View Full Version : Dragon Tournament: Bronzetalon on 6-3-2014 (IOS)

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06-08-14, 02:25 PM
Just used ultimate on Helios. Lost about 6 times to him and I've got a ton more options against prism than I do Helios and only 9.5 hours left. If I can get past prism I'll see how I do against bronzetalon or if I have to ultimate that as well. If I can beat both, this will be the only ultimate I used.

06-08-14, 02:56 PM
saghaven : i did too .. and now I am stuck on Bronzetalon .. so close yet SOOO far !!

06-08-14, 03:16 PM
Thanks for all the advice and support, it's getting late so I broke my own rule and bought gold. Ultimated Prism & Bronze now in my nest! Couldn't give up after so many hours at this! x

06-08-14, 03:41 PM
I used ultimate on the last 3 dragons because couldn't take the losses anymore. I don't feel like I accomplished anything but having a champion may let me do better in the next tournament. Congrats to all who finished and especially to those who didn't have to use gold...I envy you!

06-08-14, 04:03 PM
Lost about 8 hours of battling yesterday being on a trip. Second account is on to the last round, incredible without gold! Guess I will ultimate if I run out of time. Main account can't beat Quetzal without any diamonds so it won't finish. Daughter's account has lost about 6 times to Helios.

Edit: Woohoo! Second account beats Bronzetalon with Pyramid! Daughter's finally got Helios with Diamond and she has enough gold to ultimate the other rounds.

I would make my second account my main because it has a diamond and better battling odds somehow, BUT it is an Android account and it is so tedious logging in and out when I want to play.

06-08-14, 04:33 PM
Sweet! Prism taken down by diamond 3. Only the second battle with him. One more round to go with 7+ hours left. Hope I can beat him without ultimate. This will only be the second tournament I've won. It did a weird thing and only gave me 23 rounds. I didn't start syncing up with the list until hibiscus and that was like my round 6. But nothing was lower than level 10. Less fights but harder fighters in the beginning.

06-08-14, 05:24 PM
I got it I got it- so excited. Epic wizard took out round 30 with 2 magic followed by a huge bash so avoided the ultimate but has used for round 29 (prism?) and for the mother and have a queue lined up for healing. Thanks so much for advice on this discussion thread, only the second tournament I have completed so feeling euphoric :-D

06-08-14, 06:26 PM
Congratulations Pribakes, Buttabdullah, AwesomeChefDad, Zummat, Brandonu, Gdmcrjunkie, DarkAther, Miyokosha, MakJulos, Deadpixel, Droopy123love, Meoconlunar, Kevin, Knuffel, Kkdble, Akanksha, Dala, Bzoo, Rosewaterlily, Anaboe, 22Watermelon, Victoria, Tuffyjkitten, Freesiawoods, Aypeerez,
& Chaselance (I think)!!!!

06-08-14, 06:29 PM
Thanks for everyone's encouragement!!

20. Pyramid > Ninja (16: MBB)
21. Diamond > Quetzal (12: BM)
22. Diamond > BlackDiamond (14: BMB)
23. Marshmallow > BluePeacock (16: BB)
24. Diamond > Gold (16: BB)
25. Steampunk > Razorback (20: BBB)
26. Jade > Mother (18: MBB)
27. Jade > Cirque (18: BM)
28. Diamond > Helios (20: MM)
29. Diamond > Prism (20: BMM)
30. Mummy (9) > Bronze-Talon (20: BMM)

06-08-14, 07:06 PM
I got stuck on Gold, about 17 losses so far, which surprisingly does not include every pink or black dragon on my island. Never counted them all. My dragons are far more interested in the island reorganization going on, as I'm buying and selling and moving around habitats. I got frustrated at never having enough space and decided to convert some habitats to the 2 dragon ones instead of 3 dragon, since 16 habitats holding 2 dragons each (32 total) fits in the same space as 9 habitats holding 3 (27 total). Looked nice with a 4x4 grid of little forest habitats too, but then I hit the new cap of 94. Changing it all back, but at least was something to do while battling the same 2 dragons for the last 3 days.

It's not like I don't have a LOT of choices for battles - I have bunches of removed and non-breedable dragons of various levels and colors, lots of super rare, about 50 epics, even bought the diamond in the value pack. Got it to level 6, but didn't want to take 40+ hours with it evolving or in breeding den during tournament. Should have done it anyway, might have a hybrid now. :)

But there is nothing I can do to win, short of buying gold. Nothing I can breed to have better odds, though I suppose in future diamond hybrids will help, maybe. Battle after battle, close but no lucky critical strike. It's feeling like a huge waste of time. Kind of like paying lotto week after week and never winning - I'm not much of a gambler, I think that's pointless. Not sure why I play pocket Vegas DS though lol.

And you would think out of a 6 day tournament, at least one of the days would have a gold sale. Nope. I had one the day BEFORE the champion habitat sale and start of the tournament, but I don't like buying when I don't have a specific use for it, cuz is so easy to misclick, so TL got no money from me for this one. I do think this random sale business is garbage.

Not that I actually use the champions I have - I rarely ever do. But I must be an optimist, I even tried ninja against gold lol. Of course he lost, he always loses. And he's terrible in breeding den! No goblin, no dapper, just charm dragons. So many charm dragons.

So overall, not a big deal to lose; if I had a gold sale I would have bought some and used ultimate prolly, I wouldn't have minded paying a bit. It's weird to me that I get fewer of them now than I used to - I used to always get them at the end of a tournament, but I bought the really cheap pack when it wasn't on sale and it changed when I get sales. I think there is just too much randomness, too many marketing tricks and all the rest of it. I wish the game was more straightforward and the tournaments didn't take 60 plus hours, 10 hours per day, logging in hourly, to win. I usually just use gold to speed up rounds to make up for not logging in hourly, but 3 days of the same 2 dragons is just boring. Total gold spent on speeding arena: 17. And no dragon to show for it.

Congrats to all who got it! Good luck to those close trying to finish in the last few hours, hope you get it!

06-08-14, 07:28 PM
Phew!!! With just about 4 hours remaining I finally finished!!! My first champion dragon. I was really wanting to get one before I hit level 50 and thanks to diamond, I made it just in time. Congrats to all that finished and good luck to those still fighting. Don't give up. It's not over til it's over

06-08-14, 08:16 PM
Whooooo!!! Bronzetalon taken down by epic Aether! M+++m

Lost diamond 3, Paladin 9, and Cirque 3. Second tournament I've own and only had to use ultimate once mostly for time!

06-08-14, 10:23 PM
Hi everyone. I am still away but finally start heading for home tonight. I have just Bronzetalon to go and will probably have to use ultimate as I have just one chance left before time runs out. Messy tourney as I couldn't easily log on to fight. Thankfully I never lost many rounds, used ultimate on round 25 as I knew I was running out of time and the rest has been not super stressful. Only have 5 dragons in line at the healing spa. Congrats to all who have won tourney. I haven't scrolled through the posts to check.

06-08-14, 10:30 PM
I did it! My first tourney without using ultimate! Bronzetalon went down to white chocolate epic. Congrats to everyone else who made it and good luck to those still battling to the end. My final results:

1. Acrobat - virtue 10 bmm (close)
2. Daisy - lightning 10 Mb
3. Wisp - lightning 10 M
4. Lantern - lightning 10 bM
5. Geminin - planet 10 M
6. Pansy - razorback 10 bMb
7. Dapper - dawntree 10 mB
8. Underworld - dawntree 10 mbm
9. Equinox - dawntree 10 bM
10. Avatar - Sunburst 10 Mb
11. Taurus - planet 10 Bm
12. Illusionist - parakeet 10 bM
13. Hibiscus - dawntree 10 mB
14. Viking - rainbow 10 bmb
15. Glass - lightning 10 bMm
16. Pi?ata - night 10 M
17. Porcelain - sunburst 10 bM
18. Panda - dawntree 10 mBm
19. Celestial - dawntree 10 Bm
20. Ninja - emerald knight 10 bM
21. Quetzal - razorback 10 bB
22. Black diamond - dawntree 10 bmm
23. Blue peacock - parakeet 10 M
24. Gold - razorback 10 bbm
25. Razorback - emerald knight 10 mB
26. Mother - razorback 10 B
27. Cirque - sunburst 10 M
28. Helios - white chocolate 10 Mb
29. Prism - rainbow 1o bmb
30. Bronzetalon - white chocolate 10 bM

06-08-14, 11:06 PM
I was hoping not use gold win Bronzetalon but last hour I did .I used most day for last Battle but I had to use ultimate.I used ultimate twice for ninja and Bronzetalon.I want to thank people post how they won their battle some of it help me out.:)

06-08-14, 11:33 PM
Ran out of time so I had to ultimate bronze talon. Still less gold than I spend on most tournaments.

1. Acrobat (1) < lotus (10) b+++
2. Daisy (1) < lightmare (10) b+++
3. Wisp (1) < lightmare (10) b+++
4. Red lantern (2) < black knight (10) b,b++
5. Gemini (2) < black knight (10) b,b++
6. Pansy (3) < lotus (10) b,b,b
7. Dapper (4) < blue moon (10) b++,b
8. Underworld (5) < black knight (10) b++,b
9. Equinox (6) < emerald knight (10) b+++
10. Avatar (7) < Valkyrie (10) b+++
11. Taurus (8) < black rose (10) b,b++
12. Illusionist (9) < headless (10) b+++
13. Hibiscus (10) < black knight (10) b+++
14. Viking (10) < lightmare (10) b++,b
15. Glass (11) < black knight (10) b,b,b
16. Pi?ata (10) < emerald knight (10) b+++
17. Porcelain (10) < double rainbow (10) b+++
18. Panda (12) < double rainbow (10) b,b++
19. Celestial (12) < double rainbow (10) b+++
Losses - double rainbow (10)x1
20. Ninja (16) < pyramid (10) b,b, ultimate
Losses - pyramid (10)x3, passion (10)x4, metal (10)x1, unicorn (10)x1, crusader (9)x1, Acrobat (6)x1, emerald knight (10)x1, Easter egg (7)x1, black knight (10)x1, water (10)x1, forest (10)x1, origami (10)x1
21. Quetzal (12) < unicorn (10) b,b+,b
22. Black diamond (14) < crusader (10) b+,b,b
Losses - unicorn (10)x1, emerald knight (10)x1, razorback (10)x1
23. Blue peacock (16) < marshmallow (9) b,b,b
24. Gold (16) < unicorn (10) b,b++
Losses - unicorn (10)x4, crusader (10)x1
25. Razorback (18) < fire (1) b,b++
Losses - crusader(10)x1, pyramid (10)x1, black knight (10)x1, mummy (10)x1
26. Mother (18) < double rainbow (10) b,b++
Losses - double rainbow (10)x1
27. Cirque (18) < Valkyrie (10) b,b++
Losses - razorback (10)x1
28. Helios (20) <unicorn (10) b,b+,b
Losses - unicorn (10)x1, crusader (10)x1
29. Prism (20) < unicorn (10) b,b+,b
30. Bronzetalon (20) < dynasty (10) b,b, ultimate
Losses - crusader (10)x1, passion (10)x1, pyramid (10)x1, fire (1)x1, mummy (10)x1

06-08-14, 11:34 PM
30. Bronzetalon- blue moon B++B (lost passion 2x)
Luckily Bronzetalon was easy to beat :)

Bronzetalon is in my nest!

Woooow! Get Bronzetalon dragon on storage(free) :confused: :D:D:cool:

Whooo! The baby-brigade did it again! Only needed to defeat bronzetalon, and had 20 hours left to do so, so I decided to bring in the baby-brigade. I think my 7th try worked :) a level 1 Poison

I'm done! Surprisingly helios and cirque were hardest battles for me but I finished without using gold. Got my first champion dragon now! Good luck everyone still battling!
R30 bronzetalon 20- infinity 6 won (crusader 9, infinity 6, fire 3 and air 6 lost)

Thanks for all the advice and support, it's getting late so I broke my own rule and bought gold. Ultimated Prism & Bronze now in my nest! Couldn't give up after so many hours at this! x

Edit: Woohoo! Second account beats Bronzetalon with Pyramid! Daughter's finally got Helios with Diamond and she has enough gold to ultimate the other rounds.

I got it I got it- so excited. Epic wizard took out round 30 with 2 magic followed by a huge bash so avoided the ultimate but has used for round 29 (prism?) and for the mother and have a queue lined up for healing. Thanks so much for advice on this discussion thread, only the second tournament I have completed so feeling euphoric :-D

30. Mummy (9) > Bronze-Talon (20: BMM)

Phew!!! With just about 4 hours remaining I finally finished!!! My first champion dragon. Congrats to all that finished and good luck to those still fighting. Don't give up. It's not over til it's over

Whooooo!!! Bronzetalon taken down by epic Aether! M+++m Lost diamond 3, Paladin 9, and Cirque 3. Second tournament I've own and only had to use ultimate once mostly for time!

I did it! My first tourney without using ultimate! Bronzetalon went down to white chocolate epic. Congrats to everyone else who made it and good luck to those still battling to the end. 30. Bronzetalon - white chocolate 10 bM

I was hoping not use gold win Bronzetalon but last hour I did .I used most day for last Battle but I had to use ultimate.I used ultimate twice for ninja and Bronzetalon.I want to thank people post how they won their battle some of it help me out.:)
Congrats winners & those who got bronzetalon!

06-08-14, 11:36 PM
30. Bronzetalon (20) < dynasty (10) b,b, ultimate
Grats blinvy2!

06-09-14, 12:51 AM
Hi Storm!

A lot of us are so unhappy right now because of your dumb way of creating the tournaments. I mean we fight & fight for days on without sleep just to get a dragon we really want. Then, you go ahead and have the nerve to make us suffer on the last 10 rounds. You guys put champion dragons at level 16 like what the heck!?! When are we ever allowed to upgrade our dragons to level 16, & to make us battle a dragon w. that power.. just wow. I am writing this post for one reason, & one reason only, & that's too get your attention w. the fact no one likes the way battle tournaments are set up especially when you can never win without spending gold just to use the ultimate power. Excuse my little rant for the tournaments, but maybe if you would just fix the inconsiderate arrangement of dragons for a tournaments, then maybe a lot of us wouldn't be so unhappy with you!

Please make the battle aren more fair to all players!!

06-09-14, 07:41 AM
Congrats to those that won and good luck next time for those that did not finish. I don't use ULT and if I don't win then I don't win. Most of the time I win though and yes the tourney's are not set up fairly but that is part of the randomness of the fight.

06-09-14, 09:08 AM
I agree this tournament was rubbish!! I have over 300 dragons I can use to fight and still felt like I had no chance to win without using ultimate attacks. Even though I got an awesome dragon for less than 100 gold somehow I still feel *****ed. The combat system is just lousy IMO I mean being stuck fighting the same dragon for two and half days is very frustrating. Sure seems like there could be a better way to make it challenging.

06-09-14, 09:12 AM
If it helps I was stuck on one account at Rd 20, 25, and 30. I used and reused all the usual dragons for these Champs and nothing seemed to come close for the first 10 to 12 times. Then all of a sudden a baby water takes out opponent on Rd 20 but not on the first try. A baby forest took out RD 25 opponent but only after about 20 tries with dragons that should have won eventually. On RD 30 Diamond finally worked after trying that one about 6 times and many others in between. I guess I am lucky that I won this tournament in both accounts. On one account this was my 2nd Champ and on the other account it was my 12th Champ.

06-10-14, 03:44 PM
Phew!!! With just about 4 hours remaining I finally finished!!! My first champion dragon. I was really wanting to get one before I hit level 50 and thanks to diamond, I made it just in time. Congrats to all that finished and good luck to those still fighting. Don't give up. It's not over til it's over

Congrats! Life does get easier when you have a champion. Level him up to epic or at least lvl9 quickly. I'll admit I am starting to get lazy by just defaulting to using him in the earlier rounds of a tourney :D

06-10-14, 03:48 PM
I did it! My first tourney without using ultimate! Bronzetalon went down to white chocolate epic. Congrats to everyone else who made it and good luck to those still battling to the end. My final results:

Nice work! It's getting a bit tough these days to pull that off. I used to do achieve this with a bit of hard work, but now I do resort to the occasional ultimate. This time I had to use ultimate once at 25 to make sure I had enough time to keep hacking away on 30.

06-10-14, 09:58 PM
Congrats! Life does get easier when you have a champion. Level him up to epic or at least lvl9 quickly. I'll admit I am starting to get lazy by just defaulting to using him in the earlier rounds of a tourney :D

Thanks! And hes in the evolution temple now. Soon as he gets out im giving him all the food in the stash and sending him back in.

06-11-14, 05:44 PM
Thanks! And hes in the evolution temple now. Soon as he gets out im giving him all the food in the stash and sending him back in.

Great! They do eat up a lot of food. I think most of the champions take 12500 feedings to get to epic! Just don't pin all your hopes on an epic champion or you will be disappointed. I'm not sure how it works in the background, but to me it seems like you can wear them out. I'll have a good run with one and then they'll fail pretty badly so I try to switch between using well matched colours that I do have and champions.

06-11-14, 10:46 PM
Just to give you an idea of how stuck I got in this tournament, I played every free hour I had and at the end of the tournament I was on Round 9! The fact that half of my island needs healing doesn't help either��