View Full Version : Can't connect to facebook

04-28-14, 04:05 AM
Hi, I need help. Currently my zoo story 2, I'm playing alone. The system fail to connect facebook so that I can find my friend. Can u please guide me how to connect it or join some group so that I can interact with others. I got a lot of coins but no banana, no gem, no people send me thing for me to complete the task. Please advice me how to proceed. Thanks in advance..

04-28-14, 02:47 PM
You can find people looking for neighbours in this thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?67093-Zoo-Story-2-April-2014). To invite them go to the menu, the social, then invite (put their ID in and send). You can also put your ID in the thread so people know you're looking for neighbours.

Another option is to post your ID on your wall in the game. Then visit other zoos through the community menu. Make sure your tour and leave a message on their wall. Some of them may send you invites.