View Full Version : Customers staying longer

04-22-14, 11:06 PM
Anyone notice in the last couple of weeks the customers are staying a lot longer in RS - They still take 14-15 bites in BS, but now take 47-50 in RS. I noticed by chance, now wonder whether it might have something to do with the amount of food available... Maybe an attempt to make the food last longer, but I preferred it before...always takes so long to expand...

04-23-14, 10:02 AM
Yeah I have noticed this as well. Well I saw you're post and I was curious. :)

04-23-14, 10:18 AM
The portions are bigger. They are taking their time to chew 100 times. Wouldn't want any of their odd head shaped kiddies to choke now would we? :rolleyes:

04-24-14, 01:36 PM
Fat customers.

04-28-14, 06:03 PM
I too noticed a difference. I'm at level 99 and have been for a long while now and I was constantly running out of food which wasn't great, but I didn't really mind. I'm wondering if this is a beta test from TL trying to address the many complaints I've seen in the forum about food selling out at a faster rate to BS. For me personally, I'd rather have empty counters than have to stare at the same food for months on end. On a normal day, I'd sell out all my food while at work but so far this week I haven't had a single empty counter!

05-01-14, 05:25 AM
it is really slow...its like they chew the food much eh lol...

05-02-14, 05:31 PM
My ppl aren't staying longer bcuz if they were I'd b losing my food much slower which I'm not. If anything it's moving much faster.