View Full Version : Which counter does the food go to?

05-18-14, 06:11 AM
I'm trying to store my gray counters but apparently many counters have foods with tons of serving. If I cook a food that was already on the counter and there is another counter open, the food that I just cooked will go to the empty counter. Right? So then if I cook a food that I never cooked before and there are no empty counters, will the food that I first cooked go to the counter with many servings or is it the other way around? For example, on one of my counters there are Red Velvet Cake(with tons of servings) and I another Red Velvet Cake. Since I have one empty counter The Red Velvet Cake that I just cooked will go to that counter. After that, if I cooked Brownies(no counters have brownies and there are no more empty counter) and I need to serve it, will the Red Velvet Cake(with tons of servings) go to the counter with Red Velvet Cake that I just cooked, or is it the other way around?

Sorry if it's too long.....

05-18-14, 08:01 AM
Not sure, I just figured it was kind of random. But I suppose it may already go to a counter that was stacked with that food before the merge. Mine are mostly the same and I just store the old ones once they become clear and stop making whatever is on those particular counters to ensure that they are depleted. Worth a shot either way, as hopefully it will clear out one or two of the ones you are trying to get rid of, but I don't know the exact pattern unfortunately. :/

05-18-14, 08:05 AM
In my case it's like this... say I start with:

Counter A: 100,000 servings of RVCs
Counter B: empty

When my next batch of RVCs are ready (say, 10 ovens, each with 100 servings):

Counter A: 100,900 servings of RVCs
Counter B: 100 servings of RVCs

Then, if I serve coffee (assuming a "new" food), this will happen:

Counter A: coffee
Counter B: 101,000 servings of RVCs

That's how I generally store my Counter A - by serving some gifts (say, the 50 cappuccino).

05-18-14, 08:43 AM
If you have the same food on multiple counters then make a dish that isn't already on a counter then the food on multiple counters will all combine on which ever counter has been out the longest. It doesn't matter if that counter has the most food or not. It just depends on the "age" of the counter.

05-21-14, 05:43 AM
If you have the same food on several counters, when you cook a new dish, the old food will all go to the counter which held the first plate. So if you have a counter with loads of servings and one with a few, the food will pile up on the one with loads of servings. If you are trying to get rid of precisely that counter... you will need to wait for this food to sell off!