View Full Version : Sales of goods not always added to coins total

07-24-14, 09:55 AM
When I collect coins from shop sales I have noticed that the money is not always added on to my score. Approx 1 in 10 times. In one case over 1000 coins. Is there something I should know

07-24-14, 02:34 PM
We have taken a look at this and were able to retrieve the correct amount of Coins. What could have also possibly happened is that there might be a small delay from collecting your Coins and it showing up in your total. Next time if this happens, could you please let us know how many Coins you previously had, how many you collected, and the amount it brought you up to. If possible, could you take screenshots of how much you are selling your items for as well as screenshots of when you retrieve your Coins the next time you see this happen? It would also be super helpful if you could you also let us know if you're only getting a partial amount of the Coins added or none at all. Thanks! :)

07-26-14, 05:57 AM
Will try to do this. Not sure how to take screenshots on an ipad. Thank you. It happened once this morning but I forgot which item it was . Will try to collect and make notes.