View Full Version : Adverts For Alliance in Global

05-14-14, 01:34 AM
Hi, What is the acceptable level of advertising your alliance in global. If you are not in Top 50 it is required to advert your alliance make sure you recruit active players in your alliance. But one of our elders is suspended recently for the same. I am sure he did not use any offending language or does not block other chats during this process.

Please let me know what is your acceptable level for this activity

05-14-14, 02:07 AM
Right now there is someone spamming away for an alliance that has 49 members and as you scroll down the chat you can see about 20 adverts for them. First off, it that worked they would have filled that slot by now. Second off, it's pretty selfish to advertise that hard to fill one slot, how long will you be full? As soon as someone leaves they are back spamming away. And all the while never making a post in the Alliance Portal subforum here where adverts are allowed. There is no need to have more than 1 advert on the chat at a time. If I can scroll down and see your advert, you don't need to post again.

I've attached a couple images. Too much?

05-14-14, 11:40 AM
We're sorry to hear about the spam messages. While it's ok to advertise for your alliance, we do not condone spamming with advertisements. If you are experiencing an issue in chat please use the feature that lets you report players who are abusing the chat, which you can access by tapping on the green icon next to the message.

We can't share info on any disciplinary action for accounts that are not yours. If the user who was disciplined has any questions they will need to contact Fire Mocha support at support@firemocha.com