View Full Version : How many neighbors to have?

04-22-14, 04:31 PM
This may be a silly question but how many neighbors do you have? Is there a limit for how many the game allows or any reason you wouldn't want too many or as I'm understanding should I try to get as many active neighbors as possible?

P.S. If getting as many as possible is a good goal all feel free to add me I'm RS and BS: janddolphins

Thanks for any advice!

04-22-14, 06:46 PM
I think the max on neighbors is about 2000 or so, so it's not very likely that you will get there or need to get there.

Honestly, I say you probably could just keep around 40-50 neighbors and be in good shape. You can only receive 20 requested parts and 20 gifted items per day, so having a 100 neighbors doesn't really have an advantage there vs. the 40, as the request and gift can come from the same person. However, the lower the neighbor count, the more important the "quality" of the neighbors are. For instance, if you have a ton, there's a great chance there are at least around half or so that are still active and you can count on. If you have a lower number, then less chances of that happening. So pay attention when you visit to notice if they always have green (spoiled) food, empty counters/appliances, really old wall posts (and it's not evident that they are actively deleting posts to maintain the wall), 0 star rating, etc. This way, you can remove the ones that aren't working for you and/or have moved on from the game and work on adding a few more.

As for adding people, the Mods will direct you here: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?59838-Restaurant-Story-Game-Guide

Go to the end of Post #2 to find the Neighbor Form and Neighbor List to find some new neighbors.

04-22-14, 07:09 PM
Thank you so much for that response, that really helped as I'm moving forward in this game :)