View Full Version : Help! What do I buy first?

08-01-14, 06:42 AM
I currently don't have the jeweler, juicer and the deli. I have enough money for jeweler real close to having enough for the juicer probably today I will have enough for the juicer but should I just save for the deli instead ? Money is hard to get in this game want to make sure I get the right thing first. Thanks :)

08-01-14, 10:16 AM
Anybody???? Can u direct me towards a thread that will help. I've looked but can't find what I'm looking for.

08-01-14, 10:25 AM

I do not have the jeweller but have not heard good things.

The Juicer comes in very handy with deliveries but the deli sells very nicely and for quite a lot. The only issue is that they are very high crafting times - lowest 2 hours whereas the juicer comes in times maximum 1 hour.

In my humble opinion I would go for the juicer with a view to getting the deli next.

08-01-14, 10:25 AM
That's a really tough call. I like the jewelery maker. A lot of people aren't too keen on it but I remember it being pretty reasonably priced. If you do a lot of deliveries and get axes and shovels, it's worth it. The items sell well. The juicer is nice too cause the items are made of crops which are cheap and easy to get. The deli is okay, I don't use it too much. The shortest recipe is 1.5 hours and takes 2 catfish, which are hard to come by sometimes. The other times are 3 hours, 4 hours, 2.5 hours, and 4.5 hours. A long time to wait if you ask me. Even when I get train orders for a 4.5 hour pbj sandwich it's impossible to make the items in time. Id say go with the deli as your last pick

kooky panda
08-01-14, 10:28 AM
I like the Juicer . A lot of players will buy the juice for train orders. You and turn them out fast.
Also when my silo is full and I need to harvest , I can make juice quick to free up some silo space.

08-01-14, 10:38 AM
Thank you so much for your advice. It's sound like the juicer is the best deal. I will go get it and start juicing. Thank u all again very much appreciated. :)

08-01-14, 10:53 AM
Glad we could help!