View Full Version : Please consider raising prices on banana items...

06-08-14, 09:15 PM
The market prices on the banana items are very low. For example, the jar of peanut butter used to make the Elvis sandwich is more expensive than the sandwich itself, plus it takes 8 hours to make one. The desert pizza and the the chocolate-covered bananas are more reasonable but perhaps could also be raised considering the amount of time that it takes to make these items. I would love to see more Elvis sandwiches in the newspaper, but can understand why people (including myself) are hesitant to sell them at such a low price...

06-10-14, 02:46 AM
Completely agree! I've just reached the level with Elvis sandwich and after I made it and put in my shop I was shocked with the price! It really doesn't make any sense. At least put it around 250-300 please!!

And one more thing, new cranberry juice, takes the longest time to make in the juicer and sells for the 108 at max. If we sell 4 dried cranberries and one sugar that it takes to produce we get more money. So again doesn't make any sense and can this please be fixed somehow? We would all appreciate it I think!