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07-20-14, 12:17 AM
My daily bonus coins have dropped significantly? Does this happen because of level?

07-20-14, 02:50 PM
There are four levels of daily bonus for each level. As you log in each day (in a row) you go up one level until you hit level four. The next day the level resets back to one and the cycle continues. If you miss logging in for a day or so the level resets to one. In terms of pay out you get more for level four then three etc.

07-20-14, 04:48 PM
I think they mean that the amount we collect from the daily bonus has dropped significantly, overall. My daily bonus has gone down dramatically from what it used to be. Think it kicked in a couple of weeks ago. This has happened in the past, where TL changes the daily log on reward, but then they put it back the way it was. This one though seems to be a permanent change, but here's hoping they put it back to the higher amounts.