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06-08-14, 09:48 PM
For the quest named "breakfast of champions" you are supposed to get oranges. How do you get them??

06-08-14, 09:56 PM
Best sure fire way, they're drops from an orange tree. Either pony up some gems and buy it or hope that you get one from adventuring. Personally, I'm gotten apple and lemon trees from adventuring, but I had to buy an orange tree. Other people have gotten the orange tree, so it is possible. Sir Pigglesworth will sometimes drop oranges when you collect from him. Also, they can drop from the Glimmerbat Habitat, if you have one. (It was a reward for completing a limited time goal. I don't believe TL has made it available for gem purchase like other limited time rewards though).

06-09-14, 01:21 AM
It is possible to get the Glimmerbat Habitat for gems. But it doesn't come fully upgraded so u have to do the quests.

06-09-14, 01:54 AM
I believe the fruit crate trade in the exchange can also drop oranges