View Full Version : How do you design YOUR restaurant?

05-07-14, 05:48 PM
I usually open Paint and turn on the grid line option. I make a rectangle with the measurement of my restaurant. After having that basic outline, I know how much room I have to work with. Each square inside of the outline represents a tile in game. Using this I can map out where I want my tables, appliances, and anything else I may want. This way I can re-design my restaurant and have a fairly good representation of what it would look like in game.

I'm decently happy with this way of doing things, but I was wondering if anyone else does something similar? Do you use a program, draw it out on paper, or just wing it when you decide to re-design your restaurant?

If you're wondering what my way looks like, here's an old design I saved.


Let me know what you guys do!

05-08-14, 05:41 AM
I use Excel for my floor plan! I find it easier to just fill in the cells with different colors that correspond to the items in my game. Then if I'm still not satisfied and want to see how my actual restaurant will look like, I take screenshots and edit things in Photoshop. xD

05-08-14, 09:43 AM
I've used photoshop before too. I would be deliriously happy if I had a few hundred (or hey since I'm dreaming, unlimited) gems to decorate with. So what I did was take screenshots of the wallpapers, floor tiles, decor etc I wanted to use and make an awesome restaurant and see how amazing it looks without spending any gems. Kinda hurts to not be able to actually implement it though. :p

05-08-14, 11:40 AM
I just do it ingame, and keep change until eyes are happy

05-08-14, 11:59 AM
I just do it ingame, and keep change until eyes are happy

Yup. Me too.

05-09-14, 02:10 AM
I just do it ingame, and keep change until eyes are happy

Me too. I'd get frustrated trying to draw/use computer. Although, it's probably easier in the long run or more precise.

05-09-14, 02:22 AM
I do it in game. I find it easier to see exactly how things look as I'm doing it.

05-09-14, 05:06 AM
Can someone help me with city story problem?

05-09-14, 05:09 AM
Can someone help me with city story problem?

You can put your problem in this city story metro bug thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?31606-Current-and-Known-Bugs-and-Issues-for-City-Metro) or this one (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?26276-Current-Known-Bugs-and-Issues-for-City-Story) for city story