View Full Version : Problems with Bingo

06-30-14, 04:56 PM
Today, i got the quest to play the game "Bingo!" from SharkParty and it had, as usual, following quests to reach a certain level.

But this game is totally buggy. I proceeded to lvl 3 and feel back to lvl 1 afterwards. Although I did not play, I lost all my tickets for playing. After reaching lvl 3 again, I fell back to 2, then to 1 and so on. Same on my wifes device. (Galaxy SIII, Xperia Z)

I know it is no dragon story specific bug, but I would really like to complete the dragon story quest, to reach lvl 7 in Bingo and just can't.

Maybe some Mod can move this post into the right forum.

07-01-14, 02:20 AM
i tried twice last night and it took forever to open (loading this/doing that) so unless it's sorted i won't be playing it.tried twice to download it and got the same error message-but it did install.do a search and it's not surprising there are bugs as it's a storm 8 game lol.i'm glad somebody else has mentioned this problem