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View Full Version : Concerning your standard answer

05-22-14, 04:10 AM
Dear TL-staff,
have you ever read your own answer, you always give on ANY thread concerning android-parity-issues?
No? Ok, here it is once again. Just for you. Afterwards, the concerning thread is always closed, so no user has any chance to reply on it.

Thank you for your feedback.
Please share any questions or comments you have in Forum Disputes.
Please see Android Parity thread for more information.

The Link Forum Disputes (http://forum.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?75-Forum-Disputes) only leads to a platform, that no user can ever read ("this forum is only visible by TeamLava Staff"), so it is just useless for discussions between staff AND players.
Your second Link Android parity Thread (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?53559-Feedback-Android-parity-discussion-Part-4&p=741356&viewfull=1#post741356) lead to a CLOSED thread. Closed on 09-19-2013. Thats more than half a year and many players in this forum (like me), never had any chance to take part in this discussion.
So your advice is, to either write to a platform, that noone ever reads or to a closed thread, that noone can ever write to.

Be honest. Does THIS make any sense to you? Are you kidding?

I'm pretty sure, that you will close or delete this thread too as fast as you can.
But maybe there is enough time for other users to read this or maybe share their opinion about Team Lavas handling of their customers.

Please don't be afraid of criticism. I sure, if you are willed to talk, we can fairly discuss about this issue.

kooky panda
05-22-14, 05:25 AM
If you read the closing statement on the android parity thread, you will see that is was closed due to certain members ignoring the forum rules and warnings when posting on the thread.
That is why the thread was closed. The community managers allowed this thread to run for a long time, but since a lot of members ignored warnings when posting, it had to be closed.

The forum dispute thread is an area where members can start threads and ask questions and talk directly with Team Lava. It a private forum where others cannot see
what you post, but since Team Lava staff are the only ones that can answer your android parity questions, then there is no need for others to see the thread.

Please do not start up duplicate threads, when another thread was closed. Also please do not discuss moderator actions (closing, deleting, threads).
This is violating the forum rules. (http://forum.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?6-Forum-Rules-amp-Policies)

Ignoring forum rules and warnings can lead to disciplinary action on your account.

[S8] Elsa
05-22-14, 08:45 AM
To add onto what Kooky said, we were very supportive of the discussion and did our best to allow it to continue as long as it could. Our staff and volunteer moderators (we're very grateful for their dedication to helping maintain those threads!) put a lot of time into maintaining the threads so players could share their feedback.

After several warnings, the behavior issues continued and we had to close the discussion. We have received a lot of feedback and will continue to take that into consideration as we progress.

When we have new information to share, we'll be happy to reopen the topic as it's definitely important to us.