View Full Version : No goals for installing updated version of BS?

05-03-14, 12:36 AM
I logged in just now and there was a pop-up message saying that the St Paddy's Day version is no longer supported, to get gems (ha!) and new updates please download the Mother's Day version.

So I take it that we're not receiving gems for downloading the new version? Really, TL? First you reduce the number of gems for downloading and completing levels in other games, and now this? :mad:

05-03-14, 02:50 AM
So I was on the St. Patrick's Day version and it told me to go get the new version.
I go looking for it and saw tl posts on their blog but no version from their link?
And the new wicker stuff is gone from the St. Patrick's version but since I can't find mother's day...


I want to buy bread baskets XD

Please put the ANDROID version up on google play please!! XD

05-03-14, 03:49 AM
I got a pop up saying that the version I am playing will no longer be supported and that I need to download the mothers day edition. I have looked on Google play store and cannot find it.

05-03-14, 04:28 AM
I got a pop up saying that the version I am playing will no longer be supported and that I need to download the mothers day edition. I have looked on Google play store and cannot find it.

I can find it - but I think a lot of us will wait till a mod gets back to us on whether TL's no longer offering that as a goal. My other thread about this:

05-03-14, 04:46 AM
Got the same pop up this morning

05-03-14, 04:49 AM
Here's the link I found.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.bakerystory36

05-03-14, 05:04 AM
I'm using the same version and it says from the 5th so hopefully we will have the goal to download the new one before then.

05-03-14, 07:15 AM
Here's the link I found.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.bakerystory36

Thank you for the link have now downloaded it.

05-03-14, 02:55 PM
Thank you for the info guys, glad its not just my phone XD
I think I will wait to see if we get a goal too :)
I hope we get some new mothers day decor to go along with that version too...that doesn't cost ten gems for tables >:(

05-04-14, 02:41 AM
I logged in just now and there was a pop-up message saying that the St Paddy's Day version is no longer supported, to get gems (ha!) and new updates please download the Mother's Day version.

So I take it that we're not receiving gems for downloading the new version? Really, TL? First you reduce the number of gems for downloading and completing levels in other games, and now this? :mad:

At least you've got the Mother's Day version available for you to download! I've also got the same message and there is no Mother's Day version for me at all! Have to resort to the original version and received nothing of the new update (The wicker table et al.) :mad:

05-04-14, 02:44 AM
Thank you for the link have now downloaded it.

Thank you very much! :)

05-04-14, 03:45 AM
I am also wondering as per OP query....are we no longer going to receive gems to download the new versions on android? Has anyone had an answer on this as yet?

05-04-14, 09:59 AM
I'm still going to wait until Monday to see if we get a goal to install the new version. I experienced the same thing with Pet Shop Story a few months back. There was this pop-up saying that the version I'm using will no longer be supported so I must download the Carnival version in order to see new stuffs, but I didn't and come Monday I received the goal on BS, RS, DS, etc.

05-04-14, 04:13 PM
It's always the same. When there's a new version it comes out Friday but people wait until Monday to download it after the goal pops up to dl it for gems. We, that downloaded early, are probably not getting gems. The message on the St. Patty version might of confused some of you but if you downloaded it now, I don't see us receiving gems. It probably said that because it's the most up to date bakery story version. The message just wasn't good lol

05-04-14, 07:39 PM
I still have st patrick's day version and have not yet received any prompt for a new version or that pop up saying that st patrick's day version will no longer be supported, so I suppose the prompt may be rolling out to different players at different times.

05-04-14, 09:08 PM
As I can remember, we didn't get any pop-up last year for installing Mothers' Day version, so no gems for downloading too.

05-05-14, 04:26 AM
It's always the same. When there's a new version it comes out Friday but people wait until Monday to download it after the goal pops up to dl it for gems. We, that downloaded early, are probably not getting gems. The message on the St. Patty version might of confused some of you but if you downloaded it now, I don't see us receiving gems. It probably said that because it's the most up to date bakery story version. The message just wasn't good lol

i always wait for the goal, but don't usually get such an "out-of-date" message beforehand (i think i saw such a message once before, no idea when). and hasn't mother's day version been out since last weekend? anyway, when i got the "this version is no longer supported" msg over the weekend i went and updated for the bread baskets. i kinda thought maybe i'd been slow to download/update other games (had the new candy craze and new fashion story goals just recently too), and TL wouldn't give me that many update goals so close together? of course, i mostly just talked myself into that because i didn't want to believe the lack of update goals would be a regular thing.

if you guys who didn't update when you got the msg about no longer supported do in fact get the goal today i will be very annoyed.

05-05-14, 09:33 AM
Did anyone get a goal to install Mother's day? I'm still waiting on it.

05-05-14, 10:52 AM
Nothing yet for me.

05-05-14, 11:14 AM
i did install it but every old goal popped up which i completed on my apple device so uninstalled it and just using normal plain bakery story..

05-05-14, 02:21 PM
I didn't mind not getting new updates right away since we got gem for waiting but now we don't get gems for waiting for update and we have to wait 2 or 3 days longer than Apple users for no reason

05-05-14, 06:07 PM
i downloaded mothers day version, all was on it was the wicker decor. 10 gems a tbl is really high!! it seems all updates now are high priced gems only. i love BS and RS i wish the changes being made would be more entertaining rather than more difficult.

05-05-14, 08:41 PM
I didn't mind not getting new updates right away since we got gem for waiting but now we don't get gems for waiting for update and we have to wait 2 or 3 days longer than Apple users for no reason

I'm curious how many players would actually download the Mother's Day version - for all we know a lot of players do not even know the existence of this forum (or that there's a weekly update on Wednesday). Right now it says 10,000+ downloads in the Android play store. I wonder if this is what TL aims for, by cutting the goal :rolleyes:

05-06-14, 12:09 AM
I just got the goal to download BS Mother's Day version for gems a few minutes after reset. :) Glad I waited!

05-06-14, 12:10 AM
I just got the goal to download BS Mother's Day version for gems a few minutes after reset. :) Glad I waited!

Same here - glad that TL comes to its senses.

05-06-14, 12:16 AM
i haven't got the goal yet and i'm on android.. :(

05-06-14, 12:25 AM
i haven't got the goal yet and i'm on android.. :(

Did you dowload Mother's day before the goal? Because if you did you won't get the goal to install it. I got the goal after the reset.

05-06-14, 12:31 AM
Did you dowload Mother's day before the goal? Because if you did you won't get the goal to install it. I got the goal after the reset.

Yes I did but had to unistall it due to every old goal popping up that I completed on my apple device. So I won't get a goal? Take it if I want the update on Wed I should update to the Mothers Day?

05-06-14, 12:40 AM
Yes I did but had to unistall it due to every old goal popping up that I completed on my apple device. So I won't get a goal? Take it if I want the update on Wed I should update to the Mothers Day?

Yes unfortunately, since you already installed it before the goal came up so even if it's uninstalled now, you still won't get the goal. The old goals popping up is an old problem... did you try to force close the app first then check again? For me it usually does the trick.

05-06-14, 12:45 AM
Yes I did but had to unistall it due to every old goal popping up that I completed on my apple device. So I won't get a goal? Take it if I want the update on Wed I should update to the Mothers Day?

I think that once you install new version before the goal you won't get gems. You should update to mother's day because that where new updates will be.
I also get the pop ups of old goals sometimes, but I when I turn it off they don't pop up again when I turn it back on.

05-06-14, 12:48 AM
Yes unfortunately, since you already installed it before the goal came up so even if it's uninstalled now, you still won't get the goal. The old goals popping up is an old problem... did you try to force close the app first then check again? For me it usually does the trick.

How do you force close? I did email teamlava about it but doubt they'll do anything but thanks I installed it again. (sorry it's just my android device is 6 days old and still getting used to the changes and updates and goals etc)

05-06-14, 12:57 AM
Just a quick question, (might sound stupid) but I transferred my game over by creating new ID and using the Restaurant Story change account feature..does this mean my account is transferred over?

05-06-14, 01:04 AM
How do you force close? I did email teamlava about it but doubt they'll do anything but thanks I installed it again. (sorry it's just my android device is 6 days old and still getting used to the changes and updates and goals etc)

If you're on Samsung, hold down the menu button and the recent apps will appear. Click the icon with the trash bin and that should clear/force close all your recent apps. If you're not though, try to google it.. I'm not too familiar with other devices. xD

Just a quick question, (might sound stupid) but I transferred my game over by creating new ID and using the Restaurant Story change account feature..does this mean my account is transferred over?

Yeah it is..

05-06-14, 01:13 AM
Yeah I got the galaxy s5. Oh thank you so much that made my mind clear now. Thanks..