View Full Version : Farm 2 Poll and Suggestion Thread 4-29-14

kooky panda
04-29-14, 11:40 AM
What items would you like to see come to your Farm?

You can vote only once, but you can pick more than one item.

You can also post suggestions for new items you would like to see. For example, what crops, trees, recipes, and decor would you like to have?

04-29-14, 02:55 PM
It might be too early yet (possibly wait until June/July) but Watermelon, perhaps as a limited crop (like the Peppermint)? Also perhaps Lettuce or Cabbage? One could feature in a new salad (Waldorf?) and the other could be used for coleslaw. Maybe Soybeans as well, to produce Tofu and Soy Sauce? It could also be used to "improve" the livestock feed recipes--it might be a no-brainer to accelerate the time it takes to collect bacon and wool, but if space is at a premium in barns, players could opt to use the "original recipe" livestock feed to continue at the slower rate, then use the improved recipe only when needed, like to fulfill a large order.

Coconut trees? Then German Chocolate Cake (or just Chocolate Cake) becomes an option, along with other confections, as well as coconut milk.

Thank you for including Chocolate Chip Cookies now...so maybe Peanut Butter Cookies should be next? I'm also not high enough yet to have access to the banana tree (or the strawberry plants), so I'm not sure what is available for either fruit. But, if it's not already in play, Banana Cream Pie, using bananas, cream, and flour? Banana Pudding, maybe using banana, milk, and eggs and/or sugar and/or cornstarch? Strawberry milk? Strawberry Short Cake? And since, to the best of my knowledge the Bass is still not used for anything, how about Fish Steaks?

A second Bait Shop was made available, so how about another Herb Garden or Beehive?

Geese? They could drop a "bunch" of feathers (as opposed to single feathers) and so many bunches (2-3?) could be used to make down pillows or duvets. And maybe, as a random thing, a goose could also "lay" a golden egg (or a gem).

Just as we have the option to buy skins for the animals, perhaps we can buy a couple of different skins for the farmhouse? Purely cosmetic, naturally, but it might be interesting to have a Japanese house to go with the Japanese decor, a more medieval look to go with the Leprechaun tower, a colorful and fanciful look to go with the Easter Decor, etc. And the Halloween skin could be purchased now if a player wants to give his/her farm a spookier look. Likewise, all the other holiday skins could be made available for purchase (if not already purchased) in the main game and could be used at any time now.

04-29-14, 03:00 PM
1. A makeover for the unusual looking banana trees ;)
2. Some useful function for the treehouse.

Thanks, TL. :D

04-29-14, 07:23 PM
Banana cream pie, banana taffy or anything to use up bananas. Strawberry jam would also be nice.

04-29-14, 08:47 PM
Ooooh, I like the idea of some useful purpose for the treehouse - TL, you're only limited by your creativity!

Another building would be great, as well as something else to craft with the toymaker. The toymaker is my only building that ever sits idle.

04-29-14, 10:59 PM
I'd say crafting option for wood planks is essential and long overdue!

04-29-14, 11:01 PM
Also, would love it if the bar on buying stuff outside if your level was lifted. Toys won't sell very fast because only high level people can buy them etc. I don't really see the point, let people buy them, what harm does it do!

04-29-14, 11:57 PM
Ability to make larger quantities of feed. For example make 4 or 8 at a time. Also make saws in the forge.

04-30-14, 12:12 AM
A paint maker - blueberries, water, corn flour. But make the "baking" time long, so that it's still reasonably difficult to obtain but not quite as impossible as it is now!

04-30-14, 08:56 AM
I agree with you, however if TL decides to put another bee hive or herb garden, I think they should look different. Or maybe add more bees on the same bee hive and upgrade it. I don't like that the second fish pond looks the same, they should have give more effort on that one. However, I voted, I would love an Ice cream place, and maybe you can give us more quest daily, like charities and we can earn some kind of reward, doesn't have to be expensive ones

04-30-14, 10:27 AM
Voted for the Artesian Well, caused scooping spring water from it sound fun and nice. XD Though I don't mind a ice cream machine too! I'd love to have a option to craft wood plank on our forge.

Instead of having another bee hive or herb garden, how about increasing the drop rate instead? You don't wanna have a farm fill with multiple of the same buildings right and the lack of space is another issue. =.="

04-30-14, 12:34 PM

I have a couple of ideas and some of them are the same as other people here but I'll say them to show support for the idea

1. An improvement to the gift system is needed the gifts you receive sometimes are awful, I don't need wheat, cow feed or a couple of coins! The tree house is just a decoration just now how about making that the new way of gifting? People could select 3 items every 24 hour peoriod that they want to get like paint boards land deeds, anything!! And neighbours will have to physically( well virtually...) visit people click on their tree house and select to give them one of their gifts (without taking it from the senders barn or silo, much like the gifts are now) which would encourage people to visit others. And allow people to feel like they're getting somewhere.

2. The ability to make paint, possibly in the studio, we could use flour and blackberries maybe. It could be an eight hour product to make it difficult to get but not to difficult. You could also raise the maximum price, I myself would pay loads for even one paint can. This might encourage people who are trying to get coins quick to sell their paint. As it is if one appears on the newspaper, I nearly put my finger through my ipad trying to buy it! Lol!

3. A super silo would be awesome!! One that maybe costs a lot but makes 4 feed in every slot as apposed to 2. We could even pay coins to upgrade our silos.

4. Finally an ice cream maker! A nice summery treat! Lol! We already have all the ingredients needed!

Thanks!!! ;)

04-30-14, 02:24 PM
The ability to search for items in the newspaper.

04-30-14, 05:58 PM

I have a couple of ideas and some of them are the same as other people here but I'll say them to show support for the idea

1. An improvement to the gift system is needed the gifts you receive sometimes are awful, I don't need wheat, cow feed or a couple of coins! The tree house is just a decoration just now how about making that the new way of gifting? People could select 3 items every 24 hour peoriod that they want to get like paint boards land deeds, anything!! And neighbours will have to physically( well virtually...) visit people click on their tree house and select to give them one of their gifts (without taking it from the senders barn or silo, much like the gifts are now) which would encourage people to visit others. And allow people to feel like they're getting somewhere.

2. The ability to make paint, possibly in the studio, we could use flour and blackberries maybe. It could be an eight hour product to make it difficult to get but not to difficult. You could also raise the maximum price, I myself would pay loads for even one paint can. This might encourage people who are trying to get coins quick to sell their paint. As it is if one appears on the newspaper, I nearly put my finger through my ipad trying to buy it! Lol!

3. A super silo would be awesome!! One that maybe costs a lot but makes 4 feed in every slot as apposed to 2. We could even pay coins to upgrade our silos.

4. Finally an ice cream maker! A nice summery treat! Lol! We already have all the ingredients needed!

Thanks!!! ;)

Ditto to all of the above.

Finding some use for the Bass would be great. It's useless except for plane/train orders.
Also, adding a weekly goal would be a great way to keep players interested and more involved. The old house could be used, just like when there were those goals when first starting FS2.

05-01-14, 10:02 AM
A paint maker or being a part on the forge, a pet store :p

05-01-14, 10:31 AM
The ability to search for items in the newspaper.

Oh yeah forgot to mention that one! Even being able to search our friends stores quicker would be great!

05-02-14, 07:50 AM
Produce paint on studio or any other building please

05-03-14, 04:12 AM
Hello there
I have a suggestion.
Grapes grow on vines
Could be a goal where we need to construct a trellis (using materials eg. Wood planks nails hammer) to grow the grapes on
Grapes can then be harvested and used 2 ways.
Grapes = vinegar, grape seed oil, jelly, jam, juice, fruit salad (deli)with apples oranges grapes bananas & blackberries
Dehydrate (crop dryer) the grapes for sultanas = sultana cake (flour, egg sugar milk butter sultanas) apple strudel ( flour eggs brown sugar apples sultanas) sultana & chocolate cookies (flour white sugar cocoa milk sultanas) sultana & banana muffins (flour white sugar bananas eggs sultanas) Bread & butter pudding (bread butter sugar milk & sultanas)
Hope fellow farmers like this idea. :)

05-03-14, 09:37 AM
The ability to make paint and planks would be awesome. I agree with the others, that they should be hard to make ... But at least we won't be sitting for weeks without getting any. I'd make paint even if it took 2 days.

05-03-14, 05:34 PM

I have a couple of ideas and some of them are the same as other people here but I'll say them to show support for the idea

1. An improvement to the gift system is needed the gifts you receive sometimes are awful, I don't need wheat, cow feed or a couple of coins! The tree house is just a decoration just now how about making that the new way of gifting? People could select 3 items every 24 hour peoriod that they want to get like paint boards land deeds, anything!! And neighbours will have to physically( well virtually...) visit people click on their tree house and select to give them one of their gifts (without taking it from the senders barn or silo, much like the gifts are now) which would encourage people to visit others. And allow people to feel like they're getting somewhere.

2. The ability to make paint, possibly in the studio, we could use flour and blackberries maybe. It could be an eight hour product to make it difficult to get but not to difficult. You could also raise the maximum price, I myself would pay loads for even one paint can. This might encourage people who are trying to get coins quick to sell their paint. As it is if one appears on the newspaper, I nearly put my finger through my ipad trying to buy it! Lol!

3. A super silo would be awesome!! One that maybe costs a lot but makes 4 feed in every slot as apposed to 2. We could even pay coins to upgrade our silos.

4. Finally an ice cream maker! A nice summery treat! Lol! We already have all the ingredients needed!

Thanks!!! ;)[/QUOTE

I love the tree house gifting idea, that's perfect! I also vote for the ability to somehow make paint. Good suggestions!

05-07-14, 03:38 PM
I don't remember what suggestions I've made in the past, but how about Garlic as another crop, and Olives as another tree? Then perhaps options such as Garlic Bread (Bread, Butter, Garlic) and Olive Oil (Olives and a building, like the Kitchen or maybe a new one) become available. And with vegetable oil now available, perhaps Soap is a possibility (using fruits like the blackberry, lemon, etc. for variety, just as with the candles). Or Cucumber, to make Pickles as well as maybe another type of Salad?

This is purely cosmetic, but how about changing the scenery based on time of day? It might be interesting to see what region our neighbors are (generally) based on the time of day we see. This could also be used to introduce other time-based items and activities...perhaps catching fireflies to make Low-Tech Lanterns?

We have pet cats and pet dogs, horses and show ponies. We even have an Alpaca, so how about making the stream be of use and giving us another unexpected animal--a Seal? It can be treated like the other non-livestock animals and produce various items...or perhaps it COULD be a livestock animal that provides us regularly with a new fish of some sort? Or maybe those fish could be random...the seal could pop up in the Fish Pond now and again and toss out a fish or some other item.

Flowers, maybe? If Soap becomes a possibility, flowers could be used for variation as well as arrangements that could be sold.

And since space continues to be an issue for expansion, how about making the plateau above the Fish Pond to the right of the Mine available?

05-08-14, 01:27 PM
Something new! I had a ton of fun with events but they are temporary... maybe river deliveries? some use for the tree house? daily quests / community goals? even the option to send larger deliveriy trains would be something new in a way

i think it would be better to focus in other things than new buildings/crops/recipes to do the same things (produce, buy, sell, hoard, send deliveries in the same way) because there are a lot already and the things to do with them not

05-11-14, 03:29 AM
A jelly recipe with sugar rather than honey!

05-12-14, 01:07 PM
I don't remember what suggestions I've made in the past, but how about Garlic as another crop, and Olives as another tree? Then perhaps options such as Garlic Bread (Bread, Butter, Garlic) and Olive Oil (Olives and a building, like the Kitchen or maybe a new one) become available. And with vegetable oil now available, perhaps Soap is a possibility (using fruits like the blackberry, lemon, etc. for variety, just as with the candles). Or Cucumber, to make Pickles as well as maybe another type of Salad?

This is purely cosmetic, but how about changing the scenery based on time of day? It might be interesting to see what region our neighbors are (generally) based on the time of day we see. This could also be used to introduce other time-based items and activities...perhaps catching fireflies to make Low-Tech Lanterns?

We have pet cats and pet dogs, horses and show ponies. We even have an Alpaca, so how about making the stream be of use and giving us another unexpected animal--a Seal? It can be treated like the other non-livestock animals and produce various items...or perhaps it COULD be a livestock animal that provides us regularly with a new fish of some sort? Or maybe those fish could be random...the seal could pop up in the Fish Pond now and again and toss out a fish or some other item.

Flowers, maybe? If Soap becomes a possibility, flowers could be used for variation as well as arrangements that could be sold.

And since space continues to be an issue for expansion, how about making the plateau above the Fish Pond to the right of the Mine available?
Omg! I love your idea about changing time, from day to night and when we visit other farms we would know at what time zone they are, so interesting new way of playing, and I think the TeamLava would give this idea a shot and make our farms look great at night. We can use our new white lamps.I'm on level 34 and I'm enjoying this game.

05-12-14, 01:11 PM
The ability to search for items in the newspaper.

I'm not a fan of this idea. I mean that would be so easier, so much that the game wouldn't be interesting. In that case we would be able to find whatever we need at what time we need it for, and that is not the point.

05-21-14, 10:57 AM
I would LOVE another double coin weekend. It might make the deliveries worthwhile!

05-29-14, 09:09 AM
I would LOVE another double coin weekend. It might make the deliveries worthwhile!

It's been a while since we had a double-anything .... Mining, lumber, coins, fishing, etc
How about one of those, TL.

kooky panda
05-29-14, 11:01 AM
Thanks for the votes!! Results have been submitted!