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08-02-14, 08:45 PM
:confused: So, when you get ANOTHER animal you don't want, do you just sell it? Is it worth feeding multiple young ones? How many of each animal do you really need? I'm thinking one?

08-02-14, 09:39 PM
It depends, normally players just want one of each, but others, like to have more than 1, that normally happens when a player likes very much, one or more, specific animal.
Since the animals have more than 3 or 4 form, the player may choose to have repeatedly animal with different forms.

I normally sell the duplicates, but since I need coins, I stay with the duplicates if the amount the animal gives is more or not from the duplicates I already have.

08-02-14, 10:13 PM
It depends, normally players just want one of each, but others, like to have more than 1, that normally happens when a player likes very much, one or more, specific animal.
Since the animals have more than 3 or 4 form, the player may choose to have repeatedly animal with different forms.

I normally sell the duplicates, but since I need coins, I stay with the duplicates if the amount the animal gives is more or not from the duplicates I already have.

Is there anyway to get rid of an unwanted egg, or do you have to wait for it to hatch......wow that makes me sound awful!

08-02-14, 10:53 PM
Unfortunately not, you have to wait until the egg is ready to sell it. :(

08-03-14, 12:12 AM
Is there anyway to get rid of an unwanted egg, or do you have to wait for it to hatch......wow that makes me sound awful!

I sell all duplicates unless they pay very good coins (I have 2 Gargolems for example and 2 Sea Drakes). And I would definitely keep a second Chameneon because those are my favorite so far :)

I once felt just a tiny little bit guilty that the animals are nothing more than money making machines and my whole forest looks like a mass breeding factory and not pretty at all because I’m just trying to maximize profit. And then I remembered: they are not real animals - I’d rather worry about real animals and the horribly things that are actually done to them in the real word.

And yes, it's annoying to wait for something that you already know you don't want. I have all animals except for 5. Not sure how long this will stay more fun than frustration.

08-03-14, 01:47 AM
There is also the option of SPEEDING unwanted creatures through the breeding and/or hatching processes, then selling the eggs. That is, if you have gems to burn. There are speed-breeders who do this all the time, spending gems to get unwanted breedings out of the way so they can try again immediately until they get what they are after.
It's not for me, but those who splurge and dump that way usually have the best creatures. I tend to speed the breeds I know I want, whether for high earnings, power in battle, or beauty. I refuse to throw good gems at fails, so I wait them out. I also keep them around without evolving if there's space. Let them earn a few coins until something better needs their home.
I also exhaust my habitat limit and use drones to maximize my earnings: lots of young Pandas on cheap green habitats, all if which will eventually be replaced.

Visit me at Satyr Sanctuary. My Storm8 ID there is SAND.

08-03-14, 10:44 AM
Only at the start of the game did I keep duplicates to earn coins faster. Once I get my animal inventory to a good number then I start to purge the duplicates and also sell duplicates right off the nest. I will keep two of something I really like and usually keep it as a baby just because they are really cute.

08-03-14, 04:40 PM
I keep my habitats full to get maximum coins, but I will sell a duplicate to make room for a new animal. My goal is to have one of each.

08-03-14, 11:54 PM
I have the 4 base elements in level 10 and level 4. This was helpful when battling; my 10s could fight while my 4s were breeding. I finished the arena for now but it's still nice to breed the 4s since the 10s earn more.