View Full Version : What Level do You Like to Keep Your Dragons at?

06-15-14, 09:13 AM
My friend evolves all of hers to level 7, while I also have a neighbor who keeps them all at level 10, while some I've seen only have the basics (fire, forest, air, water, magic) at level 4 with the rest as babies.
I personally will go and look up pictures of the dragon and evolve it to whatever it looks best at.

06-15-14, 10:26 AM
I evolve my absolute favorites to epic if I like how they'll look, no matter how much food it takes, the rest I keep at seven.

My spare account used to be all babies until I wanted more coins. XD

I will NEVER evolve my pumpkin to epic. I've seen what happens. I will never get rid of that nightmare. O_O

06-15-14, 01:10 PM
I evolve any new dragons I get to level 7, then immediately feed them up to level 9. If I don't have any new dragons to evolve to level 7, I'll evolve one of the many level 9s up to a level 10.

06-15-14, 01:32 PM
I evolve dragons based on usefulness in the arena. The I try to get my best potential battlers to EPIC.

Until recently, I evolved dragons based on which would give me the most coins per food invested but slowly over time my income has grown to exceed the coins needed for planting crops and paying for expansions.

06-15-14, 02:40 PM
I have nearly all of mine at level 6. Many are cuter as babies so I keep a few of those around too. I like how baby wizard flies with its ears. :)

Now that I am playing in the battle arena I will try to evolve more to level 7.

06-15-14, 08:01 PM
Well since I dont have a battle arena, I usually just try to evolve to 10 if I have the food for it. if I decde to keep duplicates of a dragon, I sometimes leave others at lower levels to make "families"

06-16-14, 03:04 AM
I have always kept my island with all dragons at level 3-4, with the exception of clockwork dragon at level 7, but during the past month I got a few clockwork dragon, so i now have a clockwork dragon at every stage formation.

06-16-14, 04:53 AM
Mine are all epic unless they are duplicates. I'm all about the coinage!! ;P

06-16-14, 06:01 AM
Duplicates are lvl 1, max 3. If I want to trade them, I evolve them to lvl 4, but since I don't have any duplicates that give the colors I want (black and pink), I haven't done that in ages...

Everything else gets to be lvl 7 and everything usefull in the arena gets to be lvl 9 or 10.

Food is more of a problem than coins: I only make Rushrooms or Diamondates (almost 24/7), and still the moment I need a dragon evolved from lvl 7 to 9 or 10, my food is depleted...

06-16-14, 06:54 AM
.......I'm all about the coinage!! ;P
My intention is to get them all to Epic. Even duplicates.
Being all about the coinage I keep only the ones that earn 1300 an hour and up.
It's not that I can DO much with the coins, it's just my way. Coinage gives me a good marker on my progress if nothing else.

I have a lot at level 3, some at level 6 and another lot at 9, all waiting for their turn at the Evolution Temple.
If I didn't have so many fails to trade it would be my farms not keeping up. Lol

My Evolution a Temple and farms are going non stop.

06-16-14, 10:02 AM
I evolve them normally to the best looking level. So some of my dragons are still babies. As a result of mining though I've been evolving some dragons to level 7 even though they're cuter when younger.