View Full Version : Building Sale???

07-18-14, 03:28 PM
Question: Guess what I did this morning?
Answer: I bought a sushi stand for 175,0000 cents so I could have some fun this weekend.

Question: Guess what went on sale this afternoon?
Answer: The sushi stand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Question: Guess how mad I am right now?
Answer: (Fill in the blank) _______________

Question: Guess what I was thinking about doing this weekend?
Answer: Getting an iTunes card to buy some more gems for the truffle farm and open up more patties on the rice farm.

Question: Guess what I will probably not buy this weekend?
Answer: Getting an iTunes card to buy some more gems for the truffle farm and open up more patties on the rice farm.

Seriously, I spent a lot of time earning coins for the sushi farm only to have to wait two days to use it. On top of earning coins and maps for the pond. When I bought the sushi stand I had 34 coins left and can't buy in the market. Now I see if I waited just a few hours... I guess I should have not goofed off at work to get those last few cents to buy the stand. Serves me right.

07-18-14, 04:05 PM
Sorry to hear about this! Could you please write to us at support@teamlava.com so that we can assist you? Thanks!

07-21-14, 02:32 PM
Well I went to buy a forge during last few minutes of sale, countdown still on but price had already gone up! Only just made enough at sale price so can't buy now.

07-21-14, 02:56 PM
Well I went to buy a forge during last few minutes of sale, countdown still on but price had already gone up! Only just made enough at sale price so can't buy now.

Sorry to hear about that! Unfortunately, our sale ended at 2 PM PDT.