View Full Version : Open Issue Game Music and Comment Editing

08-04-14, 08:29 PM
I'm sorry if these issues have been previously reported. I looked at known issues and didn't see them.

Since the recent update the game now opens with very loud CS music, which isn't something I like or want. I checked and my settings haven't changed, game music option is still off. Please fix this, I'd like to not have my device set on mute 24/7 just to avoid CS splash screen music.

The other issue started with the update before this last one, maybe the one before, I'm not certain. But at any rate we can't edit comments mid typing. If you try to edit the comment, before selecting post, you lose the entire thing. You might have 2 full lines and it all disappears. Will this be fixed anytime soon?

Playing on iPad Air, latest iOS and game version.

kooky panda
08-05-14, 10:36 AM
The opening game music issue has been reported.

As for the posting issue. I just tested by typing out the word vistied, then I went back and edited the word by tapping on the I, then backing up and retype t and I. and my comment stayed.
How exactly do you edit your comments?
What device do you play on?

08-05-14, 01:35 PM
Please look for future updates of the game to correct the issue with the music at the beginning of the game - as a temporary workaround, you should be able to engage the silent switch on the side of your device while the game loads and turn it back off once you are in your kingdom. We apologize for any inconvenience!

Thanks for also letting us know about this issue with the comment walls. Our team is currently investigating the issue, but in the meantime, if you tap and hold on the comment, you should be able to edit it without it disappearing. Hope that helps!

08-07-14, 09:31 AM
Thanks Kooky and MeowMeow for the response.

The tapping and hold doesn't always work, because they disappear before you can hold. This has been a persistent, but inconsistent problem. If I stop typing and go to the comment window to tap on a word or try to put the cursor in a different spot by typing next to a word to edit the comment will just delete itself. Very frustrating if you've typed a lot. I've seen others in the game complain, but wasn't sure if it had been reported.

Been playing these games for many years and pretty sure I'm editing and commenting the way I'm supposed to or not doing anything unusual. Plus there was a distinct time when this began to occur in CS, isolated from anything else. It seems to work with no problems here on the forum, in other games, apps like FB, etc. (Of note though, FB did have this very issue in there message system last year, but they fixed it.)

I've only noticed the disappearing comment issue in CS. I've not noticed the issue in Dragon Story and I play that one as well. It doesn't happen every time I comment in CS but at least 50% of the time and I'm not doing anything different or out of the ordinary from the basics.

I'm playing on an iPad Air latest game and OS updates. I haven't tested the issue on my iPhone 5s as I don't play CS on that, just gift a couple of people and that's it, but I'll try it out.

08-07-14, 10:22 AM
I've noticed this disappearing act, too. It's really annoying. Plus, why doesn't the editor automatically make a capital letter after a period? I'm fairly fussy with my grammar, and it would be helpful to have these issues fixed. Or at least put on the list to be fixed, lol.

08-08-14, 01:15 PM
This issue with music playing even when it is turned off in the game has been fixed. Please download the latest update that was released today. We are still looking into the issue with the comment wall. Thanks!

07-26-15, 12:29 PM
The opening game music playing when turned off in the game issue is back with the latest update.

07-28-15, 11:12 AM
The opening game music playing when turned off in the game issue is back with the latest update.

We aren't experiencing this in the game. We have "Game Music" turned off in the game and our device sound on. When force closing and reopening the game, no music plays. Can you double check that your Game Music is turned off, force close and check again?

07-28-15, 01:24 PM
It happens when changing account and opening the game the first time. Game music is set to off in both accounts.

09-25-16, 02:01 PM
I have Game Music, Sounds, etc. turned off in Castle Story. (Same is true for Dream City Metropolis and Farm Story 2)

When I am listening to my music from itunes/Apple Music and switch into Castle Story, my music stops playing. This does not happen in Dream City nor Farm Story 2. It is only Castle Story.

Any idea why and what I can do about this? My settings for Castle Story are exactly the same as for Dream City and Farm Story 2. I am using an Apple ipad Air and ios 10.0.2 on my ipad.

I would like to be able to listen to my music from wiithin Castle Story. Is this something Storm8 can fix ???

thanks in advance

09-25-16, 02:31 PM
It's never been an option to play any other music than the game music. Sorry.

09-25-16, 02:36 PM
This is a known issue. Sorry!

Merging threads.

09-25-16, 05:07 PM
It's never been an option to play any other music than the game music. Sorry.

that may be but it is possible in other storm 8 games as I mentioned. For some reason, Castle Story blocks outside music.

12-03-16, 11:21 AM
The keyboard doesn't appear when I want to invite a neighbor or write on someone's wall.

kooky panda
12-03-16, 02:51 PM
The keyboard doesn't appear when I want to invite a neighbor or write on someone's wall.
Try force closing your game to see if this solves the issue.

06-11-17, 04:30 AM
that may be but it is possible in other storm 8 games as I mentioned. For some reason, Castle Story blocks outside music.
I would like to listen to my own music, too, when playing castle story. So, while listening I opened castle story, got a pop-up asking me to allow castle story to access my music library, I confirmed, but then my music stopped playing and castle story music started.
I need earphones and music because it is very noisy around here, but I don't want to listen to castle story music all the time. Please help.

So - is it possible somehow?

06-11-17, 04:43 AM
no change to this issue... Sorry.