View Full Version : Game Display Has Reverted To Old Style

04-29-14, 05:49 PM
A very long time ago in a galaxy far far away, the storage and the dragon listings in the market were listed in a single row - forcing one to scan and scan and scan through to find anything.

The display was updated to a full page of inventory - a single swipe up and down would display the myriad of items in inventory or dragons available, etc. It was an invaluable improvement.

Today, the display reverted to the original, obnoxious and cumbersome method! Was this intentional? It is a HUGE step backwards - made far far worse by the numbers of dragons and items available.

It was annoying before pink or white or black dragons, it was particularly annoying when two color dragons were introduced. It is an unmitigated disaster now! Please return it to a workable form!

One other problem with this new update (? Is that what it is????) My quest post returned - awarded me a gold then started glowing. It no longer lists any quests - has no buttons to initiate quests - nothing. ????? What gives? Did I catch it mid-update?

kooky panda
04-29-14, 06:20 PM
Since you have the quest post you must be on IOS device.
I am not seeing this change, my storage is the same .

What the version number of the game you are playing?

Outpost issue has been reported.

Current thread here. (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?68124-My-Quest-Outpost-Is-Frozen&p=894277&viewfull=1#post894277)

04-29-14, 07:04 PM
I deleted the game and reloaded. It is back to the "normal" display.

Thank you for the out post link. :)

kooky panda
04-30-14, 05:25 AM
Oh good!! Glad yours is back to normal!