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View Full Version : Devs: Please explain why the Soccer update needs these permissions.

06-29-14, 12:20 AM
Dear Devs:

I asked this in General but nobody's answered me yet so I'm asking here.

I noticed you had the new Soccer update for RS and was really excited about it until I noticed what seemed like a lot of new permissions it wanted. Can you please explain why you need to link my Story game to my FB account and why it needs access to my files and photos and whatnot? I'm not installing it until I know what's going on there.


kooky panda
06-29-14, 12:21 PM
Please do not start up duplicate threads on the same topic.
You already have a thread here. (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?70304-What-s-up-with-the-permissions-this-new-update-wants-(Soccer-update)&p=925221&viewfull=1#post925221)