View Full Version : Downwind Plane

07-03-14, 07:29 PM
I have all my wind-dependent items (windmill, flag, pinwheel) set up to take advantage of the wind as indicated by the pennant on top of the newspaper kiosk, which cannot be moved/rotated. Today it occurred to me that the delivery plane is actually taking off downwind. It already has a very short take-off run, but downwind as well - wow!

07-11-14, 12:59 PM
Physical science does not seem to be a strong influence in this game. I have all the country flags, & I can have four flags positioned one positing towards each direction(N,S,E &W) and all four will fly and wave in the wind at the same time. Hope that helps! (Yes, I know a plane like that really needs to take off into the wind, but there are real world examples of where this is not possible & somehow the planes always take off.) My biggest surprise is that we don't have to buy fuel for the plane & maintain it. I guess that is just built into the paltry sales prices we get for using plane or train for sales.