View Full Version : Food not selling

07-01-14, 07:28 PM
I have probably over a million plates of food. Only a fraction of my food is selling. It seems like this only started a month or so again, but I can't keep up. I'm constantly having to buy new counters. It's depressing and makes me not want to play.

Anyone have suggestions? I added more tables, but that didn't help. ID is amvictory if you want to see my layout.

Thanks so much!

07-01-14, 08:08 PM
Take a break and don't cook for awhile. Adding tables won't help since ull only have a max of 28 bots in ur bakery at a time.

07-02-14, 05:14 AM
I haven't looked at your layout, but I find that I sell a ton of food with my efficiency layout. I've never had a problem with too much food and have been playing for over a year. Feel free to check out my layout or others on the forum for ideas.

07-02-14, 05:36 AM
Have been using a 'feeding pen' layout for a few months and never got a problem with too many counters ever since...
You can check my layout.... I almost always have 100 hearts.

07-02-14, 11:27 AM
Thanks everyone... will do!

07-02-14, 03:50 PM
I pulled out my extra tables and put in a few more counters. Hopefully it will help. As for not cooking... I doubt that's what they want. That breaks the cycle of addictive behavior, which is what leads to people quitting / finding another game.

07-03-14, 01:24 AM
I rearranged my bakery too. I figured maybe the little people were having to walk too far. Too early to tell, but I think it's making more money now, which implies more plates are moving. Hopefully... Thanks everyone... I'll post an update later.

07-03-14, 08:21 PM
I'm just popping on here to say Thanks for all the replies, I've switched to a proper feeding pen layout and I think I like it better :)