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View Full Version : The Battlegrounds and Its Levels

07-27-14, 01:46 AM
The Battlegrounds is a feature in the game unlocked when you reach Level 5. Here, you can use your animals to battle other animals. Every level will give you a reward. After a certain amount of levels (either every 5 levels, 10 levels, 15 levels, or 20 levels), your prize will noticeably worth more for that level. At level 40 you get an Ancient Sloth, and at Level 120, you get the Hydro Yak (Thank you to Anyuszko, for finding out the name of my most favourite animal in the game ^^).

The rules are kind of hard to understand. I think it works like this...
1. If you get a critical hit, you are guaranteed to win.
2. If the opponent is noticeably lower leveled than you (not by less than two levels), and uses a weak move, you win after a few moves.
3. If you and the opponent are the same level, or the opponent is one or two levels lower than you, you win if you get a critical hit.
4 and 5 are contributed by Anyuszko
4. If you lose, dont be sad, your animal gets healed "automatically" in 10 minutes, which costs you nothing. If you lose more animals, they are healed paralell, no need to wait for the first to be healed.
5. For the battle you need stamina (it is a blue colored thunder clap), from which you have 2 at the beginning. At the first few lvls you get staminas after every successful winning, so you can go thru the first ~ 10 battles without waiting. After it, staminas are given only at certain levels, so you have to get staminas to fight. There are three options for getting: first, you get free stamina every 10 mins (it is smart going back fighting every 20 mins), or you can buy 2 staminas for 4 gems, or if you win it from your battles.
^If any information is wrong, please correct me^

Type Strengths and Weaknesses
Each Type has Strengths and Weaknesses.

Any info not entered in this post is because I don't know it yet, so do share stories of your battles :).

If the programming of every level is random, well, I'll be sad.
If any of the following information is wrong, please correct me, and I'll correct it.


The information might or might not be different for different people.

According to a post on another thread, the battle grounds have changed (Maybe?) so that the Hydro Yak is at level 80, and not level 120 in the recent updates. No sight of new battles for people already finished the Battlegrounds before the update tho... Meaning that the possible new animals may be rewarded at level 120 and/or 160 (depending on the number of new reward animals), in terms of logic. So the following will be outdated for 1.2 for now.

Type of Animal
Type Advantage(s)

















Earth Fire
Earth Attack

Rock Rhino
Nature Attack

Solar Simian
Nature Fire
Fire Attack

Earth Fire
Earth Attack

Fairy Ferret
Nature Fire
Fire Attack

Pyro Pony
Earth Attack

Earth Nature
Nature Attack

Solar Simian
Nature Fire
Fire Attack

Earth Nature
Nature Attack

Pyro Pony
Earth Attack

Earth Nature
Nature Attack
60 Food, 1200 Coins



Nature Fire
Fire Attack


Earth Fire
Earth Attack
100 Food, 2000 Coins

Solar Simian
Nature Fire
Fire Attack
100 Food, 2000 Coins

Nature Fire
Fire Attack
100 Food, 2000 Coins

Earth Fire
Earth Attack
2000 Food, 1 Energy

Pyro Pony
Earth Attack
140 Food, 2400 Coins

Nature Fire
Fire Attack
140 Food, 2400 Coins

Earth Nature
Nature Attack
140 Food, 2400 Coins

Earth Fire
Earth Attack
140 Food, 2400 Coins

Ancient Sloth
Earth Nature
Nature Attack
Ancient Sloth

Rock Rhino
Nature Attack

Pyro Pony
Earth Attack and Water Attack

Fire Attack

Earth Fire
Earth Attack


Fairy Ferret
Nature Fire
Fire Attack or Water Attack

Rock Nature
Nature Attack

Pyro Pony
Earth Attack or Water Attack


Water Earth

Earth Fire
Rock Attack or Water Attack

Fairy Ferret
Nature Fire
Fire Attack or Water Attack

Fire Attack

Rock Rhino
Nature Attack

Water Nature


Pyro Pony
Earth Attack or Water Attack

Water Earth

Earth Nature
Nature Attack

Water Nature

Rock Rhino
Nature Attack

Fire Attack

Water Nature

160 Food, 1000 Coins

Fairy Ferret
Nature Fire
Fire Attack or Water Attack
160 Food, 1000 Coins

Earth Nature
Nature Attack

Pyro Pony
Earth Attack or Water Attack
160 Food, 6000 Coins

Water Earth
Nature Attack
160 Food, 1000 Coins

Water Nature

160 Food, 1000 Coins

Water Nature

160 Food, 1000 Coins

Solar Simian
Nature Fire
Fire Attack
160 Food, 1000 Coins, 3 Energy


170 Food, 1100 Coins

Earth Nature
Nature Attack
170 Food, 1100 Coins

Earth Nature
Nature Attack
170 Food, 1100 Coins

Rock Rhino
Nature Attack
170 Food, 1100 Coins

Water Earth

2000 Food, 1100 Coins

Solar Simian
Nature Fire
Fire Attack
170 Food, 1100 Coins

Water Nature

170 Food, 1100 Coins

Fairy Ferret
Nature Fire
Fire Attack
170 Food, 1100 Coins

Fire Attack
170 Food, 1100 Coins

Earth Fire
Earth Attack

Solar Simian
Nature Fire
Fire Attack

Rock Rhino
Nature Attack

Water Nature

Earth Nature
Nature Attack

Nature Fire
Fire Attack

Pyro Pony
Earth Attack or Water Attack

Earth Fire
Earth Attack

Water Earth

Solar Simian
Nature Fire
Fire Attack

Earth Nature
Nature Attack

Water Earth

Water Nature

Nature Fire
Fire Attack

Rock Rhino
Nature Attack

Ocean Owl
Water Nature

Fire Attack

Water Earth

Earth Nature
Nature Attack

Earth Fire
Earth Attack

Ancient Sloth
Earth Nature
Nature Attack

Earth Nature
Nature Attack

Water Nature

Nature Fire
Fire Attack

Ocean Owl
Water Nature

Earth Fire
Earth Attack

Fairy Ferret
Nature Fire
Fire Attack

Water Nature

Ancient Sloth
Earth Nature
Nature Attack

Earth Nature

Glacial Griffin
Water Earth

Water Earth

Nature Fire
Fire Attack

Ocean Owl
Water Nature

Earth Fire
Earth Attack

Crystal Unicorn

Water Earth

Ancient Sloth
Earth Nature
Nature Attack

Glacial Griffin
Water Earth

Earth Fire
Earth Attack

Hydro Yak
Water Nature

Hydro Yak

Troll Battles

Type of Animal
Strong Attacks


300 Food 100 Coins

Pyro Pony
Earth Attack or Water Attack
300 Food, 100 Coins

Rough Rhino
Nature Attack
300 Food, 1000 Coins

Fire Attack
300 Food, 1000 Coins


2000 Food, 100 Coins

07-27-14, 03:17 AM
Level 67 is:
Use a Nature Attack
Reward: 160 food, 1000 coins

07-27-14, 03:31 AM
Nice thread :) I add some more infos:

1. If you loose, dont be sad, your animal gets healed "automatically" in 10 minutes, which costs you nothing. If you loose more animals, they are healed paralell, no need to wait for the first to be healed.
2. For the battle you need stamina (it is a blue colored thunder something), from which you have 2 at the beginning. At the first few lvls you get staminas after every successful winning, so you can go thru the first ~ 10 battles without waiting. After it, staminas are given only at certain levels, so you have to get staminas to fight. There are two options for getting: first, you get free stamina every 10 mins (it is smart going back fighting every 20 mins), or you can buy 2 staminas for 4 gems.

07-27-14, 03:49 AM
Level 69 is:
Water Nature(?)
Use a Nature Attack
Reward: 160 food, 1000 coins

Level 70 is:
Solar Simion
Nature Fire
Use a Fire Attack
Reward: 160 food, 1000 coins and x3 energy

Level 71 is:
Water Rock
Use a Nature Attack(?)
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 72 is:
Rock Nature
Use a Fire Attack(?)
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 73 is:
Nature Rock
Use a Nature Attack
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 74 is:
Rock Rhino
Use a Nature Attack
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 75 is:
Water Rock
Use a Nature Attack(?)
Reward: 2000 food, 1100 coins

Level 76 is:
Solar Simion
Nature Fire
Use a Fire Attack
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 77 is:
Water Nature
Use a Nature/Rock Attack(?)
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 78 is :
Fairy Ferret
Nature Fire
Use a Fire Attack
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

07-27-14, 06:32 AM
Level 71 is:
Water Rock
Use a Nature Attack(?)
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Are you sure you got Iciclaw? I got Frostfang LV7

07-27-14, 06:36 AM
Level 71 is:
Water Rock
Use a Nature Attack(?)
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Are you sure you got Iciclaw? I got Frostfang LV7

Hmm.. I forget to be honest with you, it could of been. D;

07-27-14, 07:16 AM
Level 24 is:
Solar Simian
Nature Fire
LV7/8 (?)
Use a Rock Attack
(Rock Rhino was at lvl10 - weak attack, critical hit)
Reward: food, coins - I don't remember the amount

Level 25 is:
Rock Nature
Use a Rock Attack
(Rock Rhino was at lvl10 - weak attack, critical hit)
Reward: coins, 1 energy - I don't remember the amount

Level 26 is:
Pyro Pony
Use a Rock Attack
(Rock Rhino was at lvl10)
Reward: food, coins - I don't remember the amount

Level 27 is:
Rock Nature
Use a Rock Attack
(Rock Rhino was at lvl10 - 2 weak attack, 1 critical hit)
Reward: 60 food, 1200 coins


Level 32 is:
Rock Fire
Use a Rock Attack
Reward: 100 food, 2000 coins

Level 33 is:
Solar Simion
Fire Nature
Use a Rock Attack
(Rock Rhino was at lvl10 - weak attack, critical hit)
Reward: 100 food, 2000 coins

Level 34 is:
Nature Fire
Use a Fire Attack
Reward: 100 food, 2000 coins

Level 35 is:
Rock Fire
Use a Rock Attack
Reward: 2000 food, 1 energy

Level 36 is:
Pyro Pony
Use a Rock Attack
Reward: 140 fodd, 2400 coins

Level 37 is:
Nature Fire
Use a Rock Attack
Reward: 140 food, 2400 coins

Level 38 is
Rock Nature
Use a Nature and Fire Attack (strong attack and critical hit)
Reward: 140 food, 2400 coins

Level 39 is:
Rock Fire
LV10 (?)
Use a Rock Attack
Reward: 140 food, 2400 coins


Level 45 is:
Use a Rock Attack
(Bamboon lvl 8 - critical hit, weak attack)
Reward: 1000 food, 800 coins


Level 49 is:
Use a Rock Attack
(Rampage lvl 7 - critical hit)
Reward: 1000 food, 800 coins

Level 50 is:
Water Rock
Use a Nature Attack
(Bamboon lvl 8 - critical hit, weak attack)
Reward: 140 food, 5000 coins


Level 55 is:
Water Nature
Use Nature Attack
(Bamboon lvl 8 - 1st attack - rock: weak attack, 2nd and 3rd attack nature - weak attack, critical hit)
Reward: 2 gems, 150 food, 900 coins

Level 56 is:
Use Nature attack (all weak)
Reward: 150 food, 900 coins


Level 58 is:
Water Rock
Use a Nature Attack
Reward: 150 food, 900 coins


Level 60 is:
Water Nature
Use a Natture Attack (weak attack, critical hit, weak attack)
Reward: 3 energy, 150 food, 900 coins


Level 63 is:
Water Nature
Use a Rock Attack (2 weak attacks, critical hit)
Reward: 160 food, 1000 coins


Level 68 is:
Water Nature
Use a Rock Attack
Reward: 160 food, 1000 coins

Level 69 is:
Water Nature
Use a Rock Attack (weak attack, critical hit)
Reward: 160 food, 1000 coins

07-27-14, 08:08 AM
There are milestones along the path of the battlegrounds. I've found that, depending on how much time has passed since your last battle, the game takes you back to earlier levels, but never beyond the last milestone you're cleared.
This at first seems annoying but comes in handy when stamina is refilled but new levels are not yet unlocked. Fighting a couple recent levels again provides an extra source of food & coins.
I haven't seen a clear pattern of any particular element being stronger than another. Unfortunately, I have no rare or super-rare breeds yet and my L10 Pyropony has won most of the battles. L10 Pandaffodil & Fairyferret have had very limited success.
I've defeated the Ancient Sloth. When it hatches, I think the next battleground goal will appear, revealing the name of the the green-blue bison we will face on level 120. Looks like a nature-water hybrid, and if they call it a buffalo, I'm gonna scream.

07-27-14, 08:22 AM
I don't know if you want the rewards too, but here they are, some of them, I'm still battling xD

From level 41 to 44 - 140 food, 800 coins
Level 45 - 1000 food, 800 coins
From level 46 to 49 - 140 food, 800 coins

From level 50 to 54 - 140 food, 5000 coins
Level 55 - 2 gems, 900 coins, 150 food
From level 56 to 59 - 150 food, 900 coins

Level 60 - 3 energy, 150 food, 900 coins
From level 61 to 69 - 160 food, 1000 coins

07-27-14, 08:23 AM
I have hatched the Sloth but no new goal so far. I have not recorded my battles but im up to trying for 90 Now

07-27-14, 08:29 AM
I have hatched the Sloth but no new goal so far. I have not recorded my battles but im up to trying for 90 Now

I also hatched Sloth, but there is no new "goal" for the next rounds. Now I am at 110th fight, soon I will finish the second part (10 more fights to go), I will report the last one, and when I succeed, will post more info/pic.

Edit: one more thing. At every 5th step there is a special reward; more money, more food or a couple of stamina. It is not showed on the map, but every 5th step from 41-120th fight contains some special reward. Also, these steps have the hardest enemies, so prepare..

I finished almost all my fights with my lvl 10 Vinotaur. This monster was my very first breed in this game... :)

Edit: lvl 115 is a fight against a crystal unicorn :) reward is 5 gems, also food and coins


07-27-14, 11:43 AM
Finished tournament, here are last pictures:






As you see, there is no more tournament after it at the moment.

My nest is occupied now, I will post a pic of the egg, hatching time, and the monster itself later.

07-27-14, 12:17 PM
How did you won level 115
Nothing works
And dragon u have I don't have it yet
Did fight it with fire ?

07-27-14, 12:28 PM
On level 115 all my monsters was hitting "weak". I won at 4th try, dont remember which one hitted a critical, but i think it is like in DS, you have at least 10% chance to win and sooner or later you succeed. Good luck!

07-27-14, 01:01 PM
Thank you for all the hard work if there is anything I can add let me know.

07-27-14, 01:18 PM
Hydro Jak's egg, as promised. Hatching time 12 hrs.


07-27-14, 01:47 PM
Hydro Yak, huh? So the bison is a yak. (SMH) Whatever. It's FANTASY Forest.

07-27-14, 01:49 PM
Wow! thanks so much for sharing your info

07-27-14, 05:37 PM
Stuck on 115 myself..dang crystal!

07-27-14, 06:10 PM
It seems my game is no longer taking me back to levels I've previously beaten, so I'm now guessing it was never supposed to do that. LOL
As for the power balances, it seems to be a simple rock-paper-scissors circular pattern. Fire is strong against Nature, which is strong against Earth, which is strong against Water, which is strong against Fire. But the strengths/weaknesses don't directly determine battle performance. They affect performance indirectly by assigning odds for getting weak, strong or critical hits.
Much more user-friendly than the mysteriously determined color strengths and weaknesses of the Dragon Story arena. Here I can fight without referring to notes!

07-27-14, 09:19 PM
I was able to get some of the lower levels. I used a level 7 Plantlers and won most of the time.

Level 17
Rock fire
Lv. 3
Use rock

Level 18
Rock Rhino
Lv. 5
Use nature

Level 19
Solar simian
Nature Fire
Level 4
Use rock

Level 20
Rock Fire
Use rock

Level 21
Fairy Ferret
Nature Fire
Use rock

Level 22
Pyro Pony
Level 10
Use rock

Level 23
Rock Fire
Level 6
Use nature

07-27-14, 09:51 PM
Fantastic, thank you

07-28-14, 01:54 AM
On level 115 all my monsters was hitting "weak". I won at 4th try, dont remember which one hitted a critical, but i think it is like in DS, you have at least 10% chance to win and sooner or later you succeed. Good luck!

I won this fight the first time I tried! Rampage level 10 :)

07-28-14, 07:39 AM
Can people please post the opponents for levels 79-114? It is EXTREMELY helpful.
I just cleared level 78 and will post what I find in batches: 75-80, 81-85, 86-90, 91-95, ... etc.

07-28-14, 08:01 AM
Can people please post the opponents for levels 79-114? It is EXTREMELY helpful.
I just cleared level 78 and will post what I find in batches: 75-80, 81-85, 86-90, 91-95, ... etc.

I need info too, but if no one has posted, it's probably 'cause, or they don't know this thread exists, or already ended the batteground..
I'wll post too, if no one posted yet, I've update 2 posts from the first page, but it's from low levels.

07-28-14, 09:54 AM
I won't bother to post the level of opponents (seems to be variable), or what type of attack to use (fire>nature>earth>water>fire).

76 Solar Simian (nature-fire)
77 Aquatter (water-nature)
78 Fairy Ferret (nature-fire)
79 Pandaffodil (nature)
80 Rampage (earth-fire)

81 Solar Simian (nature-fire)
82 Rockrhino (earth)
83 Aquatter (water-nature)
84 Bamboon (earth-nature)
85 Vinotaur (nature-fire)

07-28-14, 10:33 AM
Why is it locked? Have to be level 80 to move forward? Are you kidding me?

Edit: never mind, must have been a bug. :D

07-28-14, 01:39 PM
86. Pyro Pony (fire)
87. Rampage (earth-fire)
88. Iciclaw (water-earth)
89. Solar Simian (nature-fire)
90. Grassquatch (earth-nature)

91. Rainguin (water-earth)
92. Aquatter (water-nature)
93. Vinotaur (nature-fire)
94. Rock Rhino (earth)
95. Ocean Owl (water-nature)

07-28-14, 04:16 PM
Level 30 is a level 9 vinotaur.

07-28-14, 04:28 PM
96. Pandaffodil (nature)
97. Iciclaw (water-earth)
98. Grassquatch (earth-nature)
99. Rampage (earth-fire)
100. Ancient Sloth (earth-nature)

101. Bamboon (earth-nature)
102. Aquatter (water-nature)
103. Vinotaur (nature-fire)
104. Ocean Owl (water-nature)
105. Magmacore (earth-fire)

07-28-14, 07:04 PM
Level 120. Hydro Yak
Water - Nature

Forgot what attack he uses, but he's the last opponent the game has (so far)

07-28-14, 08:36 PM
Is anyone else finding that strong and weak attacks do the same amount of damage?

07-29-14, 01:29 AM
106) Fairy Ferret - nature/fire
107) turtisle - water/nature
108) ancient sloth - rock/nature
109) grassquatch - rock/nature
110) glacial griffin -water/rock

07-29-14, 02:08 AM
Is anyone else finding that strong and weak attacks do the same amount of damage?
I think it's the possibility of getting a critical hit is a difference. Just like DS! :)

PS. I am trying to make a T chart, so it would look better/easier to use. So new info will not include what attacks are strong/more likely for a critical. Also, I am trying to apply for a foreign exchange opportunity, so it could take a few days...

07-29-14, 02:56 AM
PS. I am trying to make a T chart, so it would look better/easier to use. So new info will not include what attacks are strong/more likely for a critical. Also, I am trying to apply for a foreign exchange opportunity, so it could take a few days...

I've started putting the info onto a table in the game guide thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?71389-Fantasy-Forest-Game-Guide&p=938543&viewfull=1#post938543) if that'll help you with your chart

07-29-14, 03:10 AM
106. Fairy Ferret (nature-fire)
107. Turtisle (water-nature)
108. Ancient Sloth (earth-nature)
109. Grassquatch (earth-nature)
110. Glacial Griffin (water-earth)

111. Rainguin (water-earth)
112. Vinotaur (nature-fire)
113. Ocean Owl (water-nature)
114. Magmacore (earth-fire)
115. Crystal Unicorn (umm... crystal?)

Miss Ultra-Rare is brutally stamping crystal hoof prints into my Sloth's sore butt, so I'm not sure when I'll have 116-119. :p

07-29-14, 04:22 AM
106. Fairy Ferret (nature-fire)
107. Turtisle (water-nature)
108. Ancient Sloth (earth-nature)
109. Grassquatch (earth-nature)
110. Glacial Griffin (water-earth)

111. Rainguin (water-earth)
112. Vinotaur (nature-fire)
113. Ocean Owl (water-nature)
114. Magmacore (earth-fire)
115. Crystal Unicorn (umm... crystal?)

Miss Ultra-Rare is brutally stamping crystal hoof prints into my Sloth's sore butt, so I'm not sure when I'll have 116-119. :p

Crystal :( need .

07-29-14, 05:29 AM
Crystal :( need .

There's no single answer to Crystal Unicorn. Use your highest level super-rare. My steady Sloth finally took that princess down. He's a level 9. When he's done with the Yak, I'll send him on vacation in the Evolution Flower. He deserves a break. He only beat up -- like -- everybody. LOL

07-29-14, 05:30 AM
116. Iciclaw (water-earth)
117. Ancient Sloth (earth-nature)
118. Glacial Griffin (water-earth)
119. Magmacore (earth-fire)
120. Hydro Yak (water-nature)

07-29-14, 06:23 AM
There's no single answer to Crystal Unicorn. Use your highest level super-rare. My steady Sloth finally took that princess down. He's a level 9. When he's done with the Yak, I'll send him on vacation in the Evolution Flower. He deserves a break. He only beat up -- like -- everybody. LOL

i win by use this


Thank you.

07-29-14, 07:53 AM
I took down the Crystal Unicorn using my Level 10 Rock Rhino.

I am at level 14 and halfheartedly pecking at the big guy in the shirt at the end of the road because I have nowhere to place him if I knock him out at this point.

It took it two either hard hits or critical hits but I want to say hard hits because I think two critical hits would have put me on alert that my Rhino was being much stronger than usual but the ending was so unexpected that I will say they were hard hits, but the third was I believe because it happened so quickly and unexpectedly was called an Ultimate Hit! The Pretty Crystal Unicorn went up in a column of white snowy sparkle, like a verticle recrangular column, not the explosion I was expecting and certainally not on the second or third try! I reasoned that a single element might concentrate the damage better than some of my seemingly more powerful mixed element creatures but my reasoning is not usually so effective and the expected long battle didn't materialize, lol. In a way it was a bit of a letdown that I was able to beat such a rare and beautiful creature so quickly and easily, but of course to move on we all have to conquer it.

I haven't had that Ultimate Hit before or since then. I would be interested to see if others have experienced it. Sorry but I noticed the conversation about the Crystal Unicorn and haven't read all of the previous pages so please excuse my error if this is a usual hit that I have simply missed experiencing before. I would also be interested to see if the Unicorn can be beaten without it. Good Luck! Maybe it is not as invincible as I would have imagined given the cost and rarity.

07-29-14, 08:24 AM
I used rainguin (9) to beat the unicorn on level 115. Good luck

07-29-14, 08:35 AM
I just used a Level 7 Skyger to get the Yak with one Critical Hit.

Fortunately he showed up in my storage so no need to keep my Nest open or purchase another expensive habitat for him! Yay!

There is a notice that there are no more battles currently, but that more will be coming soon. Does anyone have an idea how soon? Is Level 15 which I hit just about the time I got the Yak, the highest level in this game right now?

Great save in CS TL! I had a quest in CS to reach Level 17 and it appeared I wouldn't get there with my battles finished. Just discovered the Baron gave up now at Level 15 and I got my reward without waiting for a level I couldn't reach. Awesome!

07-29-14, 09:04 AM
I just downloaded the game and am having a lot of fun in the battles, thanks to all your help! I know with Dragon Story, the dragon's rarity was a factor in battles (if you're fighting a super rare, you had better odds using a super rare yourself). Does that hold with Fantasy? I'm trying to decide if it's worth the food cost to bring my Magmacore up to level 10 now, or if I should just do that with the Armordillo.


07-29-14, 03:33 PM
I'm a little confused about the battlegrounds in this game. For example, in the great list in the OP, for level 25 it suggests a Nature Attack. I put in my level 10 Pandaffodil. The nature attack was indeed a "strong attack" (as opposed to a "weak attack"). However I totally lost. 4 times. So if the highest level of an animal using the type of attack that is best (strong) LOSES every time, what on earth does it take to win?

In other levels, I have used weak attacks, and gotten a critical hit to win. It VERY much seems like what animal you put in make no difference at ALL. The ONLY thing that matters is trying every level over and over and over and over and over until you have the luck to get a critical hit. With whatever animal you feel like since ALL that seems to matter is getting a critical hit (whether your attack is weak or strong). Sorry, but that game mechanic is pretty friggen lame. Where is the strategy in that? 100% dumb luck.

(I am a newbie, level 11.)

07-29-14, 03:40 PM
I'm a little confused about the battlegrounds in this game. For example, in the great list in the OP, for level 25 it suggests a Nature Attack. I put in my level 10 Pandaffodil. The nature attack was indeed a "strong attack" (as opposed to a "weak attack"). However I totally lost. 4 times. So if the highest level of an animal using the type of attack that is best (strong) LOSES every time, what on earth does it take to win?

In other levels, I have used weak attacks, and gotten a critical hit to win. It VERY much seems like what animal you put in make no difference at ALL. The ONLY thing that matters is trying every level over and over and over and over and over until you have the luck to get a critical hit. With whatever animal you feel like since ALL that seems to matter is getting a critical hit (whether your attack is weak or strong). Sorry, but that game mechanic is pretty friggen lame. Where is the strategy in that? 100% dumb luck.

(I am a newbie, level 11.)

I've already lost a bounch of times when my attack was a strong one, but with time I won, a critical hit saved me, the same happened with a weak attack after a couple tries, I've won with only one critical hit and 1 or 2 weak attacks. Same times, it's random.

07-29-14, 03:46 PM
I've already lost a bounch of times when my attack was a strong one, but with time I won, a critical hit saved me, the same happened with a weak attack after a couple tries, I've won with only one critical hit and 1 or 2 weak attacks. Same times, it's random.

So there is no need to bother trying to strategize the animal with the best attack. It is 100% dumb luck - after the first few levels, the ONLY way to win is to get a critical hit. Just throw any high-level animal in the ring over and over and over and over until one gets a critical hit. Apologies to the devs for my bluntness, but IMO, that's just stupid. And lame. Why the heck not let strategy be a part of the game? Is the game intended for only elementary school kids or something? Even if so, when I was under 10 I still would have appreciated some strategy.

07-29-14, 03:54 PM
So there is no need to bother trying to strategize the animal with the best attack. It is 100% dumb luck - after the first few levels, the ONLY way to win is to get a critical hit. Just throw any high-level animal in the ring over and over and over and over until one gets a critical hit. Apologies to the devs for my bluntness, but IMO, that's just stupid. And lame. Why the heck not let strategy be a part of the game? Is the game intended for only elementary school kids or something? Even if so, when I was under 10 I still would have appreciated some strategy.

It depends from the opponent also, sometimes I won at the 1st try, sometimes not, probably a dragon with the skyger type is better to defeat the water dragons instead of the rock or nature, I already fought against a water-nature, I used a fire dragon lvl10 and got a critical hit, it depends on the opponent and the dragon we use. But in some high levels, probably luck is the only answer.

07-29-14, 03:59 PM
Level 28 is against a level 8 rampage. Reward is 60 apples and 1200 coins.

07-29-14, 04:15 PM
It depends from the opponent also, sometimes I won at the 1st try, sometimes not, probably a dragon with the skyger type is better to defeat the water dragons instead of the rock or nature, I already fought against a water-nature, I used a fire dragon lvl10 and got a critical hit, it depends on the opponent and the dragon we use. But in some high levels, probably luck is the only answer.

Well I'm only on level 25 and an animal with the best type of attack vs. that opponent lost 4 in a row. For a few levels now, I win if I get a critical hit, even if it's a weak attack. And lose if no critical hit. So if the strategy works, it's only for the first 20 levels or so. ALL the rest of the battleground levels would therefore appear to be 100% about getting a critical hit unless they get weirdly easier later. I guess what I'm saying is it would be nice if the game were tweaked so that using level 10 animals with the best attack could ACTUALLY be effective after level 20 and not 100% dependent on the dumb luck of getting critical hits.

07-29-14, 04:24 PM
The type of attack you use DOES matter. Your fighter's rarity DOES matter. Its level DOES matter. Look it up in the game's FAQ section.
However, those factors -- elemental type & attack, rarity, and level -- are merely criteria that factor into your odds of getting a critical hit. You can occasionally win without a critical hit, but you can't lose if you get at least one critical hit.
Even if you pick the perfect fighter for the job and use the right type of attacks against an opponent of lower rarity and level, you can still lose. You're just highly LIKELY to win; not guaranteed. On the flip side, even the fighter who is least likely to win has a marginal chance of scoring a critical hit out of nowhere. LOL
The power system is simple: fire is strong against nature; nature is strong against earth; earth is strong against water; water is strong against fire. Reverse them for weaknesses: fire is weak against water, etc. It's usually better to use hybrids because you want to match or exceed the rarity of your opponent.
But when picking a fighter, don't just select one who has the attack type you need. Try to avoid one whose element/s has a weakness against your opponent's attacks. If the opponent scores only weak hits, your fighter may get a 4th attack!
If dumb luck and persistence is your approach, that's fine too. It will just take you longer with more attempts. Just enjoy yourself however you do it.
Look at it this way. My Ancient Sloth is now Level 10 and my Hydro Yak is evolving. But for all my precise strategy and haste, I now have no battles to fight. I've burned up all the excitement. Really not a good thing.

07-29-14, 04:29 PM
Level 29 is against a green faced baboon thing (can't remember it's name). Reward is the same as for level 28.

07-29-14, 04:38 PM
I took down the Crystal Unicorn using my Level 10 Rock Rhino.

I am at level 14 and halfheartedly pecking at the big guy in the shirt at the end of the road because I have nowhere to place him if I knock him out at this point.

It took it two either hard hits or critical hits but I want to say hard hits because I think two critical hits would have put me on alert that my Rhino was being much stronger than usual but the ending was so unexpected that I will say they were hard hits, but the third was I believe because it happened so quickly and unexpectedly was called an Ultimate Hit! The Pretty Crystal Unicorn went up in a column of white snowy sparkle, like a verticle recrangular column, not the explosion I was expecting and certainally not on the second or third try! I reasoned that a single element might concentrate the damage better than some of my seemingly more powerful mixed element creatures but my reasoning is not usually so effective and the expected long battle didn't materialize, lol. In a way it was a bit of a letdown that I was able to beat such a rare and beautiful creature so quickly and easily, but of course to move on we all have to conquer it.

I haven't had that Ultimate Hit before or since then. I would be interested to see if others have experienced it. Sorry but I noticed the conversation about the Crystal Unicorn and haven't read all of the previous pages so please excuse my error if this is a usual hit that I have simply missed experiencing before. I would also be interested to see if the Unicorn can be beaten without it. Good Luck! Maybe it is not as invincible as I would have imagined given the cost and rarity.

LOL. I think you accidentally tapped the purple button directly under the opponent. That is the ULTIMATE button and guarantees victory at the cost of 12 gems. For some reason, they have not labelled the button. (Probably because they want you to spend gems.)
So, yeah, if the game said "Ultimate Hit" and played a different animation for the opponent's destruction, yup, you hit that button and paid 12 gems for it.

07-29-14, 04:47 PM
The type of attack you use DOES matter. Your fighter's rarity DOES matter. Its level DOES matter. Look it up in the game's FAQ section.
However, those factors -- elemental type & attack, rarity, and level -- are merely criteria that factor into your odds of getting a critical hit. You can occasionally win without a critical hit, but you can't lose if you get at least one critical hit.
Even if you pick the perfect fighter for the job and use the right type of attacks against an opponent of lower rarity and level, you can still lose. You're just highly LIKELY to win; not guaranteed. On the flip side, even the fighter who is least likely to win has a marginal chance of scoring a critical hit out of nowhere. LOL
The power system is simple: fire is strong against nature; nature is strong against earth; earth is strong against water; water is strong against fire. Reverse them for weaknesses: fire is weak against water, etc. It's usually better to use hybrids because you want to match or exceed the rarity of your opponent.
But when picking a fighter, don't just select one who has the attack type you need. Try to avoid one whose element/s has a weakness against your opponent's attacks. If the opponent scores only weak hits, your fighter may get a 4th attack!
If dumb luck and persistence is your approach, that's fine too. It will just take you longer with more attempts. Just enjoy yourself however you do it.
Look at it this way. My Ancient Sloth is now Level 10 and my Hydro Yak is evolving. But for all my precise strategy and haste, I now have no battles to fight. I've burned up all the excitement. Really not a good thing.

What I have been saying is that I HAVE been using level 10 animals, and the attack that is the BEST attack vs. the opponent and still LOSING MANY MANY MANY MANY TIMES IN A ROW.

I GET that each element is strongest vs. another and weakest. I got that in the first few rounds of the game. I'm not stupid nor am I not paying attention to that stuff. What I'm saying is that it's lame that the game mechanics are such that a level 10 animal using the best attack can lose at least 7 times in a row (and counting!)... and that's only battleground level 25!!! And that, on the flip side of that same coin, a lower level animal that does NOT have the best attack can win first try... frequently! Because luck is WAY disproportionately more of a factor than strategy.

I am NOT trying to win through dumb luck and not using my brain at all as you seem to think I am. I am trying to win with strategy but what I'm saying is that the dumb luck of the game mechanics is preventing me doing so. Quite the opposite!

07-29-14, 04:50 PM
Well I'm only on level 25 and an animal with the best type of attack vs. that opponent lost 4 in a row. For a few levels now, I win if I get a critical hit, even if it's a weak attack. And lose if no critical hit. So if the strategy works, it's only for the first 20 levels or so. ALL the rest of the battleground levels would therefore appear to be 100% about getting a critical hit unless they get weirdly easier later. I guess what I'm saying is it would be nice if the game were tweaked so that using level 10 animals with the best attack could ACTUALLY be effective after level 20 and not 100% dependent on the dumb luck of getting critical hits.

I'm on level 105, and I've already lost more than 4 times in the same battle. In the begging we probably won on 1st, 2nd or 3rd try 'cause the opponents are on a low level, but when we face animals with level 7, 8, 9 or 10, they attempt to be more difficult.. That's what I see.

07-29-14, 05:42 PM
What I have been saying is that I HAVE been using level 10 animals, and the attack that is the BEST attack vs. the opponent and still LOSING MANY MANY MANY MANY TIMES IN A ROW.

I GET that each element is strongest vs. another and weakest. I got that in the first few rounds of the game. I'm not stupid nor am I not paying attention to that stuff. What I'm saying is that it's lame that the game mechanics are such that a level 10 animal using the best attack can lose at least 7 times in a row (and counting!)... and that's only battleground level 25!!! And that, on the flip side of that same coin, a lower level animal that does NOT have the best attack can win first try... frequently! Because luck is WAY disproportionately more of a factor than strategy.

I am NOT trying to win through dumb luck and not using my brain at all as you seem to think I am. I am trying to win with strategy but what I'm saying is that the dumb luck of the game mechanics is preventing me doing so. Quite the opposite!

I was not at all implying that YOU are using the potluck approach. I'm only saying that you (or anyone) CAN. You may indeed be doing everything perfectly yet getting a horribly high number of bad shakes. You can have a 90% chance of rolling a critical hit and still fail to roll one 20 times in a row.
Whatever your strategy is, the only escape from the system's built-in randomness factor is the purple button. Apart from that, all I can suggest is laughter.

07-29-14, 05:54 PM
The only thing about the battles that bugs me is that 3 strong hits won't take out your opponent. At least it hasn't for me.

I do like it that you have a quick energy recharge and can battle 2 times fully charged. That helps since you don't know your opponent until you choose to battle. And since I can battle many times in an hour I haven't looked at any of the strategies on what elements work best. I'm at battle number 79 at this point.

07-29-14, 06:24 PM
Ooo please help im stuck at level 30 fighting against infernus (vinotaur)level 9 what beats him???

07-29-14, 06:30 PM
The only thing about the battles that bugs me is that 3 strong hits won't take out your opponent. At least it hasn't for me.

I do like it that you have a quick energy recharge and can battle 2 times fully charged. That helps since you don't know your opponent until you choose to battle. And since I can battle many times in an hour I haven't looked at any of the strategies on what elements work best. I'm at battle number 79 at this point.

True. I don't see the point of having attacks graded as strong if they do no more damage than weak ones. I've never seen 3 strong attacks result in a victory. Yet, perplexingly, I've won a couple times with 4 weak attacks. Go figure.

07-29-14, 06:40 PM
I've got new problems. The system just announced a goal to complete levels 41-120 of the battlegrounds and hatch a Hydro Yak. But the goal is coming quite late, AFTER I've already done those 80 battles.
The goal completion window shows that I've hatched the Yak, but shows the last 80 battles as 0/80. So I can't complete the goal (which offers a gem reward). My battleground is closed. Now what?

07-29-14, 06:59 PM
Ooo please help im stuck at level 30 fighting against infernus (vinotaur)level 9 what beats him???

That took me ages too. I ended up having to evolve something to level 10. I think it was a fairy ferret.

07-29-14, 07:04 PM
I've got new problems. The system just announced a goal to complete levels 41-120 of the battlegrounds and hatch a Hydro Yak. But the goal is coming quite late, AFTER I've already done those 80 battles.
The goal completion window shows that I've hatched the Yak, but shows the last 80 battles as 0/80. So I can't complete the goal (which offers a gem reward). My battleground is closed. Now what?

You should probably contact TL support. They should be able to help.

07-29-14, 07:42 PM
I've got new problems. The system just announced a goal to complete levels 41-120 of the battlegrounds and hatch a Hydro Yak. But the goal is coming quite late, AFTER I've already done those 80 battles.
The goal completion window shows that I've hatched the Yak, but shows the last 80 battles as 0/80. So I can't complete the goal (which offers a gem reward). My battleground is closed. Now what?

Me too :(

07-29-14, 07:54 PM
Ooo please help im stuck at level 30 fighting against infernus (vinotaur)level 9 what beats him???

Use a Fire Attack at Level 10. Also, I think the rarer the animal, the more likely it is able to have critical.

07-29-14, 08:19 PM
I've got new problems. The system just announced a goal to complete levels 41-120 of the battlegrounds and hatch a Hydro Yak. But the goal is coming quite late, AFTER I've already done those 80 battles.
The goal completion window shows that I've hatched the Yak, but shows the last 80 battles as 0/80. So I can't complete the goal (which offers a gem reward). My battleground is closed. Now what?

I have the same problem. I just emailed support and hopefully they can help.

07-29-14, 09:30 PM

what do you think about those levels where you didn't post a suggestion about what kind of attack to use, are those random?

I wrote down some of my winning combinations for those levels:

Level 49
Used L10 Bamboon with Nature

Level 50
Used L10 Aquatter with Nature

Level 58
Used L10 Rampage with Nature

Level 60
Used L10 Iciclaw with Earth

Level 63
Used L10 Solar Simian with Fire

Not sure if that helps?

07-30-14, 04:46 AM

what do you think about those levels where you didn't post a suggestion about what kind of attack to use, are those random?

I wrote down some of my winning combinations for those levels:

Level 49
Used L10 Bamboon with Nature

Level 50
Used L10 Aquatter with Nature

Level 58
Used L10 Rampage with Nature

Level 60
Used L10 Iciclaw with Earth

Level 63
Used L10 Solar Simian with Fire

Not sure if that helps?

Check the Type Strengths and Weaknesses.
Also, using any attack I SUGGESTED because it's strong against the opponent does not mean that you are guaranteed to win. It just raises your chances.
Personally, I defeated most of my levels with my level ten Frostfang. It's my lucky animal. (Okay, maybe it's because I used it against opponents to test the water attack for the post mention above. :P)

07-30-14, 04:51 AM
The type of attack you use DOES matter. Your fighter's rarity DOES matter. Its level DOES matter. Look it up in the game's FAQ section.
However, those factors -- elemental type & attack, rarity, and level -- are merely criteria that factor into your odds of getting a critical hit. You can occasionally win without a critical hit, but you can't lose if you get at least one critical hit.
Even if you pick the perfect fighter for the job and use the right type of attacks against an opponent of lower rarity and level, you can still lose. You're just highly LIKELY to win; not guaranteed. On the flip side, even the fighter who is least likely to win has a marginal chance of scoring a critical hit out of nowhere. LOL
The power system is simple: fire is strong against nature; nature is strong against earth; earth is strong against water; water is strong against fire. Reverse them for weaknesses: fire is weak against water, etc. It's usually better to use hybrids because you want to match or exceed the rarity of your opponent.
But when picking a fighter, don't just select one who has the attack type you need. Try to avoid one whose element/s has a weakness against your opponent's attacks. If the opponent scores only weak hits, your fighter may get a 4th attack!
If dumb luck and persistence is your approach, that's fine too. It will just take you longer with more attempts. Just enjoy yourself however you do it.
Look at it this way. My Ancient Sloth is now Level 10 and my Hydro Yak is evolving. But for all my precise strategy and haste, I now have no battles to fight. I've burned up all the excitement. Really not a good thing.

Just to clear this up, Earth Attack is strong against Fire. The circle is Fire<Nature<Rock<Fire. Water is like something that disrupts the "circle of life" Water>Fire. Also, Dark types are apparently strong against Water and Water Nature (The type combo that keeps messing up my plan for conquest. D: )

07-30-14, 06:03 AM
Just to clear this up, Earth Attack is strong against Fire. The circle is Fire<Nature<Rock<Fire. Water is like something that disrupts the "circle of life" Water>Fire. Also, Dark types are apparently strong against Water and Water Nature (The type combo that keeps messing up my plan for conquest. D: )

To further clear it up, X>Y means X is greater than Y; and Y<Z means Y is less (weaker) than Z.
I don't know about water disrupting the circle of life. (I always thought it was an essential part of the circle of life, but what do I know? LOL)
As for dark types, if they are strong against what you say, they should be a pure benefit if you have them. I'm not sure how they are messing you up, because there's not a single dark type in the 120 levels that I've beaten.
It's all clear as mud now. (Added water to earth.)

Seriously though, can you clarify what you are saying? I can't learn it the way you've taught it.

07-30-14, 06:07 AM
Does anyone know what it takes to get past the ocean owl at level 95

07-30-14, 11:25 AM
I'm not done with the Yak battle, but I have the same issue, since the goal only showed up after the Sloth hatched. I'm on battle 115, but the goal says I'm only at 25/80. Once I finish this, I'll contact TL. They've been good about other issues. Good luck!

07-30-14, 05:55 PM
Rock attack did not work for me on lev 37. Fire did the trick.

07-30-14, 05:58 PM
Level 115 is a diamond unicorn. I'm not sure what to use to beat it though.

07-30-14, 06:02 PM
Did you beat 115? I'm not sure what to use to beat the diamond unicorn.

07-30-14, 06:34 PM
I got levels 28-31.

Level 28:lvl 10 rampage
Level 29: lvl 6 bamboon
Level 30: lvl 9 vinotaur
Level 31: lvl 8 (?) plantler

07-30-14, 08:59 PM
Rock attack did not work for me on lev 37. Fire did the trick.

Level 39 -- I used leaf attack from level 10 red monkey for a critical hit.

07-31-14, 01:40 AM
To further clear it up, X>Y means X is greater than Y; and Y<Z means Y is less (weaker) than Z.
I don't know about water disrupting the circle of life. (I always thought it was an essential part of the circle of life, but what do I know? LOL)
As for dark types, if they are strong against what you say, they should be a pure benefit if you have them. I'm not sure how they are messing you up, because there's not a single dark type in the 120 levels that I've beaten.
It's all clear as mud now. (Added water to earth.)

Seriously though, can you clarify what you are saying? I can't learn it the way you've taught it.

My bad.... It's Fire>Nature>Rock>Fire.
I know that it's weird that the essence of life to disrupt the "circle of life" (note the quotation marks). But it's true from what I saw.

07-31-14, 02:02 AM
Just beat Ocean Owl Lvl 10 (Battle 95) with Ancient Sloth lvl 8. First nature attack strong, then nature again critical. Also, I think I'm breeding an Ocean Owl now, and I'm level 11.

07-31-14, 08:10 AM
As I wrote, I used ancient sloth lvl 8 with 2 nature hits. Hope I helped.

07-31-14, 09:06 AM
My bad.... It's Fire>Nature>Rock>Fire.
I know that it's weird that the essence of life to disrupt the "circle of life" (note the quotation marks). But it's true from what I saw.

Thank you. But I have more questions. If this is the case, what are the weaknesses and strengths of Water? Is Water strong against Fire, Nature and Earth? All three? Is it weak only to Dark and (possibly) Gemstone?

I think I may have misread your original post, and that it's the Water-Nature opponents that are giving you trouble - yes? I defeated those fairly easily with Earth attacks from my Sloth (Earth-Nature).

07-31-14, 09:29 AM
If you BEAT THE HYDRO YAK at Battleground Level 120 before receiving the goal, and find that the game is not allowing you to complete Yak Attack (doesn't recognize all your completed battles), you may contact Support@TeamLava.com and get a ticket # in case you need to follow up.
But they said it was a KNOWN ISSUE and that they are working on a fix. It may come in the form of a game update.
My guess is that they will release a new version of the game sometime soon that will fix several different bugs and glitches all together.

07-31-14, 02:19 PM
What is everyone using to beat the sloth?

07-31-14, 02:57 PM
What is everyone using to beat the sloth?

I used a nature attack :)

07-31-14, 03:38 PM
I used a nature attack :)

Thanks! I also beat it with nature.

07-31-14, 10:13 PM
Ok im at 120 n im stuck can any one help with what they used???

08-01-14, 05:31 AM
I beat Crystal Unicorn with the ultimate attack, and now I just got me the Hydro Yak using the Vinotaur lvl 8 (2 nature attacks was all it needed). Good luck everybody else. Until the next update, I guess I'll be just breeding and feeding.:cool:

08-01-14, 07:54 AM
Ok im at 120 n im stuck can any one help with what they used???

I used my ancient sloth with earth (rock)

08-01-14, 09:06 AM
I beat Crystal Unicorn with the ultimate attack, and now I just got me the Hydro Yak using the Vinotaur lvl 8 (2 nature attacks was all it needed). Good luck everybody else. Until the next update, I guess I'll be just breeding and feeding.:cool:

And don't forget to mine so you can expand xD

08-01-14, 01:26 PM
I completed the Battlegrounds tracker just now... it's ready to record. :)

http://supremedynasty.com/pix/fantastyforest_icon_battle_rs150.png (http://bit.ly/1ncbyIt)

Fantasty Forest Inventory, Chart, Spreadsheet, Egg Chart (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?71505-Fantasty-Forest-Inventory-Chart-Spreadsheet-Egg-Chart)

08-01-14, 05:21 PM
Level 56 was a level 8 Frostfang.

08-01-14, 07:01 PM
Thank you. But I have more questions. If this is the case, what are the weaknesses and strengths of Water? Is Water strong against Fire, Nature and Earth? All three? Is it weak only to Dark and (possibly) Gemstone?

I think I may have misread your original post, and that it's the Water-Nature opponents that are giving you trouble - yes? I defeated those fairly easily with Earth attacks from my Sloth (Earth-Nature).

Only Fire. It's weak to Nature and Rock. I think it is weak to Dark. I also think it is weak to Gemstone... but i have no Dark types or Gemstone types so I wouldn't know. :(

08-02-14, 01:58 AM
Only Fire. It's weak to Nature and Rock. I think it is weak to Dark. I also think it is weak to Gemstone... but i have no Dark types or Gemstone types so I wouldn't know. :(

I now have both types. But I wouldn't know either, since I have no battles to test them against. LOL
Thanks again for that information.

08-02-14, 06:10 AM
I am locked out of the battles. At 78? Why?

08-02-14, 02:35 PM
The tip for round 23 needs to be corrected. The opponent *is* Bamboon, but it is not earth/fire, it is earth/nature. Rock is weak against it, but nature works very well.

Thanks for making the tip list! :-)

One more correction: Level 25 is Grassquatch, (but the rest is good). ;-)

08-02-14, 03:18 PM
I'd like to fill in the missing levels. :-)

Level 28
Use: rock attack

Level 29
Use: Nature

Level 30
Use: Fire

Level 31
Use: nature attack (fairy ferret fares especially well for this round, at least.)

(I had selected fairy ferret (fire/nature), not knowing my opponent & noticed that it weathered the attacks much better than either nature or nature/rock hybrids so I was able to make 4 "strong attacks" and win. Perhaps this is always true of these combos?). Update on fairy ferret vs Planters. I tried it on all 3 of my accounts & ***for this round only*** it seems like a sure thing. The hits it takes do less damage, allowing for four attacks (ensuring a win) unless you get a critical and then it takes less.

Level 32
Use: rock

I've been playing on a few different accounts and the only thing that seems to change is the level of the opponent. Anyone else?

08-02-14, 05:01 PM
Level 30
Vinotaur 9
100 apples
2 energy
Defeated by Pyro Pony 9

Level 31
Planters 9
100 apples
2000 coins
Use: nature
Defeated by Turtisle 7

Rewards for levels 28 & 29
60 apples
1200 coins

08-02-14, 07:28 PM
Level 115
Crystal Unicorn

08-03-14, 01:53 AM
I am locked out of the battles. At 78? Why?
Hey, just force close and reconnect, should work smoothly, but you might have to redo the level before it... :(

08-03-14, 04:28 AM
I reached the last level 120..But it says there will be more levels coming soon ...

08-03-14, 07:56 AM
I reached the last level 120..But it says there will be more levels coming soon ...

Probably will be another battleground "tournament" like this. We only need to wait, TL is probably doing some tests and this "tournament" was one of the tests.

I cannot access my battleground almost a week, it's normal, we win the "tournament" and now we need to wait for another, we only have to wait

08-03-14, 06:44 PM
I'm battling level 32 and I am against a level 9 fire/earth, not a level 6. what gives?

08-03-14, 11:39 PM
106 Fairy Ferret
Nature Fire

107 Turtisle
Water Nature

108 Ancient Sloth
Earth Nature

08-04-14, 04:34 AM
This thread became a lifesaver, thank you :) I was trying to figure out which elements were weakest/strongest against other elements and just having a lot of 10 minute funerals lol. Since reading this I've only had a few :o

08-04-14, 07:37 AM
i am stuck on level 115 with crystal unicorn. all of my animals were on level 10 but not one single strong attack against him, i tried commons, rares and one super rare. after i tried with sloth level 9 but also, only weak attacks. now i put him to evolve to level 10 but i am not sure that is going to help either. soon i will have a glacial griffin and i am saving food so i can evolve him also as soon as possible. i didn't expect it will be so hard, especially after i read some people beat it with rainguin or sloth, well for me it's not working :(

08-04-14, 08:13 AM
This has probably been asked but in my defense it's 1:10am here in Australia & I'm pretty new to the game. Is it better to use a pure animal (I mean 1 with a single element) or is a rare or super rare animal stronger even though you only need 1 element to defeat the enemy in the battles. I hope that makes sense...

08-04-14, 01:16 PM

I beat the Lv 115 and it said the rewards was 5 lightning bolts but then I go to the level screen and it shows zero? Anyone else have that issue?

08-04-14, 03:12 PM
This thread became a lifesaver, thank you :) I was trying to figure out which elements were weakest/strongest against other elements and just having a lot of 10 minute funerals lol. Since reading this I've only had a few :o

Ditto. Just noticed though, there is no 56 listed. 56 and 57 were both Pyro Pony. sorry didn't notice what level.

08-04-14, 04:15 PM
109 Grassquatch
Earth Nature

110 Glacial Griffin
Water Earth

111 Rainguin
Water Earth

112 Vinotaur ?
Nature Fire

113 Ocean Owl
Water Nature

114 Magmacore
Rock Fire
Use Rock attack

08-04-14, 05:09 PM
I have finished level 120. I got the animal but didn't get the Yak attack goal completed. I think its because I started battling the second tier of battles before the goal started.

08-04-14, 05:39 PM

I beat the Lv 115 and it said the rewards was 5 lightning bolts but then I go to the level screen and it shows zero? Anyone else have that issue?

I don't know what you mean by "lightning bolts" or "level screen."
Any lightning bolt icon in the Battlegrounds represents the stamina you need for battles. Level 115 does NOT award stamina. It awards 5 gems. I had no issue with that.

08-04-14, 07:49 PM
I noticed that my level 12 pyro pony is surprisingly strong in battle, even against a Frostfang that was level 10.

08-05-14, 01:57 AM
So my best bet is to keep throwing creatures at the Crystal Unicorn on level 115? I should have known something was coming up from the 5 gem reward.

08-05-14, 04:15 AM
So my best bet is to keep throwing creatures at the Crystal Unicorn on level 115? I should have known something was coming up from the 5 gem reward.

LOL yes. But I think another Unicorn will be the best bet :D

08-05-14, 09:39 AM
Level 105 is:
Earth Fire

Level 120 is:
Hydro Yak
Water Nature

To fill in the info missing:

106 Fairy Ferret
Nature Fire

107 Turtisle
Water Nature

108 Ancient Sloth
Earth Nature

109 Grassquatch
Earth Nature

110 Glacial Griffin
Water Earth

111 Rainguin
Water Earth

112 Vinotaur ?
Nature Fire

113 Ocean Owl
Water Nature

114 Magmacore
Rock Fire
Use Rock attack

115 Crystal unicorn

116 Iciclaw
Earth Water

117 Ancient Sloth
Earth Nature

Glacial Griffin
Water Earth

Earth Fire

Also, your List of Type Strengths and Weaknesses has been really useful, thanks.

08-05-14, 06:42 PM
I have finished level 120. I got the animal but didn't get the Yak attack goal completed. I think its because I started battling the second tier of battles before the goal started.

Same here. I think my 80 battle counter is really way behind where I am in the battle pathway. I must have won at least 40 battles before I found an appropriate time slot to wedge my Ancient sloth egg hatching period :(

08-05-14, 07:53 PM
how to beat Vinotaur on level 85?

08-06-14, 08:14 AM
Woo hoo just took down 115 crystal unicorn with my level 15 frostfang!

08-06-14, 09:14 AM
To fill in the info missing...
On Pages 3 & 4 of this thread (July 28-29), I posted all the opponents (with their elements) for Levels 79-120, which were not here at the time. The details are complete and accurate.
Unfortunately, not all of that data was transferred to Page 1 by the moderators, but it is certainly not missing.

08-06-14, 04:51 PM
how to beat 115 Crystal unicorn?

08-06-14, 05:28 PM
I'm not sure I used all the types I had (Fire, Nature, Rock, and Water), but they are all weak. Only luck can help you now. I beat it with my Frostfang.

08-06-14, 06:35 PM
i beat with a level 10 pyro pony

08-06-14, 08:42 PM
Frostfang lvl 15 beat Crystal Unicorn from one hit. It was easy)

08-06-14, 11:57 PM
May anyone help me with level 104? The enemy is ocean owl, level 10 I think, which is a water nature combo. I've tried my panda level 11 or 12 and some super rare 8 or 9 with a nature something combo. Neither are working despite how much I feed them up.

08-07-14, 12:18 AM
May anyone help me with level 104? The enemy is ocean owl, level 10 I think, which is a water nature combo. I've tried my panda level 11 or 12 and some super rare 8 or 9 with a nature something combo. Neither are working despite how much I feed them up.

Unfortunately, Water, Earth, Nature, and Fire are all weak to that combo. I heard the Dark type is strong tho, I can't guarantee it is because I don't have a Skyger yet

08-07-14, 01:52 AM
Unfortunately, Water, Earth, Nature, and Fire are all weak to that combo. I heard the Dark type is strong tho, I can't guarantee it is because I don't have a Skyger yet

I defeated all the enemies without taking care of the monster used and all of them below level 10. A critical hit and that's it...

08-07-14, 02:25 AM
Almost all strong enemies I beat with vinotaur level 10, even crystal unicorn!

08-07-14, 06:22 AM
Using m lvl 10 and later lvl 15 Frostfang worked pretty well for me. I am now at lvl 115 and struggling with Ms Crystal Unicorn. Sooner or later...

08-07-14, 06:58 AM
I only have 2 super rares & even though I bred a dark I had to sell it because I had no where near enough money to buy a habitat. I'll work on up levelling my frostfang and try that. For past battles these methods have worked for me up until now.

Fire (I use my pyro pony level 15) ****s: nature, nature & fire.
Nature (I was using my pandaffodil up until now) ****s: rock, water, rock & nature, water & nature, water & rock.
Rock (I use my level 11 or 12 (can't remember which it is) rock rhino) ****s: fire, rock & fire.
Water (I use my level 10 frostfang) ****s: fire, nature & fire.

These worked perfectly right up until battle 104 so I'm definitely going to feed up my frostfang and try that :)

08-07-14, 07:02 AM
Unfortunately, Water, Earth, Nature, and Fire are all weak to that combo. I heard the Dark type is strong tho, I can't guarantee it is because I don't have a Skyger yet

If you're trying for a skryger the combo was either pyro pony+frostfang or turtisle + pyro pony. I can't remember which one it was. Hope that helps :)

08-07-14, 12:34 PM
Anyone know how to defeat crystal unicorn?

08-07-14, 03:03 PM
i am stuck on level 115 with crystal unicorn. all of my animals were on level 10 but not one single strong attack against him, i tried commons, rares and one super rare. after i tried with sloth level 9 but also, only weak attacks. now i put him to evolve to level 10 but i am not sure that is going to help either. soon i will have a glacial griffin and i am saving food so i can evolve him also as soon as possible. i didn't expect it will be so hard, especially after i read some people beat it with rainguin or sloth, well for me it's not working :(

I beat level 115 with sloth (level 9) but I had to use gem and play him twice in a row to finally get a critical hit with his leaves. Hope this helps.

08-07-14, 05:26 PM
Quick question: Can you breed with the sloth or yak? I'm curious and I can't try it out right now.

08-07-14, 10:12 PM
There's no single answer to Crystal Unicorn. Use your highest level super-rare. My steady Sloth finally took that princess down. He's a level 9. When he's done with the Yak, I'll send him on vacation in the Evolution Flower. He deserves a break. He only beat up -- like -- everybody. LOL

I'm totally at a loss on level 115 I've tried everything including a level15 frost fang :(

08-07-14, 10:18 PM
Finally beat 115 with level8 sloth

08-08-14, 06:03 AM
I beat level 120 and got the hydro hack like 3 weeks ago and it keeps saying new battle grounds are coming soon, does anyone know when they are coming ?!?!
Add me my name is lillysisland :)

08-08-14, 12:13 PM
I beat level 120 and got the hydro hack like 3 weeks ago and it keeps saying new battle grounds are coming soon, does anyone know when they are coming ?!?!
Add me my name is lillysisland :)

Actually, I think it's been 2 weeks (not 3) since they unlocked the Hydro Yak tournament (Battleground levels 41-120) with the general release of the game. Players who were playing since the limited release in early June had to wait nearly 2 months to finally battle beyond the Ancient Sloth tournament.

It looks like TeamLava may not be prepared to give us a new round of battles every 2 weeks. But maybe we can hope for monthly additions. I know it says "coming soon" but there's no telling what that really means.

I joined at the general release and rushed through the 120 Battleground levels. Next tournament, I will try to take a more leisurely pace and extend the enjoyment. Not easy to curb my thirst for fighting. I'm a former Dragon Story Battle Arena maniac and came to this game via Kingdom Clash.

08-08-14, 05:09 PM
I don't know why, but I think the next release will replace the current battles, not add to it. You know, like how Dragon Story will phase out the Guardian Dragon for a Nightlight Dragon

08-08-14, 05:25 PM
I don't know why, but I think the next release will replace the current battles, not add to it. You know, like how Dragon Story will phase out the Guardian Dragon for a Nightlight Dragon

If they do change the battles to give new prizes, I hope those of us who completed it already get a reset to start over at 1 and have the same chance as new folks to get the new ones!!!!!

08-09-14, 04:45 PM
Ok I have tried every animal I've got to beat level 92 and I keep losing, 20 times now, lol. nothing has worked, fire, earth, rock water. do I need to use a dark, which I do not have yet. I just keep getting weak hits. and how can a level 15 water lose to a level 8 water, it makes no sense to me, lol.

08-09-14, 09:27 PM
It's been a while since I beat the Crystal Unicorn, but I'm pretty sure I used a level 10 Pyro Pony. They looked pretty together anyways.

^ I'd just try any super-rare you have. I sent out my Grassquatch to almost every battle like a champion dragon.

08-09-14, 09:43 PM
are the monsters random for different people? lv 25 isn't the same for me as the topic creator posted :/

08-10-14, 12:17 AM
are the monsters random for different people? lv 25 isn't the same for me as the topic creator posted :/

Level 25 was Grassquatch (super-rare Earth-Nature).
Everyone gets the same opponent for any particular level, and it will remain the same upon repeating the battle. But the opponent's level may vary. For instsnce, you may lose to a Grassquatch-9 and have it come back at the same Battleground level as a Grassquatch-7 or Grassquatch-10.

The original post was partly updated with information added by others, but apparently has some errors. I will review screenshots and post a complete and accurate list when I get a chance.

08-10-14, 12:37 AM
Level 25 was Grassquatch (super-rare Earth-Nature).
Everyone gets the same opponent for any particular level, and it will remain the same upon repeating the battle. But the opponent's level may vary. For instsnce, you may lose to a Grassquatch-9 and have it come back at the same Battleground level as a Grassquatch-7 or Grassquatch-10.

The original post was partly updated with information added by others, but apparently has some errors. I will review screenshots and post a complete and accurate list when I get a chance.
ah ok ty. i thot this was a completed list :3

08-10-14, 03:31 AM
If they do change the battles to give new prizes, I hope those of us who completed it already get a reset to start over at 1 and have the same chance as new folks to get the new ones!!!!!

The whole point of replacing the old prizes, is so that we can start over?

08-10-14, 03:45 AM
Level 25 was Grassquatch (super-rare Earth-Nature).
Everyone gets the same opponent for any particular level, and it will remain the same upon repeating the battle. But the opponent's level may vary. For instsnce, you may lose to a Grassquatch-9 and have it come back at the same Battleground level as a Grassquatch-7 or Grassquatch-10.

The original post was partly updated with information added by others, but apparently has some errors. I will review screenshots and post a complete and accurate list when I get a chance.

Guilty... My life keeps throwing homework and opportunities at me. High School is not fun. I'm also known for my procrastination :).

Anyways, are you sure the levels are random? I'm wondering if I should include the levels in the chart I mentioned in a few pages before. I've seen posts in the past few pages that say that the levels are random, but I thought they were just rumors. I even asked Kooky Panda, but I'm not sure if he or she answered what he/she thought or how the actual programming works...

PS SANDSCApe, thanks for not putting me down for a bad sticky topic creator.

08-10-14, 03:55 AM
I don't know why, but I think the next release will replace the current battles, not add to it. You know, like how Dragon Story will phase out the Guardian Dragon for a Nightlight Dragon

I suppose that's possible, and quite likely; otherwise the Battleground levels will keep rising indefinitely. But if they are phasing out the Ancient Sloth & Hydro Yak rounds, we should expect some announcement soon that the time to win those eggs is running out. Then imagine the outrage from players who can't get through in time!

But it's also possible that they may open new rounds to those who have beaten Hydro Yak, numbering the new rounds 1-40 and 41-120 again. That way, newer players can still battle through the original 1-120.

08-10-14, 04:20 AM
Guilty... My life keeps throwing homework and opportunities at me. High School is not fun. I'm also known for my procrastination :).

Anyways, are you sure the levels are random? I'm wondering if I should include the levels in the chart I mentioned in a few pages before. I've seen posts in the past few pages that say that the levels are random, but I thought they were just rumors. I even asked Kooky Panda, but I'm not sure if he or she answered what he/she thought or how the actual programming works...

PS SANDSCApe, thanks for not putting me down for a bad sticky topic creator.

I know for a fact that the level of the opponent can change. I took screenshots from the same Battleground level where my opponent had a different name and level than when I fought it earlier. I will try to post an example later when I'm on my iPhone. This happened to me so often that I can't dismiss it as a random glitch.

I noticed you updated the Page 1 list again. We still have some gaps, but your thread is a valuable resource. No Bad-Sticky-Topic-Creator sticker will go on your forehead. LOL

(I think I have the earliest levels screenshot from my daughter's game, and can post them soon, although they were a breeze for most of us.)

08-12-14, 03:03 PM
"If you get a critical hit, you are guaranteed to win."

Unless your battle glitches. That actually happened to me once. I got onto FFS and went straight to the battlegrounds, and my first attack was critical. My opponent took a lot of damage but still had health left. Suddenly, the game randomly loaded with that baby pyro pony coming up and BAM! My opponent had full health again :/ Although, it was weird because the health bar was red, even though it was full.

08-14-14, 01:45 AM
I won lvls 105-107 with Fire attack and lvl 108 with Nature.

08-14-14, 09:48 AM
level 30 is Vinotaur

08-15-14, 03:53 PM
Defeated the crystal unicorn with my level 10 Pyro Pony. Lost on the first try, won on the second.

08-17-14, 06:26 AM
I beat the Crystal Unicorn with my lvl 8 Sloth. I used a nature attack and got a critical hit on the first throw. I think I got lucky, lol. The next two throws were weak attacks but it was enough to finish her off :p. I must say my lvl 12 Solar Simian has been VERY good to me in the battles, I've won most using him and am on lvl 118 now. Almost there!

08-17-14, 09:52 AM
I beat the Crystal Unicorn with my lvl 8 Sloth. I used a nature attack and got a critical hit on the first throw. I think I got lucky, lol. The next two throws were weak attacks but it was enough to finish her off :p. I must say my lvl 12 Solar Simian has been VERY good to me in the battles, I've won most using him and am on lvl 118 now. Almost there!

Sorry, my bad, my sloth used an earth (rock) attack, not nature!

08-17-14, 07:04 PM
Okay got the Crystal Unicorn at lvl 115 with my L 12 Planters !

08-17-14, 07:26 PM
What attack is strong against nature and water?

08-18-14, 12:52 AM
Level 69 is:
Water Nature(?)
Use a Nature Attack
Reward: 160 food, 1000 coins

Level 70 is:
Solar Simion
Nature Fire
Use a Fire Attack
Reward: 160 food, 1000 coins and x3 energy

Level 71 is:
Water Rock
Use a Nature Attack(?)
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 72 is:
Rock Nature
Use a Fire Attack(?)
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 73 is:
Nature Rock
Use a Nature Attack
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 74 is:
Rock Rhino
Use a Nature Attack
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 75 is:
Water Rock
Use a Nature Attack(?)
Reward: 2000 food, 1100 coins

Level 76 is:
Solar Simion
Nature Fire
Use a Fire Attack
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 77 is:
Water Nature
Use a Nature/Rock Attack(?)
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

Level 78 is :
Fairy Ferret
Nature Fire
Use a Fire Attack
Reward: 170 food, 1100 coins

I'm level 14 and haven't been able sot battle since level 11 or something. Since the the Yak was the prize. It keeps saying there will be more battles coming soon, but when? It's getting boring without battles. How much longer?

08-18-14, 01:24 AM
I beat the battles a while ago but beat the unicorn with a level 12 pyro pony

08-18-14, 11:24 AM
I used a level 10 Ancient Sloth to beat the Crystal Unicorn. I used rock, then nature, then another rock. My last attack was critical.

08-18-14, 03:52 PM
I am on level 14 and thee battlegrounds haven't been open since level 11, or whichever level it was where the Yak is the prize. When will the battleground reopen? It's getting super boring without it.

08-18-14, 11:42 PM
What attack is strong against nature and water?

I usually use rock or water.

08-19-14, 12:21 AM
I am on level 14 and thee battlegrounds haven't been open since level 11, or whichever level it was where the Yak is the prize. When will the battleground reopen? It's getting super boring without it.

IDK. I'm just a player. I have no knowledge of when. When the programmers program one so it won't be so buggy, perhaps? If you lose interest, this game may end up like MS. I finished my battles at Level 9. I am level 19 now. So, it's worse for me. Patience is key. Besides, the animals are so cute! Hard to get but cute!

08-19-14, 12:23 AM
"If you get a critical hit, you are guaranteed to win."

Unless your battle glitches. That actually happened to me once. I got onto FFS and went straight to the battlegrounds, and my first attack was critical. My opponent took a lot of damage but still had health left. Suddenly, the game randomly loaded with that baby pyro pony coming up and BAM! My opponent had full health again :/ Although, it was weird because the health bar was red, even though it was full.

Never seen that before must be new. I think it may be a connection error. I get those all the time when I visit people. But the statement is still true

08-20-14, 07:07 PM
Heya Peeps !!

Here are some of the Lower Lvl infos that I collected:

Stage 10 - Armadillo - Use Earth

Stage 11 - Fairy Ferret - Use Fire

Stage 12 - Plantlers - Use Nature

Stage 13 - Rock Rhino - Use Nature

Stage 14 - Pandaffodil - Use Fire

Stage 15 - Solar Simian - Use Fire

Stage 16 - Bamboon - Use Nature


Those infos below have been taken on a Wiki but I would place ? at the end of them for them to be VERIFIED:

Stage Enemy

1 Pyro Pony ?
2 Fairy Ferret ?
3 Pandaffodil ?
4 Fairy Ferret ?
5 Pandaffodil ?
6 Pyro Pony ?
7 Rock Rhino ?

The Lvl of them seems to be ur own Lvl when u Attack them.

Have a Good One ✨😊


08-21-14, 07:13 PM
To be honest I agree with a lot of what people are saying about the battlegrounds. In fact, in my earlier levels of playing, I would stay on FFS for an hour or so just growing food and visiting neighbors just so I can battle as soon as my energy recharged! But now since I've beaten all the levels and gotten all the prizes there's nothing else for me to do. I've even been playing less than I used to and checking back once in a while just to breed and hatch breeding fails. I really hope TL makes new battlegrounds levels soon. It would definitely make the game fun again c:

08-23-14, 12:22 PM
Level 29 was missing. Thought I'd add, it's against bamboon, nature attack is best. I used fairy level 9. And nature 3x

08-27-14, 07:17 AM
To be honest I agree with a lot of what people are saying about the battlegrounds. In fact, in my earlier levels of playing, I would stay on FFS for an hour or so just growing food and visiting neighbors just so I can battle as soon as my energy recharged! But now since I've beaten all the levels and gotten all the prizes there's nothing else for me to do. I've even been playing less than I used to and checking back once in a while just to breed and hatch breeding fails. I really hope TL makes new battlegrounds levels soon. It would definitely make the game fun again c:

I agree too. Maybe they miscalculated the time we'd take to beat the feature??? Who knows? Now if only we can use our combined knowledge of the art of the English language, we can make it sound like it's a glitch/bug and the great mods will flag it over.

I wish we can just redo the field over and over and over and over again while we wait for new animal rewards.

08-27-14, 09:12 PM
So updated the app, which said we would get new battleground levels, or so i thought, but now there's a number 2 in the corner of my menu, and then specifically in the corner of the battlegrounds, but when I click it, I get the same old message about having beaten all the battleground levels. Does everybody have this, or can some of you access new battles???

08-27-14, 09:25 PM
So updated the app, which said we would get new battleground levels, or so i thought, but now there's a number 2 in the corner of my menu, and then specifically in the corner of the battlegrounds, but when I click it, I get the same old message about having beaten all the battleground levels. Does everybody have this, or can some of you access new battles???

Mine is the same as yours. Battleground teaser, but no battlegrounds available.

08-28-14, 12:27 AM
I think that when TL feels like it, they will release it.

08-28-14, 12:30 AM
I think that when TL feels like it, they will release it.

Just IMO but if they don't feel like releasing it, they shouldn't say in the app update description that it will be included in the update.

08-28-14, 01:27 AM
Hope they will fix this and we will get new battles like promised in description.

08-28-14, 02:05 AM
Just IMO but if they don't feel like releasing it, they shouldn't say in the app update description that it will be included in the update.

Yup, I agree. I'm not the most patient person at the best of times! Come on TL...what's happening?

kooky panda
08-28-14, 08:27 AM
I am currently checking on the new battlefields that were suppose to come with the new 1.2. version update.
Current thread on this issue is here. (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?72557-Battle-2-notifications&p=956589&viewfull=1#post956589)

08-28-14, 08:32 AM
Really hoping they open up soon so I can get some coins from it and expand to the lightning leopard!

08-28-14, 04:31 PM
They have announced in the Bugs thread that the new battles will be released tomorrow.

08-29-14, 06:07 AM
It's tomorrow, no sight of any battles. Sigh... I really need the food. PLEASE. I was hoping to get a headstart. (I'm in China, and TL's "tomorrow" is 3pm here...)

EDIT. Apparently the forum time is not Pacific time??? I guess 8pm here is "tomorrrow" forum time. I am so confused. Nevertheless, TL, YOU'RE LATE! :/

08-29-14, 07:04 AM
It's tomorrow, no sight of any battles. Sigh... I really need the food. PLEASE. I was hoping to get a headstart. (I'm in China, and TL's "tomorrow" is 3pm here...)

EDIT. Apparently the forum time is not Pacific time??? I guess 8pm here is "tomorrrow" forum time. I am so confused. Nevertheless, TL, YOU'RE LATE! :/

They generally don't roll out anything before 10am Pacific time. Sometimes 1pm; sometimes later. It is now 7am there.
You can edit your forum settings to reflect your own time zone or TeamLava's zone, whichever works better for you. I use my own time zone as that lets me better keep track of postings.
I'm already accustomed to adjusting for a 3-hour difference between me and TeamLava, so I generally know which times to look for the daily resets, new content or deadlines as they have in some games.
Give the Battlegrounds another 3 hours at least.

08-29-14, 07:09 AM
According to a post on another thread, the battle grounds have changed (Maybe?) so that the Hydro Yak is at level 80, and not level 120 in the recent updates. No sight of new battles for people already finished the Battlegrounds before the update tho... Meaning that the possible new animals may be rewarded at level 120 and/or 160 (depending on the number of new reward animals, in terms of logic.

08-29-14, 07:51 AM
According to a post on another thread, the battle grounds have changed (Maybe?) so that the Hydro Yak is at level 80, and not level 120 in the recent updates. No sight of new battles for people already finished the Battlegrounds before the update tho... Meaning that the possible new animals may be rewarded at level 120 and/or 160 (depending on the number of new reward animals, in terms of logic.

Oh, that's nice, because it could also mean that players below Battle 80 may get a third prize at Battle 120 that we veterans may never receive.
... Or maybe their Level 120 prize will be an Emerald Dragon. Oh, I can just see it now!

08-29-14, 09:08 AM
oh, that's nice, because it could also mean that players below battle 80 may get a third prize at battle 120 that we veterans may never receive.
... Or maybe their level 120 prize will be an emerald dragon. Oh, i can just see it now!


08-29-14, 09:38 AM
According to a post on another thread, the battle grounds have changed (Maybe?) so that the Hydro Yak is at level 80, and not level 120 in the recent updates. No sight of new battles for people already finished the Battlegrounds before the update tho... Meaning that the possible new animals may be rewarded at level 120 and/or 160 (depending on the number of new reward animals, in terms of logic.

The battles are the same they just got renumbered. So after fightning Ancient Sloth instead of going on to round 41-120 you go to round 1-80 for Hydro Yak. Same exact battles, same rewards. People who have finished the battles already are not missing out on anything.

08-29-14, 09:50 AM
I wonder if there will be a change in the relative strengths and weaknesses of all the elements against each other with the addition of electric as an element. It would be cool if they made it a complete circle where
A > B > C > D > E > F > A.

(And of course the lucky ones who have crystals, they would be >> all the other elements. Because heaven forbid there be a single aspect of the game they do not get huge advantages over the rest of us.)

08-29-14, 12:02 PM
I wonder if there will be a change in the relative strengths and weaknesses of all the elements against each other with the addition of electric as an element. It would be cool if they made it a complete circle where
A > B > C > D > E > F > A.

(And of course the lucky ones who have crystals, they would be >> all the other elements. Because heaven forbid there be a single aspect of the game they do not get huge advantages over the rest of us.)

We will have to wait until the third round of battles to test that out. Remember the Sloth tournament and Yak tournament did not have Dark opponents. A Unicorn appeared late on the Yak tournament but obviously was not invincible.

In the Dragon Story arena, the ultra-rare element had dominance over only a couple elements, including its own. The main advantage was that of rarity.

I don't expect anything complicated in terms of power balance in future rounds of Fantasy Forest battles. They are just a fun way to pass the time, pick up spare coins and food, and win a super-rare animal. Heaven knows those prizes were the only super-rares I got until long after the Battlegrounds shut down in my forest.

08-29-14, 12:11 PM
Kooky, is the team still looking into it? The "What's New" section was quite specific. It didn't promise us rearranged level numbers for the first 2 rounds. It promised us new battles - at least one new round where we would fight in the Volcanic Badlands with a "Troll" as the boss opponent and prize.

We want to know how much longer we have to wait for that, and how frequently TeamLava plans to bring new rounds. That way, we can stop pestering you.

08-29-14, 04:09 PM
The battles are the same they just got renumbered. So after fightning Ancient Sloth instead of going on to round 41-120 you go to round 1-80 for Hydro Yak. Same exact battles, same rewards. People who have finished the battles already are not missing out on anything.

But there are new battles and there IS a new reward - a troll! I finished the previous battles before the update and just logged in for today, and now there is a new goal called Trolling In The Deep.



08-29-14, 04:47 PM
First 3 new battles were against Frostfang, Pyro Pony, and Rock Rhino. All were higher level, 10 or higher.

And am I dreaming or does the level 15 pyro pony look different now? It's mane and tail are lighter than I remember, especially when it was up against the level 11 pony in the battle. Was part of the update to make the level 15 animals look different than the level 10 so that we continue evolving?

08-29-14, 04:51 PM
Copying over from the other thread:

I was rearranging habitats when I saw fireworks appear! Awesome graphics and the troll at the end looks amazing!!

The quest is called "Trolling in the Deep" (lol) and the prize is a Twilight Troll after you beat it at level 80.

Here are my battles so far. I understand that the creature levels change but they themselves do not.

1 - Level 10 Frostfang. I used my Level 15 pony and got a critical hit on the second attack.
2 - Level 9 Pyro Pony. I used my Level 15 pony and got a critical hit on the first attack.
3 - Level 11 Rock Rhino. I used my Level 15 pony and got a critical hit on the first attack.
4 - Level 8 Pandaffodil. I used my level 15 pony and it defeated me in the first battle. In the second battle I used my Level 15 pony and got a critical hit on the second attack.
5 - Level 8 Skyger. I used my level 15 pony and had strong attacks but it defeated me in the first battle. In the second battle I used my Level 15 pony and got a critical hit on the first attack.
6 - Level 8 Rainguin. I used my Level 15 pony and had weak hits but defeated it after 4 attacks.

Now I'm waiting to recharge.

08-29-14, 05:32 PM
Level 29 is Bamboon, rock nature lvl 12. I used my own bamboos @ lvl 10' using only Nature attacks and defeated it.

08-29-14, 06:11 PM
I always have trouble beating the darn Turtisle, and can never seem to remember which attack works best. Help?

08-29-14, 06:24 PM
I have a slightly different creature levels for the new battle.

1. Frostfang L8, defeated with Pandaffodil L15
2. PyroPony L11, defeated with Bamboon L10
3. RockRhino L10, defeated with Pandaffodil L15

Rewards are the same: 300 food + 1000 coins

08-29-14, 09:26 PM
I always have trouble beating the darn Turtisle, and can never seem to remember which attack works best. Help?

The new lightning animal seems to be strong against Turtisle.

08-29-14, 10:58 PM
The new lightning animal seems to be strong against Turtisle.

Agreed. My level 4 Lightning Leopard just took out a Level 14 Turtisle in 2 hits.

Also, it seems that Crystal Unicorn is weak against water and rock. Anyone else notice this?

08-30-14, 12:26 AM
I can't win against Rock level 13
Iam using nature which is strong attack
Anything else is also strong against Rock ? Like unicorn ?

08-30-14, 12:30 AM
I used my sloth for level 13 and from memory I hit it a few times with nature then finished with a critical hit from rock.

I'm now having trouble with level 18 (fire fox, it is a higher level than the last one). I can't seem to get a critical hit with anything.

I spoke too soon. I got it with a Rainguin (rock/earth).

08-30-14, 04:58 AM
The new lightning animal seems to be strong against Turtisle.

Thanks. I'm not quite Level 17 yet so I'm not able to unlock the lightning animals until that time. I'll just keep trying!

08-30-14, 05:55 AM
It's here! The Long Awaited Twilight Troll is here!!! Yay! But still kind of ticked at the Pandaffodil "bug"... No worries! When I finish my battles and record them, I will come back and haunt the mods again, unless TL fixes it. Taking SCREENIES.

As for the Emerald Dragon comment, they better not. GAWD. I am a veteran, but unlike you, I am not the best breeder... of Ultra Rares. Great. The worst of both worlds.

EDIT. OOPS. My computer is acting up....

08-30-14, 06:02 AM
Agreed. My level 4 Lightning Leopard just took out a Level 14 Turtisle in 2 hits.

Also, it seems that Crystal Unicorn is weak against water and rock. Anyone else notice this?

Not water. It was a wall to my Frostfang, the "General of the Army" of White Raven, my forest.

08-30-14, 06:57 AM
I'm on level 20 now, only 60 more to go lol!

08-30-14, 07:23 AM
I'm on level 20 now, only 60 more to go lol!

There is no rush. Those battlegrounds have to last for a While probably :)

08-30-14, 07:42 AM
There is no rush. Those battlegrounds have to last for a While probably :)

You're right :o I imagine the higher I go the harder it will be! Good luck to all. Can't wait to see what the troll can do ;)

08-30-14, 08:16 AM

http://www.uppic.org/image-567C_5401EAA7.jpg (http://www.uppic.org/share-567C_5401EAA7.html)

08-30-14, 09:08 AM
I'm taking these rounds slow this time..I finished them too quickly previously and was quite bored waiting..lol

08-30-14, 03:57 PM
I'm going to try to get through it quickly. The higher your level, the harder the opponents are to beat so I want to be finished before I level up too much.

08-30-14, 05:06 PM
The game keeps crashing on level 65; in my case, anyway. I have a feeling it's trying to tell me something. Mayyyybe.

08-30-14, 06:56 PM
New TROLL battles

Level 8
Opponent: frostfang
Use: Electric

Level 9
Use: fire attack from fire/nature hybrid

Level 10
Use: Fire attack

Level 11
Use: Nature attack. (Using Bamboon, I was able to defeat with four strong attacks, no critical hits)

Level 12
Use: Lightning

Level 13
Rock Rhino
Use: Nature attack

Level 14
Pyro Pony
Use: Earth attack

Level 15
Chromadile (black/water)
Not sure what is strong, but won with Sloth

Level 16
Use: Fire is strong, but got four weak shots to win using sloth nature/earth

Level 17
Use: Fire attack (strong from fire/nature hybrid)

Level 18
Use: Rock

Level 19
Use: nature or Earth attack (both strong)

Level 20
Dream Bat (black/water)
Use: ? Not sure, got critical first hit with nature

Level 21
Rock Rhino
Use: Nature... *but* I won with four weak hits using a fire/earth hybrid. Worth trying out!

Level 22
use: Earth

Level 23
Fairy Ferret
Use: Fire

Level 24
Use: Nature

Level 25
Ember Bear
Use: Fire

Level 26
use: Fire (lightning/fire hybrid is resilient to attacks allowing for four shots & guranteed win)

08-30-14, 07:06 PM
Overall I am glad for the battle update & for the number on our main menu to let us know if we have energy so we don't have to keep checking the battlefield. I'm also happy about the overall design of battles on this game, compared to DS I feel it is greatly improved. So "Yay, battles!"

Still upset over the Emerald Dragon fiasco & believe the only satisfactory resolution is to change it back to the original 20-second fail. This is not off topic, because my overall feedback is I'm happy about battles BUT....

08-30-14, 08:00 PM
The game keeps crashing on level 65; in my case, anyway. I have a feeling it's trying to tell me something. Mayyyybe.

This issue should be fixed now. Sorry about that!

08-30-14, 08:02 PM
This issue should be fixed now. Sorry about that!

Awesome, thanks!

Back into the frayyyy.

08-31-14, 12:24 AM
The first post in this thread has info up to level 63 for the Troll battles.


08-31-14, 04:49 AM
Level 27: Jackalope lvl 11, beaten with Magmacore lvl 5 using fire.
Level 28: Planther lvl 8, beaten with Ancient Sloth lvl10 using earth attack (strong hit-critical hit).

08-31-14, 05:17 AM
We now have players competing on 3 different battlegrounds, depending on where the update met them. All three battlegrounds have levels numbered 1-40 or 1-80, so it is very important to indicate which battleground's opponent/s you are reporting.
E.g. Instead of saying "Level 18: Armordillo", "Level 40: Rampage" and "Level 12: Plantlers", please specify as "Troll Level 18: Armordillo", "Yak Level 40: Rampage" and "Sloth Level 12: Plantlers".

08-31-14, 11:05 AM
Troll level 58 I used the lightning leopard to beat the ox at level 11.

08-31-14, 11:18 AM
Since no one reported yet, Twilight troll is a dark-green hybrid, here are some pics (just won the tournament): Hatch time 20 hours.




08-31-14, 01:01 PM
Since no one reported yet, Twilight troll is a dark-green hybrid, here are some pics (just won the tournament): Hatch time 20 hours.




Nice job. I just spotted the egg in MikeMike28's forest and came here to see if anybody else had posted the type.
(I'm even less in a hurry now to get through the battles because I already have a Dark-Forest super-rare. Still want it, of course, and love the egg. Wish we could collect eggs.)

08-31-14, 08:15 PM
Finally, I won the last battle with a troll using a level 14 Skger.

08-31-14, 08:20 PM
Troll level 79: I used a level 12 Ferret to beat level 14 Emerald Dragon.

09-01-14, 07:27 AM
So I've been battling and battling trying to use animals that others have suggested and wether you get a weak attack or a strong attack it makes no difference and I feel like all animals have the same chance of getting a critical hit regardless of type, rarity or level.

09-01-14, 12:46 PM
:cool: Heya Peeps !!

Just Let yah know that LVL 25 was changed I guess, I just got a Grassquatch instead of a Bamboon:



For the Kind & Weak Against, it stayed the same !

Maybe we gotta hurry to finish this Battle Quest before we get too much Strong Adversaries !


LVL 26 seems to have stayed the Same..



09-03-14, 06:14 AM
Troll Level 70: I have been trying for a day for hours to beat emerald 11 and nothing seems to work. I have been through most of my forest animals twice. What worked for you?

09-03-14, 08:58 AM
Troll Level 70: I have been trying for a day for hours to beat emerald 11 and nothing seems to work. I have been through most of my forest animals twice. What worked for you?

Try any dark. It hits strong against gem

09-03-14, 09:35 AM
:cool: Heya Peeps !!

Just Let yah know that LVL 25 was changed I guess, I just got a Grassquatch instead of a Bamboon:



For the Kind & Weak Against, it stayed the same !

Maybe we gotta hurry to finish this Battle Quest before we get too much Strong Adversaries !


LVL 26 seems to have stayed the Same..



Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Level 25 of the Sloth battleground did NOT in fact change. It was always Grassquatch according to my records from July.
We are human so there are some errors and gaps in the opponent lists, but they are mostly correct. Fortunately, both Grassquatch and Bamboon are Earth-Nature, so we would fight them in the same manner.

09-03-14, 11:39 AM
Troll Level 70: I have been trying for a day for hours to beat emerald 11 and nothing seems to work. I have been through most of my forest animals twice. What worked for you?

I used my level 15 Vinotaur's fire attacks and managed to get a critical hit on the second try.

09-03-14, 01:08 PM
Thanks all. I finally got it with level 10 fire slider using fire. Then, emerald came back to haunt me again level 79. Took a while, but got it with a level 7 alligator using dark. Now I am going to be a while on troll, level 80. Almost there.

09-03-14, 08:37 PM
Still finished too quickly..lol..I tried taking my time..guess it's easier said than done!

09-04-14, 04:59 AM
Has anyone else's battleground quit telling them if a hit is weak/strong/critical? Or do I have a glitch?

Edit: It must be a glitch, because it's happening sporadically.

09-04-14, 06:31 AM
Has anyone else's battleground quit telling them if a hit is weak/strong/critical? Or do I have a glitch?

Edit: It must be a glitch, because it's happening sporadically.

Yes, mine started omitting that information about 14 hours ago and does it sporadically. I've seen it a few times now. When I already know the attack is strong, it doesn't matter. But the glitch has left me blind on a couple battles where I was taking a chance and really needed to know whether it was a good choice.

(Although "strong" and "weak" have no difference with regard to delivered damage, it's an indication of what chances a certain elemental attack has of scoring a critical hit against a particular type of opponent. So, contrary to what many players say, the information really IS important, not only as a scoring hint in the current battle, but as a guide for future choices as well.)

09-04-14, 06:50 AM
Has anyone else's battleground quit telling them if a hit is weak/strong/critical? Or do I have a glitch?

Edit: It must be a glitch, because it's happening sporadically.

No glitch here. Just went and checked! Hope it's fixed soon for you:)

09-04-14, 07:02 AM
No glitch here. Just went and checked! Hope it's fixed soon for you:)

It happens off and on. One battle out of several, so it's hard to spot-check it. For most battles, nothing will seem out of place.

kooky panda
09-04-14, 07:26 AM
Has anyone else's battleground quit telling them if a hit is weak/strong/critical? Or do I have a glitch?

Edit: It must be a glitch, because it's happening sporadically.

Current thread here. (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?72745-Battling-with-Fire-Glider-or-Daredevil&p=960526&viewfull=1#post960526)

Regina;960526']I did a few battles with a Fire Glider and Daredevil and was able to get a Strength attack wording. When there are no indication of a Strong or Weak Attack, it means it's just a regular battle.


09-05-14, 01:56 AM
We now have players competing on 3 different battlegrounds, depending on where the update met them. All three battlegrounds have levels numbered 1-40 or 1-80, so it is very important to indicate which battleground's opponent/s you are reporting.
E.g. Instead of saying "Level 18: Armordillo", "Level 40: Rampage" and "Level 12: Plantlers", please specify as "Troll Level 18: Armordillo", "Yak Level 40: Rampage" and "Sloth Level 12: Plantlers".

Would it be possible for a mod to split this into three separate threads for the different battles? I think it would be much easier to report results if this happened. (it has been a long while since I played DS but I am sure each battle had its own thread there)

EDIT - just realised there is another thread for the new battles so you can ignore this request!!!!!

09-05-14, 06:10 AM
Would it be possible for a mod to split this into three separate threads for the different battles? I think it would be much easier to report results if this happened. (it has been a long while since I played DS but I am sure each battle had its own thread there)

EDIT - just realised there is another thread for the new battles so you can ignore this request!!!!!

Yes, but moderators should still change the TITLES of both threads so that visitors (especially newer ones) know where to look for information on whatever tournament they are fighting. Information that pertains to battles in general could be copied to both threads.

09-05-14, 07:33 PM
Would it be possible for a mod to split this into three separate threads for the different battles? I think it would be much easier to report results if this happened. (it has been a long while since I played DS but I am sure each battle had its own thread there)

EDIT - just realised there is another thread for the new battles so you can ignore this request!!!!!

If there was a spoiler tag I could find, it would be prettier. I will still update this for the future players, but, I am only at 22...

PS, if mods are worrying that I will whine and such if they split it, I won't. It might bring some pressure off me too

09-05-14, 09:51 PM
Spoiler alert!

I have nothing new to say. Just seeing if spoiler tags work on this forum. They do. :cool:

Yup, it works! Just type spoiler in brackets at the beginning and [/spoiler] at the end of each spoiler section. :).

09-06-14, 11:27 AM
I thought I'd add a lil something that for last 15-20 battles I've picked up on. So say your fighting a level and it's earth that will beat the opponent. You use an earth hit first time and it doesn't do much damage, I've learned that if you let the game sit for 3-5 mins and then go back and hit with earth hit again it will result in a critical hit. If it doesn't then finish that battle, and when you battle again use a diff creature with Earth hit and do exact same thing. 9 times out of ten, if you let it sit for 3-5 mins, the 2nd hit will always be a critical hit. Not sure why but it's worked for me almost every time. Just thought I'd share

09-06-14, 08:44 PM
I thought I'd add a lil something that for last 15-20 battles I've picked up on. So say your fighting a level and it's earth that will beat the opponent. You use an earth hit first time and it doesn't do much damage, I've learned that if you let the game sit for 3-5 mins and then go back and hit with earth hit again it will result in a critical hit. If it doesn't then finish that battle, and when you battle again use a diff creature with Earth hit and do exact same thing. 9 times out of ten, if you let it sit for 3-5 mins, the 2nd hit will always be a critical hit. Not sure why but it's worked for me almost every time. Just thought I'd share

Yeah. That has been happening to me too. I just thought it was black magic or some programmer just messing with me. Sometimes in the middle of a battle, I happen to start reading a book (Don't ask.) and when I get back to it, bam! Critical.

09-07-14, 06:41 PM
I won the 80th battle yesterday and got the Twilight Troll egg. It's in storage. I keep forgetting about it. I bred a new electric dragon and still have 12 hours left before it hatches.

09-09-14, 02:23 PM
So the list is who we go against on the battleground lvl & not who to use right?

My lvl 24 was a Flambe lvl 8 & I used Satyr lvl 8 & used rock & it was a 1 hit k.o

09-09-14, 08:10 PM

http://www.uppic.org/image-567C_5401EAA7.jpg (http://www.uppic.org/share-567C_5401EAA7.html)

Nice graphic! IIRC, in my experience in the battlegrounds, electric is a "strong" attack vs. water. So does the above mean it "weak" vs. earth then?

I ask because I am thinking that the type of attack actually might matter in the upcoming arena battles.

09-09-14, 08:29 PM
Nice graphic! IIRC, in my experience in the battlegrounds, electric is a "strong" attack vs. water. So does the above mean it "weak" vs. earth then?

I ask because I am thinking that the type of attack actually might matter in the upcoming arena battles.

Since electric is strong againts water, probably electric is weak againts water and rock, when the animals have 2 elements and not one, the strong attacks may become weak attacks.

09-09-14, 09:09 PM
Usually, if an element is weak against a hybrid, it is weak against at least one of the hybrid's elements, but that is not always readily apparent.
Like Electric, Earth is strong against Water but weak against Water-Earth. In fact both Water and Earth are weak against Water-Earth.
While we may not always be able to extract the exact power balance when we attack hybrids, it helps to keep track of specific element-to-hybrid ratings as well as element-to-element ratings.
Unfortunately, the system was too generous with the Critical Hits to allow me to exhaustively test every element against a representative sample of single elements and hybrids. What's more, I was already too far along when I began to test and record. Before I knew it, the Troll was in storage and there were big holes all over my charts. I would continue the testing with my younger forest but it just unlocked the Dark element, so has neither Electric nor Gem animals.
In the meantime, I was able to continue tests of how damage is delivered and sustained, and have just about nailed down the ranges. Hopefully, I'll have that tutorial out before they bring the special tournaments.

09-10-14, 04:12 AM
So I'm new to the game and I've been following the guide for battling in the battlegrounds, but even though I choose the right element animal, I seldom get a Critical and end up getting beat by the opponent despite being 2 levels higher and despite my attacks being supposedly 'Strong'.

I level my animal... and my opponent levels with me. I use a Strong attack and it does good damage and their not-Strong attack despite being leveled lower than me does more damage and so I get KOed.

Is this supposed to happen? According to the guide, it isn't, but I'm just having no luck whatsoever with the Battlegrounds. How can my opponent who is not only leveled lower than me but is also weak to my element manage to hit harder using a weak attack that is NOT Critical?

09-10-14, 06:44 AM
So I'm new to the game and I've been following the guide for battling in the battlegrounds, but even though I choose the right element animal, I seldom get a Critical and end up getting beat by the opponent despite being 2 levels higher and despite my attacks being supposedly 'Strong'.

I level my animal... and my opponent levels with me. I use a Strong attack and it does good damage and their not-Strong attack despite being leveled lower than me does more damage and so I get KOed.

Is this supposed to happen? According to the guide, it isn't, but I'm just having no luck whatsoever with the Battlegrounds. How can my opponent who is not only leveled lower than me but is also weak to my element manage to hit harder using a weak attack that is NOT Critical?

The opponent has no Critical Hits. Only you do, and you get them according to odds set by your animal selection. There's actually nothing you can do that will GUARANTEE a win without the purple button. In fact, you can't even guarantee a LOSS! Believe me - I've tried to lose many times and failed. LOL

The opponent's range of damage is wider than yours by design. Also, a weak versus strong attack rating does not directly map to a certain range of damage delivered by you, but may affect the amount of damage you receive from the opponent. I will try to explain in more detail later.

09-10-14, 08:10 AM
I finished round 80 and won my troll without bothering at all about which type is strong against my opponents. Here's what I do: use a handful of super rare that I leveled up beyond 10, not all to 15. If one doesn't win, I try another. My animals heal so fast, the arena is ready so fast that I find it unnecessary to put energy and thought into looking up opponents in advance and try to find the right fighter.
This of course means I'm not nearly as proud of winning as in DS :)

09-10-14, 09:28 AM
So I'm new to the game and I've been following the guide for battling in the battlegrounds, but even though I choose the right element animal, I seldom get a Critical and end up getting beat by the opponent despite being 2 levels higher and despite my attacks being supposedly 'Strong'.

I level my animal... and my opponent levels with me. I use a Strong attack and it does good damage and their not-Strong attack despite being leveled lower than me does more damage and so I get KOed.

Is this supposed to happen? According to the guide, it isn't, but I'm just having no luck whatsoever with the Battlegrounds. How can my opponent who is not only leveled lower than me but is also weak to my element manage to hit harder using a weak attack that is NOT Critical?

While the battle system labels some attacks as "strong" or "weak", 99% of the time, the only way to win is to get a "critical hit." And whether your strong or weak attack becomes a critical hit or not... it is chance. I have had some rounds of the battlegrounds take over a dozen attempts, all using the "strong" element, before I finally get a critical hit and win. I have also gone in with a "weak" attack, but gotten a critical and won the first try. Both those extremes have actually happened a lot. Whether some animals are more likely to get a critical hit (super rares = most likely? level 15 = most likely?) we don't know, unless Sandscape figures out something in her studies that have not been compiled yet.

In other words, whether you pick the animal and attack that is "strong" or "weak" hardly matters at all... if at all. ALL that matters is the luck of whether you get a critical hit or not. Get a critical hit, win. Don't get a critical hit, lose. Strong or weak is inconsequential. IMO, it's a stupid way to code these battles. But it is what it is. Like trying to breed the unicorn, all you can do is keep trying until luck eventually turns in your favor (if it ever does). With that said, best of luck to you!

09-10-14, 10:40 AM
While the battle system labels some attacks as "strong" or "weak", 99% of the time, the only way to win is to get a "critical hit." And whether your strong or weak attack becomes a critical hit or not... it is chance. I have had some rounds of the battlegrounds take over a dozen attempts, all using the "strong" element, before I finally get a critical hit and win. I have also gone in with a "weak" attack, but gotten a critical and won the first try. Both those extremes have actually happened a lot. Whether some animals are more likely to get a critical hit (super rares = most likely? level 15 = most likely?) we don't know, unless Sandscape figures out something in her studies that have not been compiled yet.

In other words, whether you pick the animal and attack that is "strong" or "weak" hardly matters at all... if at all. ALL that matters is the luck of whether you get a critical hit or not. Get a critical hit, win. Don't get a critical hit, lose. Strong or weak is inconsequential. IMO, it's a stupid way to code these battles. But it is what it is. Like trying to breed the unicorn, all you can do is keep trying until luck eventually turns in your favor (if it ever does). With that said, best of luck to you!

Not quite. I have it figured, but can't find the time to write it up. You do NOT absolutely need a Critical Hit to win. And trust me for now that the attack ratings do matter; just not the way you might expect. Weak attacks can and do win, and strong attacks have a better shot. But other factors help determine the odds. I don't want to write a book, so for now, the long and short of it is to just keep the strong attacks going.

09-13-14, 11:59 AM
As of last night the hits are no longer labeled when I battle. No way to tell what's weak or strong unless you read some of the rankings posted here, but I'm wondering if this is TL's way of further stacking the odds against us. Maybe the rankings don't work anymore....??