View Full Version : Dragon on breeding list is stuck

04-23-14, 06:46 PM
As you can see on the right, my Jewlery dragon says it's breeding, but clearly my nest is empty. I can still breed, but not that dragon. I have closed out The app ~ any other suggestions?


04-23-14, 06:52 PM
And ~ my Jewlery dragon is missing! When I click on it at the habitat it should be in, it takes me to the Artic balloon.

She is probably very hungry and wants to come home:)

04-23-14, 06:56 PM

Umm....she is in the artic island! I'm so embarrassed! I never go there. But I did last night. Oops! I so forgot! That's Why it took me to the artic balloon!

Please close this thread! I'm so sorry:)

04-24-14, 03:13 AM
So glad you got it sorted :)