian theme. I don't know how much of this update I will get. It does appear to be a gem heavy update like everyone else has says.

Looks like the Egyptian theme was popular. I posted more ideas for possible Egyptian-themed items in the Theme Suggestions thread, but maybe we should start a new thread saying we would like more?

08-13-14, 04:06 PM
Holy cow that fountain is expensive. It isn't very pretty either. There's a giant hamburger on the top. I wish it had been colorful and I would have bought it. I've been wanting a fountain and al the nice ones are in boxes and I only get 1st or 2nd place with boxes.

08-13-14, 06:33 PM
This one looks nice! Not too sure about the glass hamburger fountain though.

08-13-14, 07:04 PM
Ugh. The best parts of that pic are the stuff that already existed. I too generally like that color, but it's kind of a weird color for glass. I agree it would go with some of the water stuff, but I think water-related themes need to be retired for a while after crab shacks and river boats. And how exactly is the giant hamburger fountain representing elegance or preparing your restaurant for a classy ball?

I'll just group this one with BS's last week peridot disaster and wait for next week's i'm sure gorgeous update.
lol agreed that peridot was a huge mistake*smacks forehead* what were they thinking.

08-13-14, 08:31 PM
I bought 2 items- the glass chef and the glass clock. I figured I've got over 21 million and counting so what the heck... I'd remodel but I've not liked anything and since either the table or chair costs gems I can't afford to remodel.

08-14-14, 10:45 AM
One expensive burger fountain indeed. Though I'll like to see more of the Egyptian theme too! How about a big pyramid fountain? XD

08-14-14, 11:27 AM
I bought the glass chef and I will pretend that it is a ghost, because that's what it looks like to me.

08-18-14, 03:42 PM
I really thought TL would give us at least 2 weeks of Egyptian stuff... Oh well, at least we got a great update in Bakery!

08-18-14, 05:14 PM
I'm hoping they come back to it some other time--my restaurant is currently looking western (I'm trying to master steaks, and I like my food to match my restaurant, okay?) and I have in it: stuff from the old west goals of a while ago (the ones that ended with the guys playing poker), stuff from the western box, and a couple of regular floor decorations that were released together as an update one week--and the goals, the box, and the regular update were not released in succeeding weeks, or even months. So sometimes they do go back and fill out a theme, and by the time they get around to it, it's kind of nice to revisit the decorations you really liked the first time.

Or we'll just never hear about it again and be doomed to eternal disappointment. :-)