View Full Version : Drops with deliveries

07-16-14, 08:45 PM
Anyone else having problems getting maps deeds or permits with deliveries? I have sent many deliveries out since the weekend and have only received a couple of maps and a couple of permits. These are very few and far between, and it seems I am much less likely to get anything since the weekend sale.

07-16-14, 08:56 PM
I have to stalk the shops for maps. I get them sparsely from deliveries, but if you regularly check the shop you can usually find some in there!

07-17-14, 12:21 AM
I am having problems with maps. When I first started maps were plentiful and I was waiting on one of the other items. Now, I can not get maps.

07-18-14, 03:25 AM
I have to stalk the shops for maps. I get them sparsely from deliveries, but if you regularly check the shop you can usually find some in there!

I have been checking and no deeds out there that I can find. Had to have my daughter sell me a couple but of course lost a couple from her selling to me buying them. Think everyone desperate for them. I have sent at least another 30 deliveries and get the odd permit but no maps or deeds. Losing interest in playing since what's the point. Won't get anything from deliveries anyway. Can only sell so much at a time. Disappointed that they are making it so hard to get these from deliveries and no one is selling. Think everyone is holding on to expand to truffle farm.

07-18-14, 05:30 AM
I think there's a drop in getting parts or papers from deliveries since the birthday bash. Or is it just me?:confused:

07-18-14, 06:09 AM
I think there's a drop in getting parts or papers from deliveries since the birthday bash. Or is it just me?:confused:

I can't decide whether the rate has dropped or I have just forgotten how many deliveries I squeezed in whilst the event was going on! However, even though I no longer need expansion parts, I have noticed that they are a very rare drop from deliveries now and there are not many appearing for sale either.

07-18-14, 09:46 AM
Be aware, team lava plays with us. You will rarely get what you need or find it in the newspaper. Did you ever notice that if you need a particular item, especially if you've seen it often in the newspaper, you won't find it in the newspaper when you suddenly need it.

Go to the fishing pond, if you need a particular fish for deliveries or use in a recipe, you will almost certainly get other fish instead. You'll get very few of the fish you need.

Not to mention the gem traps they set up.

By the way, if you want permits etc., go to the side stores of your neighbors that are very far advanced. I regularly sell permits and tools because I'm fully expanded. Most of my shops have 7 slots to build recipes so don't need the parts to expand them.

Good luck. You'll need it, team lava works against you. They want you to purchase gems to fill out your needs. They even offer gem sales to those stores that probably won't use them. I have 4 farms ( on four different iOS devices) and have gotten gem sales recently on 2 of my farms... These were farms of lower levels. My major farm, at level 60, can use gem sales and i would buy, but I don't get sales on this farm. Too bad. Another way they play with us... Like offering new animals for gems at varied prices that vary from farm to farm. They did this with horses and rabbits. They play with us.

07-18-14, 10:55 AM
I can't decide whether the rate has dropped or I have just forgotten how many deliveries I squeezed in whilst the event was going on! However, even though I no longer need expansion parts, I have noticed that they are a very rare drop from deliveries now and there are not many appearing for sale either.

Thanks. My deliveries give very little cash and points so it's nice to get something like parts or papers.