View Full Version : Dragon Story - Remove neighbors not playing anymore

06-22-14, 07:32 AM
Does anyone know of a quick way to find out which of your neighbors aren't playing anymore so I can remove them rather than visiting them one by one and then removing them? It has gotten to the point where I have many neighbors that quit and I need to get rid of them so I can spend time at my neighbors that do play.


07-17-14, 11:38 PM
I haven't found any quick way to do that so I only play from my wall now. I don't visit all the neighbors ever. Too many neighbors now. I just don't have time to go through the whole list every day or even every week. Many don't play back. Some don't play back but do send good and materials. Some drop out then return. Just not worth trying to keep track of who's doing what. Just play with the people who post on my wall.

08-11-14, 10:24 PM
I personally have stopped visiting neighbours. There's little need to and all the islands end up looking like one crowded messy mob of dragons once they get to higher levels. The only ones I still care about are the 3 that send me gold every day :D In theory I have all the maps I need & more coin that I know what to do with, so I could pretty much delete everyone but these three...

I would prefer to have an icon show up on your listing if a neighbour has been inactive for maybe 6 months. You can then choose to delete all of these straight off your neighbours list easily.

08-11-14, 10:52 PM
I personally have stopped visiting neighbours. There's little need to and all the islands end up looking like one crowded messy mob of dragons once they get to higher levels. The only ones I still care about are the 3 that send me gold every day :D In theory I have all the maps I need & more coin that I know what to do with, so I could pretty much delete everyone but these three...

This just too funny! And true! I really have three I visit only as well ~ if that!