View Full Version : Visited Option For Neighbor's Forest

08-02-14, 08:47 AM
Since there is no wall, it is impossible to let a neighbor know that you stopped by but they were full. As every time you visit a neighbor, whether you were able to leave tips or not, causes that neighbor to move to the bottom of the list, one is forced to revisit all neighbors multiple times a day unless you have a superb memory and know which neighbors were full and which you can still leave coins for.

I feel like this is causing some neighbors to delete, even if you do play daily and have been visiting. They have no idea that you care, and without map rune requests being able to be filled by neighbors, you are not helping if you aren't able to visit. Please have some sort of alert when all habitats are full, so that when the feed is checked it shows that the person did visit you today.