View Full Version : Is there a limit for neighbors?

08-06-14, 06:56 PM
I have 178 neighbors. But I know that I can't see all of them in the side shop so I was wondering if there is a limit? Or if there is some other way to go visit them?

When I look at the neighbors in the side shop they all have this little number indicator in the top right corner that let's you know how many items are for sale at their shop. I used to see a bunch of neighbors with zero. Since I've added more neighbors I don't see any with zero and as I continue to add neighbors the group of neighbors with one item for sale keeps getting smaller.

I also know of one neighbor who shows up in the list once in a while with a full shop and I usually buy everything they have cause the prices are super low but then they disappear from the list completely until days or weeks later when they show up again with a full shop.

Was wondering if others are noticing this or if there are some limits imposed? Sorry if this has been discussed in another thread - I looked but didn't find one. Thanks.

08-06-14, 09:17 PM
So I counted the neighbors displayed in my side shop and there are 100 so I guess I answered my own question about a limit since I have 178 neighbors according to my profile.

The question still remains -- how do I see the rest of them?

08-06-14, 09:22 PM
I don't know if there is a limit for the quantity of neighbours, but i have now 414 neighbours.
And yes, the side shop list only shows you 100 shops, ranked by item quantity.
So in order to visit your neighbours whose sale items are not in the "ranking" list, i think you have to click "neighbours" to find them.:)

*i just realized i did not answer your title quenstion....sorry....

08-06-14, 09:30 PM
It only shows you the 99 neighbors with the most stuff for sale. You've pushed the zero sellers off the end of the chart.

08-06-14, 10:41 PM
I poked around a bit more and found the whole list of neighbors under the little people icon at the top of the screen. I forgot that was there since I usually go visit through the side shop.

So TL - why the limit on neighbors displayed in the shop?

08-07-14, 11:08 AM
I poked around a bit more and found the whole list of neighbors under the little people icon at the top of the screen. I forgot that was there since I usually go visit through the side shop.

So TL - why the limit on neighbors displayed in the shop?

I would think this is to save time and memory. Imagine how long it would take to load 600++ neighbours side shops. We will probably see more of the walking chicken lol. Besides I think not many players would look into more than a hundred shops.

08-07-14, 08:03 PM
I think you are correct rynetory2. I'm probably an oddball in that regard. I have a touch of OCD and it is very hard for me not to look in every shop once I get started so limiting to 100 is probably a blessing! Plus, I find that delay as each shop loads to be such an irritation. Lol. I'm also a touch impatient with things like that! Lol

08-08-14, 12:41 AM
I have over 200 neighbors in DS��

08-08-14, 10:27 AM
I think you are correct rynetory2. I'm probably an oddball in that regard. I have a touch of OCD and it is very hard for me not to look in every shop once I get started so limiting to 100 is probably a blessing! Plus, I find that delay as each shop loads to be such an irritation. Lol. I'm also a touch impatient with things like that! Lol

It's very useful to be able to look into every shop if you need something in particular. I do that too but I guess like you I'm too impatient to wait for the long load. :)