View Full Version : Old appliances

04-17-14, 08:41 PM
For appliances I have mastered all the recipes and they are just sitting in my inventory taking up space can I sell them or are there going to be new recipes on those some day? Does anyone do this? I'm talking ones that were for goals and have like 1-3 recipes. I have to go through all of them to find which ones I haven't mastered because I usually don't remember. But I also don't want to get rid of them and then there be new recipes one day and I have to rebuild. Thanks! :)

04-18-14, 02:47 PM
Y worry about them taking up space? There's no limit as 2 how many items u can have in storage, if there was I'd b in trouble since I've been playing since July 2012 . So far the only "purchased" appliance TL has added recipes 2 is the Drink Machine. 2 play it safe I've kept all of my alliances especially since u only get 10% of the initial cost back. So 2make a long story short do whatever u want bcuz it's highly unlikely new recipes will b added.

04-18-14, 03:27 PM
Yeah, I don't get the need to ditch them either, the space for them will still be there whether you delete them or not. So it's not like it's literally taking up space to scroll through for each appliance you have multiples of. However, if you're a high leveled player, I guess you guys may as well sell them, if you have a ton of parts to just build more later on if they do bring them back with something new. Either way....eh, whatever floats your boat, probably won't hurt much regardless.

04-18-14, 07:05 PM
It's not about them taking up space but I'm level 99 and now I'm trying to go through which appliances still have a recipe that hasn't been mastered and I forget which ones I've mastered all the recipes on. So I end up having to pull them out check and store them and then go on to the next appliance to check that one every time I just don't wanna do that or keep them for nothing.

04-18-14, 07:17 PM
Well if u play the challenges the way I do, then u shouldn't have 2 worry about the challenge ovens. Once I finish a challenge I go ahead and master all the recipes involved, that way there's never a ? In my head about them. U of course can play however u want but I know w the luck I have I'd just get rid of something and the new recipe the following wk would b on that appliance.
Good luck w whatever decision u make. :cool:

04-18-14, 08:31 PM
Sehana has a mastery checklist (http://bit.ly/RstrChklstSD2) that you could download to mark off the recipes you've mastered.

04-19-14, 07:36 PM
Sehana has a mastery checklist (http://bit.ly/RstrChklstSD2) that you could download to mark off the recipes you've mastered.

Thank you!