View Full Version : Raw materials goal-gem skip

05-21-14, 08:21 PM
If I skip the ember, do I have it or should I buy it again when craft needed?

I can't move on with Griselda without a dragon and I can't seems to get one... For Each tedious goal I finish I get more frustrating goal instead.

05-22-14, 12:06 AM
I don't know for sure, but I think yes. I know you actually need one for crafting, but don't know if skipping gives you one. I was in the same boat as you; waiting on my dragon so I could move on. I got the ember after only 2 quests, but it took days for me to get the diamond for the next quest. Like 10 days. :/ But hang in there! You'll get it eventually. Luck!

05-22-14, 12:23 AM
Yes you do, I skipped that part and then had everything I needed to move on

05-22-14, 06:17 AM
Thank you... I have the diemond and I'll try to get the fleece, but if it takes more than 3-4adventures I'll pass the ember.