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View Full Version : Expensive LTO's

07-22-14, 12:28 PM
I was wondering why the LTO's are so expensive for weeks, if anyone could explain why, even better change the prices back to 25-40 gems:)

07-22-14, 01:11 PM
I am already pretty disgusted at the new high prices of recent LTO's. I have not bought them, and I have only seen one in person in another shop.
And it isn't just LTO's, it is all gem d?cor.

I will not buy these outrageously priced items. They are causing me to loose interest in the game. Where I used to look forward to each Tuesday, and eagerly gather gems in anticipation, I am now starting to dread it as I am tired of feeling disappointed.

If the next week has a 50+ gem LTO and/or other super high priced d?cor that is nothing special, I expect, in all seriousness, to put out all my old d?cor, close my shop and turn it into a museum of how awesome and affordable the game used to be. No point in farming up coins and gems every week with nothing good to spend them on, when my shop is at max expansion.

07-22-14, 03:09 PM
I agree, maybe if this tread gets more popular maybe team lava will notice

07-22-14, 06:18 PM
I agree too, I was really and really disappointed since the update from 4th July :(

07-22-14, 07:11 PM
Agreed! I just complained on another thread how ridiculous the LTO's were getting!! I used to look forward to every Tuesday and now it depressing because I feel like oh let's see what you won't be able to get this week!! I live on disability and I can't afford to drop $20 a week for this game. Once in a while I treat myself and buy some extra gems. But it's not fair that they have doubled the price of theses items! Come on TL everyone is struggling.

07-22-14, 07:52 PM
Same here. I can't imagine that as many people are buying these new LTOs at these high prices. I know I haven't run into any since they've started doing this. If the goal is to sell these items to people...doesn't seem to be a good tactic. :/

07-23-14, 05:41 AM
I agree with imwashburn, I don't think I would spend 20 dollars a week for a game for fun. I might buy gems for my birthday or a couple times a year but definitely not once a week

07-23-14, 08:53 AM
I'm in complete agreement! The price of LTOs is now outrageous. It's unfair. It makes me feel like not buying gems and not buying LTOs. When they were priced around half of what they are now, I would buy them every week and buy gems when I needed them to support my shop. However now they are so expensive, I hardly buy anything and if I do, I feel *****ed. It's a bad feeling that TL is ripping its loyal players off in this way.

Please please listen TL. You have it right when the LTOs are priced much cheaper. Floor decos should also be a mix of gems and coins giving everyone a chance to buy something fun for their shop. Not just a tree or divider for coins and all the good stuff for gems like this week (a lot of gems).

It doesn't make good business sense to alienate your customers.

kooky panda
07-23-14, 09:09 AM
Good Feedback guys! I am moving this thread to the Feedback and Suggestion Forum.

07-23-14, 10:49 AM
Agreed. The prices are way too high and the displays aren't even all that for what they're trying to sell them for either. Please lower the prices like they used to be.

07-23-14, 11:04 AM
Please please listen TL. You have it right when the LTOs are priced much cheaper. Floor decos should also be a mix of gems and coins giving everyone a chance to buy something fun for their shop. Not just a tree or divider for coins and all the good stuff for gems like this week (a lot of gems).

It doesn't make good business sense to alienate your customers.

^This TL!

I'm a big fan of LTO but only when the price is reasonable. Please revert back to the usual pricing of 30s-40s gem range. Tired of all the over expensive LTO and gems heavy updates.