View Full Version : Update 7-25-14 - Watercress

07-25-14, 04:31 PM
Thought I would start this thread as in addition to the carnival event we have a new crop in the water garden...

WATERCRESS, takes 10 hours to grow. 15 min to dry in the dryer.

in the deli there's a WATERCRESS SANDWICH, HOAGIE, or SUBMARINE depending on what it is called in your area. In the PHILLY AREA we would call it a HOAGIE. 5 hours to prepare.

in the kitchen, there's a WATERCRESS SOUP. 4 hr 45 min to prepare

In the pizza oven, there's a WATERCRESS PIZZA. 5 hr 30 min to prepare.

I don't know about others, I need more room in my silo with the new crops and can use more room in the barn for the new dishes.

As usual, need more space. EXPANSIONS please!

07-25-14, 04:36 PM
Thanks! I wondered if there was an update but I guess I not high enough to get it. What level are you? I need more expansions as well. Especially with the carnival event, I don't have any room for new decor. I need more space!

07-25-14, 04:50 PM
Thanks! I wondered if there was an update but I guess I not high enough to get it. What level are you? I need more expansions as well. Especially with the carnival event, I don't have any room for new decor. I need more space!

I'm level 60, so I can't tell what level these kick in at...

07-25-14, 06:49 PM
Pizza is level 60.

07-26-14, 01:37 AM
I saw the pop up about watercress but didn't see it, so I figured it was outta my reach. The new stuff sounds cute but I'm busy focusing on getting to the point where I can make more vanilla and ice cream machine recipes. I can wait a month or so for this.

07-27-14, 06:18 AM
I got a pop-up that I can grow watercress. I guess it's a glitch because I can't find watercress anywhere. Normally you get 4 of the plants at the beginning. Some other people got the same message from Jed. What is that all about ?

07-27-14, 08:05 AM
we haven't heard an official response, but it may be for a higher level. Wasabi isn't available until 47 and cranberries arent until 50, so it may not be available for you yet. It seems like a lot of the newer items and buildings have been for level 60 to keep them playing.

07-28-14, 11:15 AM
I got a pop-up that I can grow watercress. I guess it's a glitch because I can't find watercress anywhere. Normally you get 4 of the plants at the beginning. Some other people got the same message from Jed. What is that all about ?

You may not be able to see certain crops until you are a certain level. To see the watercress crop in the Water Garden, you will need to be level 57 or higher and you will start off with 4 watercress plants.