View Full Version : Remembering back to the Easter Egg Hunt......

07-24-14, 04:19 PM
Well folks, TL has done it again. For all the farmers who are not yet to the mine or the pond, you won't have a chance to collect the tickets needed for prizes during this carnival thing as the last two tickets are collected in both these.
It's exactly like the Easter Egg hunt. Special items will have to be made to produce tickets. We are up the creek if any of those things are making high end truffle items.

I feel this is truly UNFAIR to all those players that are unable to reach these goals in 15 days.
It's a game to get you to spend money for gems to complete the collection.
Be prepared for lots of complaints on this one as well from lower level players.
With all the complaints from the Easter game, I would have thought that those complaints would have inspired change. I guess not. *** sigh***

07-24-14, 06:02 PM
Agree... Only some will get lucky and get the prizes wanted.
And others will whine and complain like las time.

Unless tl could fix it by when you turn in 1 collection you get the least wanted decor prize... And by the 20th collection turned in you are guaranteed the best prize?

Say yes tl

07-25-14, 10:22 AM
There is a minimum level that you must be in order to participate in the Carnival Event. At this level, you will be able to access any features you will need to collect tickets from. For more information, you can follow the current thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?71086-Farm-Story-2-Carnival-Event-7-24-14) about this event. Good luck!