View Full Version : Your food cooked to long

06-26-14, 03:03 AM
I cooked & served something yesterday only to get an alert this morning . It has cooked to long? I go in game and sure enough there it was on stoves as if I never served it..what the heck! How can it be? I served it yesterday and game acts like I never did and spoils it! I'm not made of money to waste on gems to revive it. It just shouldn't have happen...this ends my rant! .....sorry for my ranting over prob nothing?

06-26-14, 02:26 PM
Sounds like your game didn't sync with the servers when you exited. It can be a good idea to visit someone or post/delete on your wall as this can force a sync

06-29-14, 08:33 AM
Ty I have done that but does get frustrating having to just to be sure, lol